861.24591/3–1546: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
us most urgent niact
214. British Embassy has just informed Dept that the British Ambassador in Tehran has telegraphed the FonOff that the Governor of the National Bank20a on behalf of Qavam has informed you and him that the Soviet Chargé d’Affaires has threatened that the Soviet Govt would regard as an unfriendly act an appeal by Qavam to the Security Council, and that the Prime Minister in view of this threat wished; to have the advice of the British and US Govts and to know what support they could give him.
The telegram goes on to state that you and the British Ambassador agreed that while you personally thought the failure of Iran to appeal would prejudice her case you felt that you must consult your respective Govts before giving any advice.
The Embassy also informs us that Bevin has instructed the British Ambassador in Tehran to inform the Iranian Govt that in his opinion there is no course open to Iran but to appeal to the Security Council.
Please tell Qavam that there is nothing in the circumstances for Iran to do but immediately to file an appeal with the Security Council. You should remind him that we have already given him assurances of our full support to such an appeal.21
- Abol Hassan Ebtehaj, Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (Banque Mellie).↩
In telegram 216, March 16, 11 a.m., the Department notified the Ambassador in Tehran: “The question raised in your 343 of Mar. 15, 1 p.m. [p. 356] has already been answered in our 214 of Mar 15, 8 p.m.
“We fully approve the position taken by you during the course of the conversation reported in the telegram referred to above.” (861.24591/3–1546)