123 [Gauss, Clarence E.]: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

1412. From Grew. On October 30 Service informed me that you were going to resign as of November 1, that your decision was final and that you had asked him to inform officers of the Department.2a That evening I so informed the Acting Secretary who informed the President.

On October 31 the report was published in the morning editions of New York and Washington papers that you had submitted your resignation [Page 186] nation as a result of General Stilwell’s removal. Our 1399, October 30, 8 p.m.,3 was sent you before this publicity broke.

The afternoon of October 31 the President at his press conference in reply to specific questions by a press correspondent said that the State Department had told him that you were resigning; the President added that you had wanted to do so for a long time; that you would most certainly be appointed to a new post; and that there was no connection between your resignation and Stilwell’s recall.

The decision you have taken is a matter of sincere regret to us. [Grew.]

  1. John S. Service, Second Secretary of Embassy in China, was temporarily in Washington for consultation.
  2. Not printed; it requested the Ambassador to postpone his resignation.