Hiss Collection
The Director of the Office of European Affairs (Matthews) to the Secretary of State1
[Yalta,] February 9,
I attach a suggested paper to hand to Mr. Molotov and Mr. Eden on reparations. It is based on the Russian proposal of basic principles. The first two sections follow the Russian proposal literally with the additional words in the first paragraph suggested by Mr. Eden.
I think you should likewise ask Mr. Molotov on what price, i. e., what year it is intended that the total reparations shall be fixed.
- Ribbon copy. The authorship is not indicated, but a handwritten notation on the original reads: “Note: According to Mr. Hiss, this was prepared by ‘Doc’ Matthews”; and on August 13, 1954, Matthews wrote that he thought he was the author (640.0029/8–1354). The “suggested paper” referred to as attached has not been found; presumably it was a draft of the proposal read by Stettinius at the meeting of the Foreign Ministers at noon on February 9, 1945, ante, p. 808. See also Stettinius’ question to Molotov, ante, p. 809.↩