760H.6315/3–647: Telegram

The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Cabot) to the Secretary of State


217. Made courtesy call on Foreign Minister64 today. In course of general conversation we came to Yugoslav claims on Carinthia. Minister mentioned that Nazis had built 2 dams on Drave immediately above frontier and thereby reduced electric output of Yugoslav dams below frontier to 3 percent of capacity.

Yugoslavs have been conducting vigorous propaganda campaign locally in favor of their claims. They have at least 2 strong points in their favor, 1, sections of the area undoubtedly have Slovene majorities, 2, Austria can scarcely claim as good record as Yugoslavia in fighting Axis aggression.

Plebiscite after last war of course weakens Yugoslav claims. Nevertheless as means of countering Yugoslav assertions that we always favor their adversaries even if ex-enemies, Department might wish to consider possibility either of accepting new plebiscite (which would probably go against Yugoslavia) or of ceding small area containing [Page 197] Nazi dams which if Simić informed me correctly are on territory-close to frontier with Slovene majorities. This would correct apparent Nazi injustice to Yugoslavia.64a

Repeated Moscow 7, Vienna 8.

  1. Stanoje Simić.
  2. Telegram 154, March 20, to Belgrade, not printed, replied to this message as follows:

    “For urinfo position of US on Austrian frontier formulated at time of Moscow Declaration 1943 stated that no change would be made in frontiers existing in 1937. This position consistently upheld since that time and is supported by Brit and French. US Deputy at London stated with Brit and French concurrence that plebiscite in 1920 had settled question and no major changes had taken place since that time.” (760H.6315/3–1447)