839.415/131: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Dominican Republic (Warren) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 15—2:53 p.m.]
91. Secretary of State for Presidency25 called me this morning to say Trujillo had instructed him and Foreign Minister26 to consult with me on Lescot’s refusal to accept invitation for a meeting27 delivered personally by Haitian Minister. Trujillo is out of town. When I called immediately at Presidency and had read original of Lescot’s letter the two secretaries inquired what in my opinion was next step to be taken. I suggested that as notice of the refusal had already been communicated by White to Department several days would elapse before an indication of Department’s further attitude so I advised complete reserve and if no indication were received prior to opening ceremonies of the Centennial on February 22 that the reserve might well continue until after the celebrations were over. Secretary for Presidency said he would be glad to communicate this opinion to which he subscribed to Trujillo. Foreign Minister on other hand said he believed Trujillo should publish a “White paper” immediately including original letter of November 1 to Lescot,28 the invitation for a meeting extended last week, and Lescot’s reply received today. I advised strongly against such action on grounds it could do no possible good and would be a disadvantage to Dominicans by embarrassing the delegates to Centennial with a critical situation between the two countries. If it should be decided to publish the correspondence, I requested I be given sufficient advance notice to inform Department of this intention. It was agreed that Trujillo would be advised along these lines. A free translation of the French text of Lescot’s letter follows.29 Please instruct.
Repeated to Port-au-Prince.
- R. Paíno Pichardo.↩
- M. A. Peña Batlle.↩
- Letter to President Trujillo, dated February 12, 1944; copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 1563, February 15, from Ciudad Trujillo (neither printed).↩
- Translation of letter from President Trujillo transmitted to the Department in a letter of December 1, 1943, from Ambassador Warren to Willard Barber, Assistant Chief, Division of Financial and Monetary Affairs (neither printed).↩
- Sent to the Department in telegram 92, February 14, 1944, not printed.↩