Index of Persons

(The identification of the persons in this index is limited to circumstances and positions under reference in this volume. All titles and positions are American unless there is an indication to the contrary.)

  • Acheson, Dean, Assistant Secretary of State, 161
  • Achilles, Theodore C., Assistant Chief, Division of British Commonwealth Affairs, Department of State, 486n
  • Alexander, Sir Harold, General, Commander in Chief, Allied Armies in Italy, 13, 15, 18, 42, 221224, 227, 231, 281, 305, 313314, 316, 337, 378, 430, 437, 472
  • Anderson, Sir John, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, 18, 172, 482
  • Antonov, Alexey Innokentyevich, General, First Deputy Chief, Red Army General Staff, 10
  • Apor, Baron Gabriel, Hungarian Minister to the Holy See, 368
  • Arnold, Henry H., General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Army Air Forces; member, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Combined Chiefs of Staff, 287289, 300, 307, 309312, 318319, 330, 334, 338341, 354, 358, 372374, 377, 379, 397n, 406, 431n, 471n
  • Atherton, Ray, Ambassador to Canada, 3839, 44, 288
  • Athlone, Countess of (Princess Alice), wife of the Governor General of Canada, 285289, 292293, 299, 306, 311, 383
  • Athlone, Earl of, Governor General of Canada, 285289, 292293, 299, 306, 311, 383
  • Bell, Daniel W., Acting Secretary of the Treasury, 420422
  • Beneš, Eduard, President, Czechoslovak Government in exile, established at London, 369
  • Benner, Donald W., Colonel, U.S.A., attached to Headquarters, Army Air Forces; member, Joint Logistics Committee and Combined Administrative Committee, 372
  • Bessell, William W., Jr., Brigadier General, U.S.A., senior Army member, Joint War Plans Committee, 372
  • Beveridge, Sir William, Chairman, British Interdepartmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services (1941–1942), 137
  • Bissell, Richard M., Jr., U.S. Joint Executive Officer, Combined Shipping Adjustment Board, 290
  • Blaizot, R. C. A. H., Lieutenant General, proposed Head, French Military Mission to the Southeast Asia Command, 247, 249, 253
  • Blamey, Sir Thomas, General, Commander in Chief, Allied Land Forces, Southwest Pacific Area, 334
  • Boettiger, John, Major, U.S.A., Acting Chief, Government Branch, Civil Affairs Division, War Department Special Staff, 481482, 493n
  • Bohlen, Charles E., Chief, Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State, 186, 200n, 205n. 396n
  • Bohr, Niels H. D., Danish physicist and atomic scientist, 492
  • Bonomi, Ivanoe, Italian Prime Minister, 207, 209
  • Bór, General (Lieutenant General Tadeusz Komorowski), Commander in Chief, Polish Home Army, 187188
  • Borne, Lucien, Mayor of Quebec, 285
  • Bottomley, Sir Norman, Air Marshal, R.A.F., Deputy Chief of Air Staff, 310n, 431n, 471n
  • Bracken, Brendan, British Minister of Information, 20
  • Bradley, Omar N., Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Twelfth Army Group, 313
  • Brady, Dorothy J., assistant to the personal secretary to the President, 25, 282, 284, 291, 294, 481
  • Brand, Robert Henry, British Treasury Representative, Washington, 16, 159160, 328, 360
  • Brinckman, Napoleon, Colonel. Head, Army Section, British Military Mission, Moscow, 196197, 401
  • Brooke, Sir Alan F., Field Marshal, Chief, Imperial General Staff: member, British Chiefs of Staff Committee and Combined Chiefs of Staff, 185, 286, 288290, 300308; 311312, 319, 321322, 330336, 351357, 374, 377
  • Brown, James E., Jr., Assistant to the Secretary of State, 48n, 120n
  • Brown, Wilson, Rear Admiral, U.S.N., Naval Aide to the President, 19, 2425, 34, 86n, 145n, 216n, 279, 283284, 288, 290, 292, 312, 344n, 393n, 461n, 467n, 469n, 478n
  • Broz, Josip. See Tito.
  • Bruenn, Howard G., Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N.R., assistant to the personal physician to the President, 25, 294, 481
  • Burrough, Edmund W., Captain, U.S.N., senior Navy member, Joint War Plans Committee, 372
  • Burrows, Montagu Brocas, Lieutenant General, Head, British Military Mission, Moscow, 9, 183, 185, 196, 308n, 320, 399400, 403, 406, 438n, 473n
  • Bush, Vannevar, Director, Office of Scientific Research and Development, 296, 492
  • Byrnes, James F., Director, Office of War Mobilization, 393
  • Cadogan, Sir Alexander, Permanent Under Secretary of State, British Foreign Office; head, British delegation at Dumbarton Oaks conversations, 3637, 4447, 291292, 296n, 348349, 360, 362363
  • Caldwell, Horace K., Chief Warrant Officer, U.S.A., cryptographer, White House Map Room, 283
  • Campbell, Sir Ronald Hugh, British Ambassador to Portugal, 230n
  • Campbell, Sir Ronald Ian, Minister, British Embassy, Washington, 16, 165, 169n, 298
  • Cárcano, Miguel Angel, Argentine Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 167
  • Carretta, Donato, vice director, Regina Coeli prison, Rome, 495n
  • Carrington, Philip, Bishop of Quebec, 288
  • Charles, Sir Noel, British High Commissioner in Italy, 495n
  • Chennault, Claire L., Major General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Fourteenth Air Force, 250, 262
  • Cherwell, Lord, British Paymaster-General; adviser to the Prime Minister, 1819, 21, 128n, 169n, 285, 289290, 291n, 296, 323330, 342349, 359363, 371372, 390, 395396, 492n
  • Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, President of the National Government of the Republic of China; Supreme Commander, China Theater, 39, 252, 264, 280, 341, 374, 376, 380382, 460462, 464466, 479480
  • Churchill, Clementine, Prime Minister Churchill’s wife, 14, 2829, 38, 43, 284294, 299, 306, 311, 346n, 364, 372, 383, 481482
  • Churchill, Mary, Prime Minister Churchill’s daughter, 481
  • Churchill, Winston S., British Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury, and Minister of Defence, 120, 254n
    • Argentine beef, British purchases of, 163167, 298, 393n, 394
    • Atomic energy, 296, 482, 492
    • Austria, 298, 367
    • Azores, U.S. airbase at Santa Maria in the, 229230
    • British munitions requirements, 161
    • Canadian participation in the war against Japan, 349, 363365, 379, 384
    • Combined Chiefs of Staff, meetings with at Quebec Conference. See under Quebec Conference, Second, infra.
    • Combined Chiefs of Staff report, Sept. 16, approval of, 476
    • Conversations with: Leahy, 300; Mikołajczyk, 296297
    • Correspondence with: Chiang, 479480, 489n; Council of National Unity in Warsaw, 407; Hopkins, 1617, 1922; Roosevelt (see under Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Stalin, 384n, 478479
    • France: French Committee of National Liberation, question of recognition as Provisional Government of France, 295, Churchill–Roosevelt minute on, Sept. 15, 469; participation of in the war against Japan, 252n, 298; lend-lease to France, opposition to, 295296
    • Germany: Disarmament, 325326; forced labor, 318; partition of, 318; postwar treatment of, 325327, 329330; Morgenthau Plan, reaction to, 325327, 329, 342344, 359361; Churchill draft, 361362: Churchill–Roosevelt memorandum on, Sept. 15, 466467; war criminals, 91n, 92, 297, 318, 325; Churchill–Roosevelt minute on, Sept. 15, 467, 489n; draft message to Stalin concerning, 489490
    • Greece, 350
    • Harbors, artificial, question of release of information regarding, 382
    • Hungary, 298
    • Hyde Park meeting with Roosevelt, Sept. 18–19, 481482, 485, 487n, 489498
    • Italy: Allied Control Commission, 417418; colonies, disposition of, 408n, 418; military operations in, 378379; policy toward, 42, 45, 207, 342, 494498; relief and rehabilitation, 412
    • Japan, British role in the war against, 312, 315318, 332334, 384
    • Lend-lease supplies to the United Kingdom during Stage II, 169n, 171, 329330, 344346, 348, 361; Churchill–Roosevelt memorandum, Sept. 15, 468
    • Operations Capital and Dracula, views on, 463464
    • Quebec Conference, First, meeting with Combined Chiefs of Staff (1943), 146
    • Quebec Conference, Second, Sept. 11–16:
    • Redeployment of forces after the end of the war in Europe, 381
    • Singapore, recapture of, 316317
    • Soviet Union: Attitude toward, 327, 350; Soviet advance in the Balkans, 314; U.S. relations with, 198n
    • Stalin: Churchill conference with (1944), 489n; Stalin harassment of Churchill at Tehran Conference (1943), 369
    • Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, question of termination of appointment with defeat of Germany, 366n
    • United Nations organization: Proposed convening of a conference for the establishment of a, 298; voting formula for Security Council of, 362363, 383, 426n, 427
    • War in Asia and the Pacific, 314315, 317, 379381
    • War in Europe and the Mediterranean, 312314
    • Warsaw uprising, 185, 187190, 200, 204, 296, 312
  • Ciechanowski, Jan, Polish Ambassador to the United States, 186187, 205n
  • Clark Kerr. See Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark.
  • Clark, Mark W., Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Fifth Army, 42, 221224, 306
  • Clark, Robert N. S., Commander, U.S.N., Aide to the Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, 372
  • Clay, Lucius D., Major General, U.S.A., Director of Matériel, Army Service Forces, 161
  • Coleman, Ephraim Herbert, Canadian Under Secretary of State; Deputy Registrar General, 33, 289
  • Coleridge, Richard Duke, Commander, R.N., Deputy Secretary, British. Joint Staff Mission, Washington; British Deputy Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354, 374
  • Collins, Ogden S., Lieutenant, U.S.N.R., attached to White House Map Room, 25, 34, 279n, 287
  • Colville, John R, Assistant Private Secretary to the British Prime Minister, 393n, 467n, 469n
  • Conway, Granville, Captain, Deputy Administrator, War Shipping Administration, 290
  • Cooke, Charles M., Jr., Rear Admiral, U.S.N., Deputy Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, 300, 307, 319, 330, 350, 352, 354, 372, 374
  • Cornell, Douglas, Associated Press correspondent, 279n, 283
  • Cornwall-Jones, Arthur Thomas, Brigadier, Secretary, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington; British Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff, 41, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354, 374, 403, 432, 440442, 448, 460, 466
  • Crowley, Leo T., Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration, 161, 181, 206, 210n, 412, 468
  • Cruikshank, Robert James, Director, American Division, British Ministry of Information, 288
  • Cunningham, Sir Andrew Browne, Bart., Admiral of the Fleet, R.N., First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff; member, British Chiefs of Staff Committee and Combined Chiefs of Staff, 185, 255, 285, 288290, 300, 307, 311312, 319, 330335, 350354, 357, 374375, 377
  • Currie, Lauchlin, Administrative Assistant to the President, 345n
  • Dawes, Charles G., Chairman, First Committee of Experts, Reparation Commission (1924), 132n
  • Deane, John R., Major General, U.S.A., Commanding General, U.S. Military Mission, Moscow, 9, 184185, 195, 199, 203, 206, 308n, 320, 397406, 438n, 473n
  • de Gaulle, Charles, General, President, French Committee of National Liberation, 250, 262, 295, 299, 306, 487488
  • Devers, Jacob L., Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Commanding General, North African Theater of Operations; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater; from Sept., Commanding General, Sixth Army Group, 13, 150, 226, 232233, 305306
  • DeWaard, Leo J., Inspector, Post Office Department, 279n, 283
  • Dill, Sir John, Field Marshal, Head, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington; member, Combined Chiefs of Staff, 289290, 300, 306n, 307308, 311312, 319, 321, 330, 354, 374, 377, 379n
  • Douglas, Lewis W., Deputy Administrator, War Shipping Administration (1942–1943), 2324
  • Duncan, Donald B., Rear Admiral, U.S.N., Assistant Chief of Staff (Plans) to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet; member, Joint Staff Planners and Combined Staff Planners, 350, 372
  • Dunn, James Clement, Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State; member, U.S. delegation at Dumbarton Oaks conversations, 36, 93, 260
  • Dunton, Arnold Davidson, General Manager, Canadian Wartime Information Board, 27, 288
  • Duplessis, Maurice, Premier and Attorney General of Quebec, 285, 288
  • Eaker, Ira C., Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Air Commander in Chief, Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, 198, 226
  • Earle, Grace, telephone operator, the White House, 283
  • Early, Stephen T., Secretary to the President, 27, 33, 283284, 288, 292
  • Eden, Anthony, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 37, 4347, 92, 164166, 175176, 196197, 200, 249, 261, 291292, 296297, 324, 330, 342, 348350, 360, 362364, 372, 377, 382385, 393, 394n, 410n, 418, 490, 494n, 496497
  • Eisenhower, Dwight D., General, U.S.A., Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, 10, 32, 4041, 108n, 110, 151154, 157158, 200, 205, 218, 222226, 229, 232237, 281, 301302, 304306, 309310, 313, 357, 380, 404, 428429, 436437, 464, 471n, 472
  • Elsey, George M., Lieutenant, U.S.N.R., Assistant to the Naval Aide to the President, 73n, 145158, 216218, 279
  • Esperancilla, Irineo, Chief Steward, U.S.N., 25
  • Everest, Frank F., Brigadier General, U.S.A., senior Army Air Forces member, Joint War Plans Committee, 372
  • Fairchild, Muir S., Major General, U.S.A., member, Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354, 372, 374
  • Felix, Archduke of Austria, 292, 367
  • Fife, James, Jr., Captain, U.S.N., attached to the staff of the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet; member, Joint Staff Planners and Combined Staff Planners, 350, 372
  • Fiset, Sir Eugene, Major General, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, 285, 289290
  • Fitch, Aubrey W., Vice Admiral, U.S.N., Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air), 352n
  • Forrestal, James V., Secretary of the Navy, 157
  • Fox, George A., Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N., assistant to the personal physician to the President, 25, 283
  • Frankfurter, Felix, Associate Justice, Supreme Court, 492n
  • Fredericks, Charles W., Secret Service Agent, 25, 283
  • Gauss, Clarence E., Ambassador to China, 460n
  • George VI, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 5, 11, 15
  • Goebbels, Joseph, German Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, 9293, 489
  • Goering, Hermann, Reich Marshal, Minister President for Prussia; German Reich Minister for Air; Commander in Chief of the Luftwaffe, 9293, 489
  • Gousev. See Gusev, Fedor Tarasovich.
  • Grantham, Guy, Captain. R.N., member, Joint Planning Staff, British Chiefs of Staff, 350
  • Graves, Edwin D., Jr., Captain, U.S.N., Deputy Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Deputy U.S. Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff, 287, 290, 300, 307, 312, 319, 330, 354, 372, 374
  • Gray, Cecil W., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, 298
  • Greer, DeWitt, Major, U.S.A., Communications Officer, White House Map Room, 283, 287
  • Grew, Joseph C., Director, Office of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, 250251, 260
  • Gromyko, Andrey Andreyevich, Soviet Ambassador to the United States; head, Soviet delegation at Dumbarton Oaks conversations, 200n, 202n, 425, 427n
  • Gusev, Fedor Tarasovich, Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom; Soviet Representative, European Advisory Commission, 385
  • Hachmeister, Louise, chief telephone operator, the White House, 283
  • Hadow, Robert Henry, Counselor, British Embassy, Washington, 165
  • Halifax, Earl of, British Ambassador to the United States, 3637, 47, 161, 165, 197, 247, 249251, 253
  • Halsey, William F., Jr., Admiral, U.S.N., Commander, Third Fleet; Commander, Western Pacific Task Forces, 358
  • Handy, Thomas T., Major General, Assistant Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Chief, Operations Division, War Department General Staff, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354, 358n, 372, 374
  • Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 910, 183, 195196, 198200, 203, 307, 312, 328, 371, 397398, 405406, 437n, 473n, 478n
  • Harwood, Herbert, Special Passenger Agent, New York Central Railroad, 279n, 283
  • Hassett, William D., Secretary to the President, 481
  • Helfrich, C. E. L., Vice Admiral, R.N.N., Commander in Chief, Netherlands Forces in the Far East, 451
  • Hilldring, John H., Major General, U.S.A., Director, Civil Affairs Division, War Department Special Staff, 76n, 90, 93, 421
  • Himmler, Heinrich, German Reich Minister of Interior; Chief, German Police; leader, National Socialist Elite Guard, 9293, 489
  • Hitler, Adolf, Führer and Chancellor of the German Reich; Reich Minister of Defense; Commander in Chief, German Armed Forces, 18, 79, 84, 9293, 112, 239, 281, 299, 317, 489490
  • Hollis, Leslie Chasemore, Major General, Royal Marines, Senior Assistant Secretary, British War Cabinet, 290, 300, 307, 312, 319, 330, 354, 374, 377
  • Hopkins, Harry L., Special Assistant to the President; member, Cabinet Committee on Germany:
  • Horthy de Nagybánya, Nicholas, Admiral, Regent of Hungary, 368
  • Hoying Edwin L., Chief Yeoman, U.S.N.R., attached to White House Map Room, 25, 35, 283, 294
  • Hughes Hallett, Cecil Charles, Captain, R.N., member, Joint Administrative Planning Staff, British Chiefs of Staff, 350, 352
  • Hull, Cordell, Secretary of State; member Cabinet Committee on Germany:
    • Agricultural surpluses, 162n, 168
    • Argentine beef, British purchases of, 163n, 164167, 172, 175, 298, 393395
    • Austria and Balkans, responsibility for occupation of, 216
    • Commercial policy, 389, 484
    • Ethiopia, question regarding shipment of arms to, 423
    • France: French Committee of National Liberation, question of recognition of as Provisional Government of France, 467n, 469n, 487, 493; French role in the war against Japan, 249252, 260263, 298; lend-lease, question of, 295, 419421; rearming of French forces, question of, 122n
    • Germany: Cabinet Committee on, 90, 95, 97; cartels, 388389; occupation and postwar treatment of, 4849, 73n, 77n, 93, 97, 98n, 101, 109, 120, 123, 126, 154n, 156, 216, 325, 329, 362, 373n, 385, 390391, 466n, 482; war criminals, 467n
    • Hyde Park meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill, 47
    • India, Phillips report on, 298
    • Italy, 206, 210, 297; disposition of colonies, 408411; relief supplies for, 411
    • Lend-lease: Policy after the defeat of Germany, 180; supplies to the United Kingdom during Stage II, 177180, 344, 346n, 468n, 486
    • Netherlands views on the war against Japan, 451
    • Norway, plans for the occupation of, 399
    • Quebec Conference, Second, 3738, 4347
    • Soviet Union: Lend-lease question, 420n; U.S. relations with, 198n, 200n
    • Trade barriers, reduction of, 180
    • United Nations organization, voting formula for the Security Council of the proposed, 425
    • Warsaw uprising, 185, 187, 189n, 202n, 203, 204n, 397399, 405, 407
  • Hull, Lytle, 481
  • Inönü, Ismet, President of Turkey, 3
  • Ismay, Sir Hastings, General, Deputy Secretary (Military), British War Cabinet; Chief of Staff to the British Minister of Defence; member, British Chiefs of Staff Committee, 286, 288, 290, 300, 307, 312, 319, 330, 354, 358, 374, 377, 456457, 477n, 481
  • Jeanneney, Jules, Minister of State in the French Committee of National Liberation, 488
  • Jebb, Gladwyn, Head, Reconstruction Department, British Foreign Office; member, British delegation at Dumbarton Oaks conversations, 45
  • Jones, George Clarence, Vice Admiral, R.C.N., Chief, Canadian Naval Staff, 289
  • Jones, J. Wesley, Foreign Service officer attached to the Division of Southern European Affairs, Department of State, 412n
  • Jones, Marvin, Administrator, War Food Administration, 172, 412
  • Károlyi, Count Mihály, President, Republic of Hungary (1919); Secretary, Hungarian Council, London, 368
  • Kelly, Sir David, British Ambassador to Argentina, 164
  • Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark, British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 9, 196, 198n, 200203, 205, 401n, 478n
  • Kerssenbrock, Countess Therese, lady in waiting to the Empress Zita of Austria, 292, 367
  • Kesselring, Albert von, Field Marshal, Commander in Chief, German forces in Italy, 227, 231, 314, 378, 436, 472, 478
  • Keynes, Lord, member, Consultative Council to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, 360, 482
  • King, Ernest J., Admiral, U.S.N., Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, Chief of Naval Operations; member, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Combined Chiefs of Staff, 174n, 181, 287289, 300, 303304, 307309, 311312, 317319, 322, 330, 332334, 341, 350, 354, 357, 359, 372375, 377379, 382
  • King, William Lyon Mackenzie, Canadian Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs, 11, 15, 22, 27, 3335, 285286, 288290, 292293, 299, 306, 311, 346, 349, 364365, 383384
  • Kinkaid, Thomas C., Vice Admiral, U.S.N., Commander, Seventh Fleet, 351n
  • Kirk, Alexander C., U.S. Representative, Advisory Council for Italy, 207208, 411412, 495n
  • Kleffens, Eelco N. van, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands Government in exile, established at London, 451452
  • Kniffin, Ogden, Captain, U.S.A., attached to White House Map Room, 36
  • Komorowski, Tadeusz. See Bór, General.
  • Kuh, Frederick, London correspondent, Chicago Sun-Times, 21
  • Kun, Béla, leader of a Communist dictatorship in Hungary (1919), 368
  • Kung, H. H., Chinese Minister of Finance; Vice President, Executive Yuan, 39
  • Kuter, Laurence S., Major General, U.S.A., Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Plans), Headquarters, Army Air Forces, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354, 372, 374
  • La Guardia, Fiorello H., Mayor, New York City, 42, 319, 418
  • Land, Emory S., Rear Admiral, U.S.N., (retired), Administrator, War Shipping Administration; Chairman, Maritime Commission; U.S. member, Combined Shipping Adjustment Board, 2324, 29, 42, 181, 290, 323324, 326
  • Law, Richard Kidston, Minister of State, British Foreign Office, 45, 164165, 176, 291292, 342, 346, 349, 364
  • Laycock, Robert Edward, Major General, Royal Engineers, British Chief of Combined Operations, 286, 288, 290, 300, 307, 312, 319, 330, 354, 374, 377, 379
  • Leahy, William D., Admiral, U.S.N., Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy; member, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Combined Chiefs of Staff:
  • Leathers, Lord, British Minister of War Transport, 2324, 29, 42, 285, 289n, 290, 301, 324, 327, 356, 381, 457459, 481
  • Leckie, Robert, Air Marshal, R.C.A.F., Chief, Canadian Air Staff, 289, 379n
  • Legge, Barnwell R., Brigadier General, U.S.A., Military Attaché, American Embassy, Bern, 302n
  • Léopold III, King of the Belgians, 369
  • Lincoln, George A., Colonel, U.S.A., Deputy Chief (Ground), Strategy and Policy Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff, 372
  • Lindsay, Richard C., Brigadier General, U.S.A., attached to Headquarters, Army Air Forces; member, Joint Staff Planners and Combined Staff Planners, 372
  • Llewellin, John Jestyn, British Minister of Food, 163n
  • Long, Breckinridge, Assistant Secretary of State, 44
  • Long, Dewey E., Transportation Officer, the White House, 283
  • Luxford, Ansel F., Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, 86n
  • Lyttelton, Oliver, British Minister of Production, 18
  • MacArthur, Douglas, General, U.S.A., Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific Area; Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, Southwest Pacific, 17n, 246, 257, 315, 334335, 351, 358, 384
  • MacDonald, Malcolm, British High Commissioner to Canada, 288
  • MacDougall, Donald, Chief Adviser to the British Paymaster-General, Prime Minister’s Statistical Branch, 328330, 347
  • MacFarlane, Sir Frank Mason-, Lieutenant General, Chief Commissioner, Allied Control Commission for Italy, 417
  • Mackenzie King. See King, William Lyon Mackenzie.
  • Maclay, John Scott, Acting Head, British Merchant Shipping Mission, Washington, 290
  • Maclean, Donald Duart, Second Secretary, British Embassy, Washington, 253254
  • Macmillan, Harold, British Minister Resident, Allied Force Headquarters, Caserta; British High Commissioner in Italy, 42, 297, 417418
  • Macready, Gordon Nevil, Lieutenant General, Plead, British Army Staff, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 289, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354, 374
  • Marshall, George C., General, U.S.A., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; member, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Combined Chiefs of Staff, 3, 255
  • Martin, John Miller, Principal Private Secretary to the British Prime Minister, 289, 481482, 490n, 492n
  • Massigli, René, Commissioner for Foreign Affairs in the French Committee of National Liberation, 247, 249, 251, 253
  • Matthews, H. Freeman, Deputy Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State, 3839, 73n, 76, 9091, 93, 108, 110n, 123, 195196, 247, 249n, 253254, 325, 485486, 487n
  • McCloy, John J., Assistant Secretary of War, 76, 9091, 93, 108109, 110n, 123, 296, 421
  • McCormick, Lyude D., Rear Admiral, U.S.N., Assistant Chief of Naval Operation for Logistics Plans; member Joint Logistics Committee and Combined Administration Committee, 300, 307, 319, 330, 350, 354, 372, 374
  • McDill, Alexander S., Captain, U.S.N., Aide to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, 372
  • McFarland, Andrew J., Brigadier General, U.S.A., Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff; U.S. Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff, 25, 41, 195, 196n, 287, 290, 300, 307, 312319, 330, 354, 372, 374, 377, 399, 403, 432, 440442, 448, 460, 466
  • McIntire, Ross T., Vice Admiral, U.S.N., Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department; Surgeon General, U.S. Navy; personal physician to the President, 3, 25, 283, 284, 288, 290, 294, 324
  • Mikołajczyk, Stanisław, Prime Minister in the Polish Government in exile, established at London, 185188, 194195, 204205, 296297, 396397, 399, 407, 491
  • Moffat, Abbot Low, Chief, Division of Southwest Pacific Affairs, Department of State, 260261
  • Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 12, 198, 200201, 398, 404405
  • Monnet, Jean, Commissioner of Armaments, Supplies, and Reconstruction in the French Committee of National Liberation, 419, 421
  • Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law, Field Marshal, Commander in Chief, British Twenty-first Army Group, 313, 380
  • Mook, Hubertus van, Minister for Colonies in the Netherlands Government in exile, established at London, 451
  • Moore, Sarah D., Assistant Chief, Division of Coordination and Review, Department of State, 261n
  • Moorman, Dan L., General Passenger Agent, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 279n, 283, 294
  • Moran, Lord, personal physician to the British Prime Minister, 285, 289n, 290, 324, 481
  • Morgan, Sir Frederick, Lieutenant General, Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander (Designate) (1943), 145148
  • Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury; member, Cabinet Committee on Germany:
  • Mountbatten, Lord Louis, Admiral, R.N., Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command, 32, 245, 248, 250252, 258261, 309, 336338, 381, 384, 447, 461, 463, 465, 480
  • Murchie, John Carl, Lieutenant General, Chief, Canadian General Staff, 285, 289, 379n
  • Murphy, Robert D., Political Adviser on German Affairs, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, 144145, 250
  • Mussolini, Benito, Duce del Fascismo, Italian Prime Minister and Head of Government until July 25, 1943, 494495, 498
  • Nimitz, Chester W., Admiral, U.S.N., Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet; Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas, 17n, 358, 384
  • Nixon, Robert G., International News Service correspondent, 279n, 283
  • Noble, Sir Percy, Admiral, R.N., Head, British Admiralty Delegation, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 289, 300, 307, 319, 330, 350, 354, 374
  • O’Dwyer, William, Brigadier General, U.S.A., Chief, Economic Section, Allied Control Commission for Italy, 206, 210211, 411412
  • Offie, Carmel, Acting Political Adviser, Allied Force Headquarters, Caserta, 187188
  • Opie, Redvers, Counselor, British Embassy, Washington, 360
  • Osborne, Sir Francis D’Arcy Godolphin, British Minister to the Holy See, 188n
  • Otto, Archduke of Austria, 292, 298, 367369
  • Papineau, Denis Benjamin, Lieutenant Colonel, Aide to the Canadian Prime Minister, 289
  • Park, Richard, Jr., Colonel, U.S.A., Assistant to the Military Aide to the President, 25, 3435, 279n, 287
  • Pasco, H. Merrill, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., Aide to the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, 372
  • Pasvolsky, Leo, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, 36
  • Patch, Alexander M., Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Seventh Army, 225n, 229, 233n, 305306
  • Pearson, Drew, newspaper columnist, 298
  • Pearson, Lester B., Canadian Ambassador to the United States, 3335
  • Peck, Clarence R., Colonel, U.S.A., Executive Secretary, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 372
  • Pehle, John W., Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, 86n
  • Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, 369
  • Phillips, William, Personal Representative of the President near the Government of India, 298
  • Pim, Richard Pike, Captain, R.N.V.R., officer in charge of the Prime Minister’s War Room, 287
  • Pius XII, Pope, 188
  • Playfair, Edward, Assistant Secretary, British Treasury, 360
  • Pope, Maurice Arthur, Major General, Military Staff Officer to the Canadian Prime Minister; Military Secretary, Cabinet War Committee, 289
  • Portal, Sir Charles, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Chief of the Air Staff; member, British Chiefs of Staff Committee and Combined Chiefs of Staff, 185, 286, 288290, 300301, 304305, 307312, 317319, 330, 332334, 337339, 354355, 357, 374, 377, 398, 431n, 455n, 471n
  • Portland, Duke of, 11
  • Power, Charles Gavan, Canadian Minister of National Defence for Air; Associate Minister of National Defence, 285
  • Prettyman, Arthur S., Chief Steward, U.S.N. (retired), personal valet to the President, 283
  • Price, Boyce P., Captain, U.S.A., attached to White House Map Room, 25, 34, 279n, 287
  • Putnam, Henry W., Major, U.S.A., attached to White House Map Room, 43n
  • Quirino-Lavalle, Miguel E., Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Argentina, Washington, 167
  • Raczkiewicz, Władysław, President of the Republic in the Polish Government in exile, established at London, 181n
  • Ramsay, Sir Bertram, Admiral, R.N., Allied Naval Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, 352
  • Raynor, G. Hayden, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State, 427n
  • Reber, Samuel, Counselor, Office of the Political Adviser, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, 488
  • Reed, Philip D., Chief, Mission for Economic Affairs, London, with the rank of Minister, 2324
  • Reeves, Joseph M., Admiral, U.S.N. (retired), Liaison Officer, Lend-Lease liaison Office, Navy Department, 161
  • Reilly, Michael F., Supervising Agent, White House Secret Service Detail, 283
  • Ribbentrop, Joachim von, German Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs, 9293, 489
  • Riddleberger, James W., Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State, 73n, 8085, 9091, 9397
  • Rigdon, William M., Lieutenant (jg), U.S.N., Assistant to the Naval Aide to the President, 25, 279, 283, 294
  • Roberts, Frank N., Brigadier General, U.S.A., Chief, Strategy and Policy Group, Operations Division, War Department General Staff: member, Joint Staff Planners and Combined Staff Planners, 372
  • Romagna, Jack, Press Conference Reporter, the White House, 283, 294
  • Romer, Tadeusz, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Polish Government in exile, established at London, 186187
  • Ronald, Nigel Bruce, Acting Assistant Under Secretary of State, British Foreign Office, 168
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor, President Roosevelt’s wife, 2930, 38, 284286, 288291, 294, 299, 306, 311, 323, 346n, 481482
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D., President of the United States; Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy:
  • Rumelt, Ruthjane, secretary to the Secretary to the President, 283, 292
  • St. Laurent, Louis, Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General, 285
  • Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, President, Portuguese Council of Ministers; Minister of Foreign Affairs and War, 230
  • Schoenfeld, Rudolf E., Chargé d’Affaires, American Embassies to the Governments in exile of the Netherlands and Poland, London, 185, 204n, 407, 451452
  • Seymour, Sir Horace, British Ambassador to China, 460n
  • Simon, Lord, British Lord Chancellor, 9193, 467, 489n
  • Slavin, Nikolay Vasilyevich, Lieutenant General, attached to Red Army General Staff, 9
  • Smith, Merriman, United Press correspondent, 279n, 283
  • Smith, Walter Bedell, Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Chief of Staff to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, 313
  • Smith, William W., Rear Admiral, U.S.N., Director, Naval Transportation Service, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations; member, Joint Military Transportation Committee and Combined Military Transportation Committee, 290
  • Snyder, Montford L., Master Sergeant, U.S.A., personal chauffeur to the President, 283
  • Somervell, Brehon B., Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Army Service Forces, 288, 300301, 307, 319, 330, 354, 356, 372, 374375, 457459
  • Sosnkowski, Kazimierz, General, Commander in Chief, Polish Armed Forces, 187188
  • Spaatz, Carl, Lieutenant General, U.S.A., Commanding General, U.S. Strategic Air Force in Europe, 200, 226, 309310, 397398, 404406, 431n, 471n
  • Spaman, Guy H., Assistant Supervising Agent, White House Secret Service Detail, 283
  • Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Union, 280, 299, 325n, 327
    • Allied invasion of southern France, Roosevelt credit to Stalin for conception of, 313
    • Churchill: Attitude toward at Tehran Conference, 369; conference with (1944), 489n; correspondence with, 384n
    • Coordination of U.S.-Soviet-British military efforts, 9, 183184, 307, 402, 437, 473
    • Germany: Proposal for informing Stalin about Morgenthau Plan, 371; war criminals, 91n, 467, 489
    • Holy See, 369
    • Japan, undertaking to go to war against, 317, 349
    • Poland: Attitude toward, 194195; draft of joint message to Stalin regarding Polish Government, 297; Warsaw uprising, 185, 188, 190n, 296, 407
    • Quebec Conference, Second: Question regarding discussion of political subjects in absence of Stalin, 44; report to Stalin on results of conference, 341, 355356, 382, 478479, 490491
    • Roosevelt attitude toward, 368
    • Tripartite meeting, proposal for, 1012, 1415, 280, 295
    • United Nations organization, voting formula in Security Council of, 348n, 383, 424425
    • Wartime planning and cooperation, 198199
  • Stark, Harold R., Admiral, U.S.N., Commander, U.S. Naval Forces in Europe, 352
  • Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., Under Secretary of State and at times Acting Secretary of State; head, U.S. delegation at Dumbarton Oaks conversations; Agricultural surpluses, 162n; Argentina, 164166, 176; Germany: Postwar treatment of, 90, zones of occupation, 154157, 385; Hyde Park meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill. 47n; United Nations organization, voting formula in Security Council of, 348n, 362363, 424n, 425427; Warsaw uprising, 296n
  • Stilwell, Joseph W., General, U.S.A., Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces, China-Burma-India Theater; Chief of Staff to the Supreme Commander, China Theater; Acting Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command, 314, 374, 376, 380, 381n, 460, 465, 479n
  • Stimson, Henry L., Secretary of War; member, Cabinet Committee on Germany, 97, 492n; occupation and postwar treatment of Germany, 7677, 98100, 109, 110n, 123128, 157, 325, 362n, 482485
  • Stone, Ellery W., Captain, U.S.N.R., Deputy Chief Commissioner, Allied Control Commission for Italy, 417
  • Stoner, Frank E., Brigadier General, U.S.A., Chief, Army Communications Service, Army Service Forces, 358n
  • Stroop, Paul D., Captain, U.S.N., attached to staff of the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, 350
  • Suckley, Margaret, Librarian, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 284, 481
  • Taft, Charles P., Director, Office of Wartime Economic Affairs, Department of State, 347
  • Taylor, Myron C., personal representative of the President to Pope Pius XII, 206, 368369, 411
  • Tedder, Sir Arthur, Air Chief Marshal, R.A.F., Deputy Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, 309
  • Thompson, Charles Rolfe, Commander, R.N., Personal Assistant to the British Minister of Defence, 289, 291, 346, 481
  • Thompson, Malvina, personal secretary to Mrs. Roosevelt, 284, 288, 290291, 323n
  • Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz), President, National Liberation Committee of Yugoslavia, 214, 222, 227228, 303
  • Troubridge, Thomas Hope, Rear Admiral, R.N., Commander, Task Force 88, 232
  • Tully, Grace G., personal secretary to the President, 25, 282, 284, 290292, 294, 323324, 367, 369, 371, 423, 481
  • Tyree, John A., Jr., Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N., Assistant Naval Aide to the President, 35
  • Umberto, Prince of Naples, 145
  • Vandenberg, Hoyt, Major General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Ninth Air Force, 233n
  • Vasilevsky, Alexander Mikhailovich, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Chief of the Red Army General Staff, 10, 184, 402
  • Villeneuve, Rodrigue Cardinal, Archbishop of Quebec, 288
  • Walsh, Robert L., Major General, U.S.A., Commanding General, Eastern Command (Army Air Forces in the Soviet Union), 406
  • Watson, Edwin M., Major General, U.S.A., Military Aide and Secretary to the President, 19, 25, 29, 283284, 288, 294
  • Wedemeyer, Albert C., Major General, U.S.A., Deputy Chief of Staff, Southeast Asia Command, 246
  • Weeks, Hugh Thomas, Under Secretary, British Ministry of Production; Head, Programmes and Planning Division, Ministry of Production, 330, 347
  • Welsh, Sir William, Air Marshal, R.A.F., Head, Royal Air Force Delegation, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 289, 300, 307, 318, 330, 354, 374
  • White, Harry Dexter, Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, 76n, 86n, 9091, 93, 290291, 295, 319, 323, 326330, 342n, 343, 346347, 349, 359360, 371
  • Wickard, Claude R., Secretary of Agriculture; Chairman, Combined Food Board, 162163, 168
  • Willson, Russell, Vice Admiral, U.S.N., member, Joint Strategy Survey Committee; Chairman, Special Informal Military Group, Dumbarton Oaks conversations, 3637, 300, 307, 319, 330, 354
  • Wilson, Sir Henry Maitland, General, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, 13, 32, 4041, 187188, 209, 216218, 222233, 304306, 322, 375, 378, 411412, 415417, 429430, 436439, 472, 486n
  • Wilson, Morris W., Chancellor, McGill University, 292293
  • Winant, John Gilbert, Ambassador to the United Kingdom; U.S. Representative, European Advisory Commission, 3, 27n, 46, 7375, 77n, 108n, 121n, 154156, 164166, 168, 175177, 185n, 200203, 217, 254256, 264, 385386, 393394, 407n, 451n, 468n, 491
  • Windsor, Duke of, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Bahama Islands, 481
  • Wingate, Orde C., Major General (British) Commanding Officer, Special Force (3d Indian Division), 255
  • Wood, Walter A., Jr., Major General, U.S.A., Deputy Director of Plans and Operations, Army Service Forces; member, Joint Logistics Committee and Combined Administrative Committee, 372
  • Wright, Michael, Counselor, British Embassy, Washington, 253254
  • Young, Owen D., Chairman, Committee of Experts, Reparation Commission (1929), 132n
  • Zita, former Empress of Austria, 292, 367