
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Ballantine)2

The report of conversation3 between officers of the Department and the Thai Minister and two of his associates4 who have just arrived from the Far East suggests the possibility that sooner or later an approach may be made to this Government upon the subject of establishment somewhere in territory under control of the United Nations a Free Thai Government-in-exile or a Thai committee of liberation. The Secretary of the Thai Legation, in conversation with an officer of FE,5 said that Tularaksa, while in Chungking, had handed the American Ambassador a document6 which the Secretary understood to be a request for recognition and cooperation in establishing a provisional Free Thai government-in-exile. As yet the Department has not received such a document. In the light of the position heretofore taken by the Thai Minister that he did not favor such a project, it is not known how far he will be influenced by the views of his two associates but at any rate this is a matter which FE proposes to study with a view to considering what the attitude of the Department should be on this matter if and when an approach is made to us.

J[oseph] W. B[allantine]
  1. Addressed to Assistant Secretaries of State Long and Berle and to the Adviser on Political Relations (Hornbeck).
  2. Memorandum of conversation, December 9, by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs, not printed.
  3. Sanguan Tularaksa (or Tularak) and Deng Tilaka.
  4. Division of Far Eastern Affairs.
  5. Undated memorandum to the Counselor of Embassy in China by S. Tularak, President of the Committee for Siamese Liberation; received in the Embassy September 23. Copy furnished the Department by the Thai Minister with his memorandum of December 23, not printed. For summary of the undated memorandum, see memorandum of December 31 by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs, p. 1121.