(This index does not include the names (1) of persons who appear only as the authors of books cited in this volume or (2) of enlisted personnel of the armed forces, unless they are identified in some special capacity in the text. For identification of persons, see the List of Persons Mentioned, ante, pages xxvii–xli)
- Acheson, Dean G., 827
- Açikalin, Cevad, 657, 698, 711, 726, 751
- Adana Conference, 165, 375, 691, 694, 712–714, 728–731
- Administration of Territories Committee, 417, 774
- Adriatic Sea area (see also Yugoslavia): Air capability, enemy, 223; military operations, plans for, 480–481, 493, 502–505, 543; naval operations, plans for, 361–362; troop strength, enemy, 223
- Advisory Council for Italy, 310
- Aegean Sea area (see also Eastern Mediterranean area): Air capability, enemy, 223; troop strength, enemy, 223
- Agents, German, in Iran, 867; in Spain, 262–263
- Agreements. See Treaties and other international acts.
- Air bases, construction of: Alaska, 618; Burma, 377–378, 800, 809; China, 172–173, 187–188, 233, 312, 318, 367, 377–378, 737, 767, 769, 772–773, 780, 809, 811; India, 172, 187, 258, 377–378, 677, 702–703, 710, 758, 772–773, 780, 809; Italy, 138, 140, 516; Mariana Islands, 780; North Pacific, 780; Turkey, 121–125, 144–149, 151, 153, 158, 162, 164–167, 171, 174–175, 180–182, 188, 190–194, 332, 362–363, 374, 480, 516, 539, 548, 586, 696, 710, 712, 715, 717–718, 727, 731, 742–744, 751–752
- Air bases, postwar. See International security, postwar.
- Air bases, Soviet: North Africa, offer by United Nations, 574–575; United Nations use against Germany, 136, 143, 202–203, 337–338, 428, 529, 593, 596, 617–618, 859–861; United Nations use against Japan, 233, 258, 428, 618, 619, 675, 769–772, 859–861
- Air communications: Pacific theater, 170–171; Soviet Union, 136, 143–144, 429, 618, 860
- Air forces in Europe, integration of, 205–206, 228–232, 326, 334, 359, 406, 432–435, 682–686, 704, 735, 738, 757, 787–789
- Air operations against Germany. See Germany, war against.
- Air operations against Japan. See Japan, war against.
- Air supply operations: China, 160, 187–188, 257–258, 313, 342–345, 354–355, 413–415, 430–431, 700–701, 703, 706, 709, 737, 758, 772–773, 803, 816, 821–822, 829; Southeast Asia Command, 313, 320–321, 341, 355, 430, 767, 816
- Aircraft: Redeployment to Pacific theater, 769–772, 781; shortages, Soviet, 6; transports, supply of to China, 723
- Aircraft fuel, 6
- Aircraft insignia, U. S., 760
- Airlines, subsidies in, U. S., 178–179
- Alanbrooke, Lord. See Brooke, Gen. Sir Alan.
- Alaska (see also North Pacific theater): Air bases in, 618; Conference site, proposed, 10, 17
- Albania (see also Balkan countries), resistance forces in, military assistance to, 410, 794–795
- Alexander, Gen. Sir Harold, 77, 131, 250–252, 333, 481, 492, 502
- Alexandria as proposed Conference site, 47, 50, 55
- Allen, George V., 116, 841, 858
- Allied Control Council for Germany, 186, 774
- Allied Expeditionary Forces, selection and authority of Supreme Commander, 131, 133, 176, 195, 203–209, 212, 248–251, 253, 302, 333–334, 405–408, 424–426, 535, 537, 541–542, 546, 550, 565, 574, 577–578, 580, 676, 761, 819
- Allied Nations. See United Nations. Ailing, Paul, 180–182
- Ambrosio, Gen. Vittorio, 244
- Anakim. See Burma: Military operations in.
- Andaman Islands, military operations in, plans for, 260, 319–321, 338, 364–365, 477, 479–480, 482, 672, 674, 676–681, 689–690, 700–706, 708–711, 719–726, 735–738, 757–759, 768, 780, 796–798, 800–801, 803, 814–816
- Anderiman, Sureyya, 657, 698, 711, 726, 734
- Anderson, John, 824–827
- Anfa Conference, 34, 38, 41, 50
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 162–164
- Anglo-Soviet Treaty of Alliance, 1942, 885
- Ankara as proposed Conference site, 35, 37
- Antonescu, Mihai, 245
- Anvil. See Southern France: Military operations in.
- Arab nationalism, 129
- Archangel as proposed Conference site, 17–18, 20
- Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 249, 251, 258, 260, 303, 317–322, 326, 328–334, 344–345, 347–349, 363–365, 480–482, 560–564, 685–690, 700–711, 720–725, 735–738, 757–763, 816
- Asmara as proposed Conference site, 31, 35, 37
- Assarsson, Per Vilhelm Gustaf, 182–183
- Assassinations, rumors of in Iran, 867
- Assault craft. See Landing craft allocation.
- Astrakhan as proposed Conference site, 17–18, 20
- Atlantic Charter, reaffirmation in Declaration on Iran, 130, 841–842
- Atrocities (see also War criminals, prosecution of): German Atrocities, Declaration of, 262, 554; Poland, allegations by Soviet Union against, 598–599, 847; Soviet Union, allegations by Germany against, 598
- Auchinleck, Gen. Sir Claude, 188
- Australia (see also Southwest Pacific theater), desire of for U. S. interest in Southeast Pacific, 168
- Austria: Air operations against, plans for, 138–139; Hungary, union with, 880; postwar status, 603, 882
- Avalanche. See Italy: Military operations in.
- Aviation, civil, postwar. See Civil aviation policy, postwar.
- Axis satellite nations, surrender terms for, 774
- Azores Islands: Agreement of 1943 on British use of facilities in, 620; military bases in, U. N. use of, 211, 260–261, 375, 385–386, 394–395, 422, 482, 589, 620, 717, 738, 760–761, 790–793, 807–809, 846
- Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 244, 263
- Baghdad as proposed Conference site, 31, 37
- Bahiein Petroleum Company, 163
- Baker, Air Vice Marshal John, 719–720
- Balfour, John, 856
- Balkan countries: Air operations in, plans for, 361; air strength, enemy, 480; civil affairs administration, plans for, 840, 871–872; coordination of U. N. efforts in, 777–778; military operations in, plans for, 140–141, 195, 210, 213, 259, 302–303, 326, 331–332, 345, 426, 492, 537–538, 543–544, 546–547, 575, 680, 777–778, 782, 794–795, 813, 829; troop strength, enemy, 516, 536, 543, 546–547; Turkey, concern over Soviet intentions in, 165–166, 173, 181, 193–194, 199–200; United States, participation in civil affairs administration, 840, 871–872
- Baltic countries, plebiscites in, effect on U. S. public opinion, 594–595
- Baltic Sea area, navigation rights in, 510–511
- Barnes, Russell, 450
- Basra as proposed Conference site, 35–36, 40, 42–46, 49–51, 55, 58, 60–62, 67
- Beaverbrook, Lord, 9, 14, 802
- Beirut as proposed Conference site, 26, 35
- Belgium: Air bases in, postwar use, 569; civil affairs administration in, plans for, 774; estimate of enemy situation in, 225; United Kingdom, occupation by, proposed, 254
- Berardi, Gen. Paolo, 244
- Berezhkov, Valentin M., 74
- Bergery, Gaston, 510, 514
- Bering Strait area as proposed Conference site, 3–4
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 177–178, 880
- Berlin, U. S. occupation zone in, proposal, 254–255
- Biddle, Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., 383–384
- Birse, Maj. Arthur H., 862
- Bishop, Max W., 886
- Bizerte, postwar base at, proposed, 568–569
- Black market operations in Iran, 436, 473
- Block Island, U. S. S., 282
- Boettiger, Maj. John, 645, 666
- Boggs, Samuel W., 169–171
- Boheman, Erik, 590
- Bohlen, Charles E., 48–49, 53–54, 59, 76, 80, 86, 102, 201–203, 310, 837–838, 863, 886
- Bomber offensive against Germany. See Germany, war against.
- Bonin Islands, Chinese interest in, 258
- Boris III, King of Bulgaria, 224
- Bowman, Isaiah, 879
- Bracken, Brendan, 454, 643–644, 849
- Bradley, Maj. Gen. Follet, 258
- Brazil, U. S. postwar civil aviation policy in, 177–178
- British Chiefs of Staff (see also
Combined Chiefs of Staff):
- Air bases in Far East, assistance in establishing, 377–378
- Air forces in Europe, integration of, proposals for, 432–435
- Azores, military bases in, consideration of, 808–809
- Mediterranean theater, military operations in, proposals for, 409–411
- Naval forces, employment in Pacific, 767–768, 809, 829
- Northwest France, examination of effects of weather on operations in, 411–413; military operations in, discussions on, 409–411
- Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, recommendations on, 424–426
- Supreme Allied Commander in Mediterranean, recommendations on, 150–151, 156, 161
- Topics proposed for discussion at First Cairo Conference, 369–370
- Troop deployment to Pacific, 768–769
- Turkey, role in war, discussions on, 782–783
- United Chiefs of Staff, rejection of proposal for, 390
- U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff memorandum on security violation, 92–93
- British-French-Turkish treaty of mutual assistance, 1939, 191, 691, 730, 754, 831
- Brooke, Gen. Sir Alan, 304–305, 308, 317–322, 326, 335–345, 347–349, 359–365, 416, 508, 515–528, 534–555, 564, 576, 579, 583–584, 669–674, 676–681, 687–690, 700–711, 720–725, 735–738, 758–763
- Brooklyn, U. S. S., 283–284
- Brown, Francis D. W., 7
- Brown, Rear Adm. Wilson, 21, 261, 271–273, 397
- Bryan, Maj. Otis F., 397, 666
- Buccaneer. See Andaman Islands, military operations in.
- Buffer areas, Soviet rejection of, 154
- Bulgaria (see also Axis satellite nations): Air operations against, 697–698, 715, 782; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; occupation of by enemy, 228; peace overtures by, 680, 692; postwar status, 603–604; reaction to Turkish collaboration with United Nations, 742–746, 752, 754; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 362–363, 478, 480, 794–795; Soviet Union, attitude toward Bulgaria, 537–538, 544–545, 551, 573, 588–589, 652, 670, 680, 691–692, 715, 733, 742, 754; surrender of, plans for, 782
- Burma (see also China–Burma–India theater): Air bases in, construction, 377–378, 800, 809; air strength in, U. S., 415, 430–431; “independence” granted by Japan, 234–235; military operations in, plans for, 233, 239, 257, 302, 308, 311, 313–315, 319–320, 338–344, 349–350, 364–366, 370, 372, 413–415, 430, 479, 484, 677, 679, 681, 687–688, 700–703, 707–708, 722, 724–725, 736–737, 758–759, 765, 767–768, 773, 780–781, 796–797, 800–801, 803, 816–817, 855–856, 874; postwar status, 323
- Burns, Maj. Gen. James H., 6
- Butler, Senator Hugh A., 626
- Byrnes, James F., 380, 395, 438, 444, 617, 889
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 346, 366
- Caffery, Jefferson, 616
- Cairo Conference, First, Nov. 22–26,
1943, 293–455
- Adriatic Sea area, naval operations, plans for, 361–362
- Agenda, Soviet interest in, 74, 76, 85, 93–94
- Air forces in Europe, integration of, 326, 334, 359
- Andaman Islands, military operations in, plans for, 319–321, 338, 364–365
- Arrangements for, 3–107
- Arrival of Roosevelt at Cairo, 293
- Balkan countries: Air operations in, plans for, 361; military operations in, plans for, 302–303, 326, 331–332, 345
- Bulgaria, resistance forces in, military assistance to, 362–363
- Burma: Military operations in, plans for, 302, 308, 311, 313–315, 319–320, 338–344, 349–350, 364–366; postwar status, 323
- Cairo Declaration, 399–404, 448–449, 566–567, 616
- Censorship measures, 54, 88–93, 95–100, 105–107, 273–274, 276–277, 288, 294, 355–357, 452–455, 849
- China: Air bases in, construction, 312, 318–367; air strength in, U. N., 343–344; air supply operations to, 313, 342–345, 354–355; coalition government in, 323, 349; command arrangements in, 350; economic and financial assistance to, 325, 366–367, 441, 804, 845, 861; extraterritorial rights of British in, 323; international position, 323; Lend-Lease assistance to, 367, 484, 889–890; military assistance to, 343; military deficiencies, 321–322; military operations by, plans for, 304–305, 321–322, 339–340, 366; participation in conferences of Combined Chiefs of Staff, 305–307, 312–315, 321–322, 325, 336–337; postwar status, 324–325, 334, 367; role in defeat of Japan, 317, 364; staff at Conference, 402–403; U. S. troops in, 367
- Civil affairs administration, agreements on, 352
- Code name adopted, 50–51
- Combined bomber offensive against Germany, plans for, 303, 329, 334
- Combined Chiefs of Staff: Composition, statement of, 320, 336; consideration of reports from theater commanders, 359–363; participation of China in conferences of, 305–307, 312–315, 321–322, 325, 336–337
- Communications service, 69, 95, 356
- Communiqué and its release, 356–357, 366, 448–455, 616, 848; drafts of, 399–404
- Dairen, postwar status, 367, 891
- Dardanelles, opening of, 332, 360, 362–364
- Dates, proposed, 54–57, 60, 62–64
- de Gaulle, concern over role as French leader, 310
- Departure of Roosevelt for Cairo, 273
- Dodecanese Islands, military operations against, plans for, 303, 326, 330, 362
- Eastern Europe, military operations in, plans for, 333
- Eastern Mediterranean, military operations against, plans for, 328–333, 359–362, 364–365
- Egyptian Government, notification of Roosevelt’s arrival, 84, 97, 106
- European Advisory Commission, role in civil affairs, 352–354
- European theater: Estimates of enemy situation in, 303, 363–365; estimate of U. N. situation in, 330–334; lines of communication, U. N., 303, 360; military operations in, plans for, 330–334
- Events leading to, summary, 271–273
- Formosa: Military operations against, plans for, 317, 371; postwar status, 324, 389, 399, 401, 403, 404, 449
- France: Committee of National Liberation, relations with, 310; participation in Conference, proposal for, 431
- French Morocco, international trusteeship for, proposed, 310
- Germany: Air operations against, plans for, 303, 329, 360–361; disarmament of, plans for, 532, 553–554, 603; first objective in defeat of Axis, 334, 364; industrial areas, attacks on, 303; lines of communication of, 361; military operations against, plans for, 301–303, 326–334, 345, 359–365; naval operations against, plans for, 361; overall plan for defeat of, 307
- Headquarters of Conference, 294
- Hong Kong, postwar status, 308, 324, 887, 888
- India: Military operations from, plans for, 366; postwar status, 323
- Indochina: International trusteeship for, proposed, 345; postwar status, 325
- Italy: Advisory Council for, 310; air operations in, plans for, 360–361; civil affairs administration, plans for, 310; governmental structure, reorganization of, 309; military assistance to, 361; military operations in, plans for, 302–303, 326, 331–332, 359–360, 364; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 331
- Japan: Air operations against, plans for, 312, 318–322, 340–345, 354–355; estimate of situation of, 319; governmental structure, 323; industrial areas, attacks on, 318; lines of communications of, 312, 315, 319, 339, 341; military bases in, postwar, U. S., 324; military operations against, plans for, 302, 304–307, 312–315, 316–322, 328–329, 332, 334–335, 338–345, 349–351, 358–365; naval operations against, plans for, 314–315, 318, 323, 338, 342, 344, 350; occupation of, plans for, 323–324; overall plan for defeat of, 349; reparations from, 324; shipping, attacks on, 318
- Korea, postwar status, 325, 334
- Lebanon, crisis in, consideration of, 309
- Lines of communication, U. N., 303, 360
- Living accommodations, 30, 54, 63, 71, 77, 286, 293–294
- Malay States, postwar status, 323
- Mediterranean theater: Estimate of U. N. situation in, 330–334; military operations in, plans for, 326, 330–334, 363–365; troop strength, U. N., 331
- Middle East theater, military operations in, plans for, 361–363
- Northwest France: Landing craft allocation, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365; military operations in, plans for, 302–303, 326–329, 333, 359, 363–365
- Outer Mongolia, postwar status, 325, 334, 367
- Overall strategic concept, Combined Chiefs of Staff agreement on, 318–319
- Pacific theater: Estimate of enemy situation in, 319; postwar security of, 367
- Photographs, release of, 286, 298, 355–357, 451
- Press relations, 54, 88–93, 95–100, 105–107, 273–274, 276–277, 286–288, 294, 298, 355–357, 366, 452–455, 849
- Proposals leading to, 3–107
- Rumania: Air operations against, plans for, 360; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 362
- Ryukyu Islands, international trusteeship for, proposed, 324
- Security measures, 54, 88–93, 95–100, 105–107, 273–274, 276–277, 288, 294, 355–357, 452–455, 849
- Site. See Conference sites.
- Southeast Asia Command: Air supply operations, plans for, 313, 320–321, 341, 355; boundaries of military control, 340; estimate of U. N. situation in, 320–322; landing craft allocation, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365; lines of communication in, enemy, 312, 315, 319, 339, 341; lines of communication in, U. N., 312, 314, 341; military, operations in, plans for, 312–315, 319–322, 332, 334–335, 338–345, 349–351, 358–359, 366; naval operations in, plans for, 314–315, 318, 323, 338, 342, 344, 350; political considerations, 340; rail facilities in, 312, 315; troop strength in, enemy, 312–313; troop strength in, U. N., 313
- Southern France, military operations in, plans for, 345, 360
- Soviet Union:
- Air bases in, for use against Germany, 337–338
- Coordination of military efforts with, in Europe, 306, 329–330, 337–338, 364–365; in Far East, 314, 322, 337, 340
- Military assistance to, 338
- Participation in Combined Chiefs of Staff conferences, proposals for, 305–307, 327, 336–337
- Participation in war against Japan, plans for, 328
- Second front, concern over, 303, 327–330, 364
- Staff attendance, 54, 201
- Sumatra, military operations against, plans for, 319, 332
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, selection and authority of, 302, 333–334
- Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, selection and authority of, 359, 365
- Sweden, participation in war, proposals for, 327
- Tannu Tuva, postwar status, 325
- Thailand, postwar status, 325
- Tibet, concern over British interests in, facing 367
- Topics proposed for discussion, 61, 78, 94, 119–120, 122, 129, 158, 171, 188–189, 198–199, 201–202, 245–247, 257–261, 263, 368–370
- Tripartite Advisory Council for Italy, 310
- Turkey: Air bases in, proposals for, 332, 362–363; participation in war, proposals for, 302–303, 306, 327, 330, 332, 338, 360–361
- United Chiefs of Staff, proposal for, 336–337, 379, 390
- United Kingdom staff at Conference, 402–403
- United Nations Organization, general plan for, 367
- United States: Joint Chiefs or staff, participation by China in conferences of, 325; Navy vessels in escort to Oran, 273–285; staff at Conference, 86, 102, 273, 275–276, 402–403
- Western Pacific area, postwar security of, 367
- Yugoslavia, resistance forces in, military assistance to, 309–310, 326, 331–334, 345, 360–362
- Cairo Conference, Second, Dec. 2–7,
1943, 653–832
- Andaman Islands, military operations against, plans for, 672, 674, 676–681, 689–690, 700–706, 708–711, 719–726, 735–738, 757–759
- Anglo-American currency balances, adjustment of, 750
- Arrangements for Turkish staff, 662–667; for U. N. staff, 577, 580
- Arrival of Roosevelt at Cairo, 633, 655, 785
- Azores Islands, military bases in, U. N. use of, 717, 738, 760–761
- Balkan countries, military operations in, plans for, 680
- Bulgaria: Air operations against, plans for, 697–698, 715; peace overtures by, 680, 692; reaction to Turkish collaboration with United Nations, 742–746, 752, 754; Soviet attitude toward, 670, 680, 691–692, 715, 733, 742, 754
- Burma, military operations in, plans for, 677, 679, 681, 687–688, 700–703, 707–708, 722, 724–725, 736–737, 758–759
- China: Air bases in, construction of, 737; air strength in, U. N. 703; air supply operations to, 700–701, 703, 706, 709, 737, 758; aircraft, supply to, 723; military operations by, plans for, 736; participation in Combined Chiefs of Staff conferences, proposals for, 748; supply routes to, overland, 721–722, 758
- Combined bomber offensive against Germany, 673–674
- Combined Intelligence Committee, Combined Chiefs directive to, 689
- Combined Staff Planners, Combined Chiefs of Staff directives to, 671, 687–688, 736–738
- Communiqué and its release, 738–739, 831–832, 839–840
- Dardanelles, opening of, 756
- Declaration on Iran, allusion to, 692
- Departure of Roosevelt from Cairo, 661, 675, 750
- Eastern Mediterranean, military operations against, plans for, 674, 676, 680, 710, 712–713, 723, 726
- European Advisory Commission, 604, 689; Combined Chiefs of Staff liaison with, 699
- European theater: Air forces in, integration of, 682–686, 704, 735, 738, 757; civil affairs administration, plans for, 689; lines of communication in, U. N., 688
- France, participation in Conference, proposal for, 786
- Germany: Air operations against, plans for, 673–674, 682–686, 710, 723; disarmament of, 691; military operations against, plans for, 669–674, 675–681, 700–711, 720–726, 735–738, 748–749; naval operations against, plans for, 677, 749; partition of, plans for, 674, 688–689
- Hungary, peace overtures by, 692
- India, air bases in, construction of, 677, 702–703, 710, 758
- Ireland, question of bases in, 750, 853
- Italy: Military operations in, plans for, 761, 763; nationals of, internment in Egypt and Ethiopia, 739, 871
- Japan: Air capabilities of, 678–679; air operations against, plans for, 700–701, 723, 737; disarmament of, plans for, 691; lines of communication of, 681, 702; military operations against, plans for, 676–681, 687–690, 700–711, 719–726, 735–738, 748–749, 756–763; overall plan for defeat of, 687–690, 724, 736
- Living accommodations, 655
- Mediterranean theater: Landing craft allocation, 679–680, 706–710, 720, 722; military operations in, plans for, 677; shipping, allocation of, 723–724
- Northwest France: Air operations against, plans for, 703; landing craft allocation, 678, 689–690, 706–710, 720, 722, 737–738; military operations against, plans for, 670–672, 675–681, 689–690, 707–710, 721, 748–749, 762–763, 796–800; shipping, allocation of, 723–724
- Pacific theater: Main effort against Japan in, 687, 736; shipping, allocation to, 720, 723–724, 759
- Press relations, 655, 839
- Rumania, peace overtures by, 680, 692
- Security measures, 659
- Southeast Asia Command:
- Air operations in, plans for, 737
- Air strength in: Enemy, 710, 722; U. N., 720, 722
- Landing craft allocation, 677, 706–708, 710–711, 720–724, 737–738
- Lines of communication in: Enemy, 702; U. N., 681, 758
- Military operations in, plans for, 676, 679–680, 687, 700–711, 719–726, 735–738, 748–749, 757–759, 762
- Naval operations in, plans for, 707–709, 737
- Relation to Combined Chiefs of Staff, 748
- Troop strength in; Enemy, 720; U. N., 708, 720
- Southern France: Air operations against, plans for, 723; landing craft allocation, 671, 676–678, 689–690, 707–710, 723, 737–738; military operations against, plans for, 670–672, 676–681, 689–690, 704, 706–710, 721, 723, 748–749, 762–763
- Southwest Pacific theater, landing craft allocation, 678
- Soviet Union:
- Sumatra, military operations against, plans for, 702, 706, 709
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, selection and authority of, 676, 761
- Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, selection and authority of, 686, 704, 761–762
- Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command, relation to Combined Chiefs, 748
- Topics proposed for discussion, 672–673
- Travel arrangements, 664–667
- Turkey:
- Air bases in, proposals for, 696, 710, 712, 715, 717–718, 727, 731, 742–744, 751–752
- Air operations in, plans for, 695–696, 752, 754
- Attitude toward Conference, 662; toward war, 692–694
- Bulgarian reaction toward, 742–746, 752, 754
- Collaboration with United Nations, 690–698, 711–718, 726–734, 740–747, 751–756
- German reaction toward, 695–698, 715, 717, 727–728, 741–746, 751–753, 755
- Inönü, arrangements with, 496, 508, 571–573, 586, 593, 632–633, 662–665
- Military assistance to, proposals for, 670, 692–698, 710, 712–718, 726–734, 741–747, 751–752, 755–756
- Military and economic deficiencies, 693–695, 730, 742, 745, 747, 753
- Participation in war, proposals for, 670, 673, 680, 691–698, 712–718, 730, 732–734, 740–747, 751–756
- Political guarantees to, 741, 753–755
- Staff at Conference, 657, 665
- United Kingdom staff at Conference, 655–661
- United States: Aircraft insignia, 760; staff at Conference, 655–661; war production, 763
- Yugoslavia, resistance forces in, military assistance to, 669–670, 704–705
- Cairo Declaration, 399–404, 448–449, 566–567, 616; Soviet comment on, 560–567, 616
- Cairo as proposed Conference site, 25, 27–28, 31, 50, 54, 97, 99
- Çakmak, Gen. Çeffik, 755
- California-Arabian Oil Company, 163
- Campbell, Cecil, 357
- Campbell, Sir Ronald Hugh, 385, 395, 791, 826
- Cargo shipping. See Shipping.
- Carroll, Msgr. Walter S., 245, 644
- Casablanca as proposed Conference site, 58
- Casey, Richard Gardiner, 54, 63, 77, 89–90, 96, 151, 244, 248, 378
- Catroux, Gen. Georges, 104, 244, 376, 818–819, 854
- Censorship and security: Cairo Conference, First, 54, 88–93, 95–100, 105–107, 273–274, 276–277, 288, 294, 355–357, 452–455, 849; Tehran Conference, 28, 328, 397, 424, 440, 463, 467–468, 476, 641–645, 650–651, 843, 849; Turkey, 191–192, 199
- Central Pacific theater: Air operations, plans for, 771; military operations, plans for, 233, 239, 767, 780; naval operations, plans for, 768
- Chamberlain, Neville, 598
- Chang Chun, Gen., 864
- Chemical warfare, alleged use by Japan, 776
- Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire L., 102, 263, 321–322, 340, 343–345
- Cherwell, Lord, 827–828
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo (see also China and Japan, war against), 17, 28, 41, 49, 55–57, 60–63, 67, 69, 78, 102–103, 159–160, 172, 198–199, 245–246, 257–259, 263–265, 304–325, 335, 338–339, 342–350, 354–355, 366–367, 372–373, 376, 386, 391–392, 401–402, 413–415, 430, 441–442, 448, 479, 484–485, 616, 674–681, 706, 708, 725, 737–738, 749, 758–759, 784, 803–805, 816, 845, 861, 864, 868–869, 872, 886–891
- Chiang Mayling Soong, 13, 16, 73, 77, 83, 198, 307–308, 310, 312, 323, 335, 349, 351, 366–367, 401, 441, 891
- Chief of Staff, U. S. Army, selection of, 176
- Chiefs of Staff. See British Chiefs of Staff; Combined Chiefs of Staff; United States Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- China:
- Air bases in, construction of, 172–173, 187–188, 233, 312, 318, 367, 377–378, 737, 767, 769, 772–773, 780, 809, 811
- Air operations in, plans for, 780
- Air strength in, U. N., 343–344, 415, 703
- Air supply operations to, 160, 187–188, 257–258, 313, 342–345, 354–355, 413–415, 430–431, 700–701, 703, 706, 709, 723, 737, 758, 772–773, 803, 816, 821–822, 829
- Aircraft, transport, supply of to China, 723
- Boundaries of military control, 391, 886–888
- Capabilities and intentions, estimate of, 242–243
- Coalition government in, 323, 349, 376
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, participation in conferences of, proposals for, 305–307, 312–315, 321–322, 325, 336–337, 379–380, 388, 390, 748, 815
- Command arrangements in, 350, 372
- Economic assistance to, 325, 366–367, 441, 804–805, 845, 890
- Economic stabilization, 366, 441
- Far Eastern Committee, proposal for, 388
- Four-Power Council, proposal for, 387
- Germany, participation in surrender of, proposal for, 388, 765
- Inter-Allied Military Technical Commission, proposal for, 387
- International position, 323
- International security, postwar, proposals for, 387
- Japan: Peace offers to China, 620; reparations expected from, 324, 389; role in defeat of, 317, 364, 370–371
- Lines of communication to, 160, 701, 772–773, 780, 811
- Loan to, by United States, 366, 861
- Military assistance to, 159–160, 187, 243, 343, 370–371, 881, 889–890
- Military bases in, establishment, 158, 264–265
- Military deficiencies of, 257–258, 321–322, 372
- Military operations by, plans for, 159–160, 233, 238–239, 304–305, 321–322, 339–340, 366, 370–372, 391–392, 484, 620, 736, 766–767, 776, 814, 856
- Nanking regime, 234, 620
- Oil pipeline to, 414, 772–773
- Outer Mongolia, Soviet recognition of independence of, 376
- Postwar aims, 257–258, 265, 324–325, 334, 367, 372, 387, 389, 566, 570, 869–870, 887–888, 891; Bonin Islands, 258; Formosa, 258, 324, 570, 869; Hong Kong, 887–888; Korea, 334; Liuchiu Islands, 869–870; Manchuria, 257, 324, 869; Manchurian Railway, 869; Outer Mongolia, 325, 334, 367; Pescadores Islands, 869; Port Arthur, 324; Tannu Tuva, 325
- Sinkiang Province, Soviet withdrawal from, 376
- Sino-American Council of Chiefs of Staff. See Combined Chiefs of Staff, supra.
- Soviet Union: Attitude toward Chinese participation in war, 257; concern by China over intentions of, 102; relations with, 376, 869
- Supply routes to, overland, 370, 372, 721–722, 758, 767, 772–773, 780, 816, 861, 874
- Supreme Allied Commander for, proposals for, 264
- Tibet, concern over British interests in, facing 367
- Treaties and other international acts: Cairo Declaration, 448–449, 566–567, 616; Declaration of Four Nations on General Security, 1943, 58, 103, 116, 130, 153, 306, 387, 532, 624
- Troop strength in, U. N., 159, 242, 771, 773
- United Kingdom, extraterritorial rights in, 323
- United States: Economic aid from, 325, 366–367, 804–805, 890; economic mission to, 366; exchange rates, 845; expression of faith in, 264; Lend-Lease aid from, 367, 889–890; loans by, 366, 861; mutual assistance agreements, postwar, 324; troops in China, 160, 258, 367, 484
- China–Burma–India theater (see also Burma; China; India; and Southeast Asia Command), military operations in, plans for, 349, 351, 366
- Chou Chih-jou, Lt. Gen., 321, 340
- Christian X, King of Denmark, 224
- Chu Shih-ming, Maj. Gen., 310, 321, 340
- Churchill, Clementine, 13
- Churchill, Capt. Randolph, 666
- Churchill, Winston S. (for
substantive views, see subject headings):
- Chiang’s attendance at Conference, agreement on, 41
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, insistence on pre-Tehran meeting, 34, 37–38, 64
- Communism, opposition to, 837
- Conference sites suggested by and agreed on, 8, 25, 27, 30, 39, 41, 49–50, 54, 60, 63
- German officers, view on liquidation of, 554
- Inönü, invitation to Conference, 633
- Roosevelt: Mutual tributes, 583; pre-Conference meeting with, 60, 63, 76–77, 79, 81
- Roosevelt–Stalin conference, attitude toward, 8, 11–13, 20
- Stalin: Mutual relations, 12, 18, 27, 553–555, 836–837; tribute to, 583; tributes by, 837
- Turkey, estimate of, 497
- Ciechanowski, Jan, 381
- Civil affairs administration, postwar:
- Advisory Council for Italy, 310
- Agreements on, 116–117, 352, 417, 474
- Balkan countries, 840, 871–872
- Belgium, 774
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, role in, 415–422, 442–446, 774
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee, role in, 415–422, 442–447, 790, 828
- Denmark, 774
- Europe, 116–117, 130, 689, 773–775, 793
- European Advisory Commission, control by, 352–354, 415–422, 442–447
- Far East, 388–389
- France, 392–394, 423, 439, 447, 774
- Germany, 184–185, 881, 883
- Italy, Tripartite Advisory Council for, 310
- Japanese Mandated Islands, 168
- Liberated areas, 392–394, 415–423, 439, 442–447, 486
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, agreements at, 352
- Netherlands, 774
- Norway, 417, 774
- Occupied areas, 829
- Treaties and other international acts: Arrangement between British Government’s Administration of Territories Committee (Europe) and the Norwegian Government in Exile, 1943, 417, 774; Declaration on Joint Responsibility for Europe, 116–117
- United Nations, role in, 197–198
- United States, attitude toward, 415–423, 442–446
- Civil aviation policy, postwar, 621, 784, 802, 880; Brazil, 177–178; Germany, 177–179; International Civil Aviation Committee, 621, 784, 802; [Page 903] Japan, 177–179; Soviet Union, 880; United Nations, conference on, 179; United States, 177–179, 880
- Civil wars, prevention of, plans for, 256
- Civilians, liberated. See Nationals.
- Clark, Senator Bennett Champ, 880
- Clark Kerr, Sir Archibald, 79, 144, 476, 883
- Cobb, Brig. E. H. W., 338, 341
- Cogswell, U. S. S., 278, 281
- Collier’s Magazine, 891
- Colombia, entry into war, 626
- Colonies, international committee for inspection of, proposal for, 486
- Combined Administrative Committee, 828
- Combined bomber offensive against Germany, 138, 140, 142, 211, 214–215, 303, 329, 334, 427–429, 432–435, 516–517, 520, 534, 562, 673–674, 787–789, 794, 796, 811–812, 820, 829, 859–861
- Combined Chiefs of Staff (see also
British Chiefs of Staff
United States Chiefs of Staff):
- Air bases in Far East, agreement on completion of, 809–810
- Air forces in Europe, integration of, directive on, 231–232
- Balkan countries, resistance forces in, military assistance to, 795–796
- Basic policies of, 157–158
- China: Air supply of, plans for, 430–431; participation in conferences of Combined Chiefs of Staff, proposed, 305–307, 312–315, 321–322, 325, 336–337, 379–380, 388, 390, 748, 815; role in war, review of, 317–320
- Civil affairs administration, role in, 415–422, 442–446, 774
- Combined Intelligence Committee, directive to, 689
- Combined Staff Planners, directives to, 671, 687–688, 736–738, 814
- Composition of, statement on, 320, 336, 379, 390
- Conference of, proposed, 34, 38–39, 50, 63–64, 67, 69, 109–110
- European Advisory Commission, liaison with, 446, 699
- European theater: Estimate of U. N. situation in, 330–334; military operations in, plans for, 796
- France, question of participation in Cairo Conference, 431, 786
- Malta as proposed conference site, 63, 77–78
- Mediterranean theater: Estimate of U. N. situation in, 330–334; military operations in, plans for, 363–365
- Northwest France, military operations in, plans for, 363–365
- Organization charts, 207–208
- Overall strategic concept, agreement on, 157–158, 318–319, 810–817
- Participation by China in conferences of, proposed, 305–307, 312–315, 321–322, 325, 336–337, 379–380, 388, 390, 748, 815
- Participation by France in conferences of, proposed, 431, 786
- Participation by Soviet Union in conferences of, proposed, 41–42, 48, 60, 65, 70, 72, 75, 78–82, 87, 94, 305–307, 327, 336–337, 379–380, 390, 426–429, 815
- Southeast Asia Command: Boundaries of military control, discussion of, 340; military operations in, plans for, 312–315, 320–322, 338–345, 358–359, 796–797
- Soviet Union: Collaboration with, 365, 426–429; participation in conferences of Combined Chiefs of Staff, proposed, 41–42, 48, 60, 65, 70, 72, 75, 78–82, 87, 94, 305–307, 327, 336–337, 379–380, 390, 426–429, 815
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, relation to, 405–408, 424–426
- Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean: Directive to, on command responsibilities, 794; jurisdiction over, 587, 794–795
- Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command: Jurisdiction over, 243; relation to, 748, 814
- Tehran Conference, topics suggested for discussion, 337–338, 427–428
- Theater commanders, consideration of reports from, 359–363
- Troop allotments by, 150–151, 156, 161
- Unified commands, jurisdiction over, 250, 252
- United Chiefs of Staff, proposal for, 336–337, 379, 390
- Warmaking capacity of United Nations, discussions on maintenance of, 828–831
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee, role in civil affairs, 415–422, 442–447, 790, 828
- Combined Intelligence Committee, Combined Chiefs of Staff directives to, 689, 814
- Combined Staff Planners: Combined Chiefs of Staff directives to, 671, 687–688, 736–738, 814; reports by, 765, 797, 800
- Committee on the Dollar Position of Lend-Lease Countries, 826, 828
- Communiqués on anti-submarine war, proposal for periodic issue, 749
- Communism, Soviet propagation, 102–103
- Conference of Foreign Ministers. See Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers.
- Conference, proposals for (see also Cairo Conference, First; Cairo Conference, Second; and Tehran Conference): Combined Chiefs of Staff, 34, 38–39, 50, 63–64, 67, 69, 109–110; communications facilities, 36, 43–44; dates proposed, 4, 6, 8, 12, 17, 18, 24, 26, 32–33, 38, 40–41, 45, 47, 50; expectations, 11, 20, 22, 39, 44–46, 58; press, exclusion of, 26, 31, 33; propaganda, use of by enemy, 11; security measures, 31, 43–46; sites proposed, 3–4, 6–8, 10, 17–28, 30–31, 33–47, 49–52, 54–55, 58, 60, 62–63, 67, 76–77, 90, 96–99; Soviet substitute for Stalin, 58–59, 61, 68; staff personnel, 4, 7, 11, 31, 47–48, 50, 55; topics proposed for discussion, 38
- Conference sites, proposed: Alaska, 10, 17; Alexandria, 47, 50, 55; Ankara, 35, 37; Archangel, 17–18, 20; Asmara, 31, 35, 37; Astrakhan, 17–18, 20: Baghdad, 31, 37; Basra, 35–36, 40, 42–46, 49–51, 55, 58, 60–62, 67; Beirut, 26, 35; Bering Strait area, 3–4; Cairo, 25, 27–28, 31, 50, 54, 97, 99; Casablanca, 58; Eastern Mediterranean area, 25, 31; Egypt, 24–26; Fairbanks, 6, 20–22, 45; Gibraltar, 60, 62; Habbaniya, 30, 60; Iran, 23–24, 55, 71, 75–79, 83, 87; Khartoum, 4, 8, 96, 98; Malta, 60, 62–63, 76, 77, 90, 97–99; North Africa, 4, 23, 34, 39, 41; Oran, 60, 62, 76–77; Pyramids area, 41, 54; Scapa Flow, 8, 10, 19; Tehran, 25, 27, 31, 43
- Connally, Senator Tom, 642, 644–645
- Connolly, Maj. Gen. Donald H., 95, 374, 424, 440, 476
- Consumer goods stocks in Iran, 435–438
- Conventions. See Treaties and other international acts.
- Convoys. See Shipping.
- Coordination of efforts among United Nations, need for, 134, 137–138, 140, 143, 152, 157–158, 201, 213, 228–232, 260, 306, 329–330, 337–338, 364–365, 373, 426, 561, 565, 576–581, 652, 672, 691, 775, 777–778, 810–811, 813, 860
- “Cordon sanitaire” concept, Soviet rejection of, 154–155
- Corsica, military operations in, plans for, 140, 495, 505
- Culverin. See Sumatra.
- Cunningham, Sir Andrew, First Sea Lord, 98, 302, 317–322, 342–345, 416, 557–564, 671–674, 677–681, 687–690, 702–11, 720–725, 736–738, 759, 809
- Cunningham, Adm. Sir John, 60, 98, 120, 361–365
- Currency stabilization: Anglo-American balances, adjustment of, 750, 822–828, 878–879; Committee on the Dollar Position of Lend-Lease Countries, 826; Iran, 114
- Curzon of Kedleston, George N., 567
- Curzon Line (see also Poland: Boundary revision), Soviet attitude toward, 567, 575, 599–600, 605, 847, 884–885
- Cyprus. See Habbaniya.
- Czechoslovakia, air operations against, plans for, 138–139
- Dairen, postwar status, 367, 869, 891
- Dakar, postwar base at, proposed, 509, 568–569, 846
- Damaskinos, Archbishop, 851–852
- Dardanelles, Straits of: Convention of Montreux, allusions to, 566, 848; opening of, proposals for, 144, 201, 332, 360, 362–364, 410, 477–479, 492, 503, 516, 534, 536, 539, 544, 548, 556, 566, 573–574, 589, 597, 756, 782, 848
- Dates proposed for Conference, 4, 6, 8, 12, 17–18, 24, 26, 32–33, 38, 40–41, 45, 47, 50
- Dauntless, U. S. S., 274
- Davies, John Paton, 367, 725
- Davies, Joseph E., 3–4, 6–7, 9, 11–12, 15, 18
- Davis, Elmer, 642–643
- Deane, Maj. Gen. John R., 44, 53–54, 70, 76, 80, 86, 93–94, 102, 122, 125, 135–137, 141, 155, 201–203, 266, 328–329, 373, 522
- Declaration of Four Nations on General Security, 1943, 58, 103, 116, 130, 153, 306, 387, 532, 624
- Declaration of German Atrocities, 1943, 262, 554
- Declaration on Iran, 115, 118–120, 131, 133, 605, 620, 640–641, 646–651, 692, 807, 838, 840–843, 885–886; Atlantic Charter, proposals for reaffirmation in, 130, 841–842; inception and negotiation, 619, 627, 648, 840–843, 885; Moscow Conference, discussion by, 841–843; Soviet release of, 642–645; United Kingdom, proposal for, 113
- Declaration on Joint Responsibility for Europe, 1943, 116–117, 130
- de Gaulle, Gen. Charles: Giraud, relations with, 174, 194, 245; Lebanon crisis, role in, 190, 376, 439, 484, 818–819, 854; U. N. concern over role as French leader, 156, 174, 189–190, 194, 198, 255–256, 310, 439, 484, 514, 847
- Dening, Maberly E., 886–887
- Denmark: Civil affairs administration, proposal for, 774; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; troop strength in, enemy, 222
- Dependencies. See International trusteeships.
- De Rhé Philipe, Brig. Arthur T., 363
- Devers, Lt. Gen. Jacob L., 865
- Diethelm, André, 376
- Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 209, 317–345, 416, 680–681, 689, 707
- Dobson, Lt. Col. W. A. C. H., 338
- Dodecanese Islands, military operations against, plans for, 75, 201, 252–253, 303, 326, 330, 362, 480, 482, 516, 560–561, 574, 782
- Donovan, Maj. Gen. William J., 363, 480, 777–778
- Douglas, Lewis W., 265, 830
- Douglas, Air Chief Marshal Sir Sholto, 345, 362–365, 713, 716–717, 726–727, 731
- Drake. See China, air bases in.
- Dreyfus, Louis G., Jr., 129, 648–649, 806–807
- Dunn, James Clement, 419, 423, 443
- Eaker, Lt. Gen. Ira C, 674, 685
- Early, Stephen, 451, 644
- Eastern Europe:
- Air capability, enemy, 221
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 221–224, 226; of U. N. situation in, 489
- Military operations in, plans for, 4, 6, 10, 16–17, 20, 22, 24, 33, 202, 259–260, 265–266, 333, 483, 500–501, 525–526, 577, 579, 581, 652, 870
- Troop strength in: Enemy, 221–224, 490–491, 500–501, 525; Soviet, 490, 500
- Eastern Mediterranean area: Military operations against, plans for, 191, 195, 210, 259, 326, 328–333, 359–362, 364–365, 477–481, 493–496, 503, 505–506, 516, 536–539, 543, 545–546, 548, 550, 556–558, 560–562, 564, 574, 586–588, 674, 676, 680, 710, 712–713, 723, 726, 782–783, 794, 796, 812; naval operations against, plans for, 783; proposed as Conference site, 25, 31; troop strength in, U. N., 495–496
- Economic assistance: China, 325, 366–367, 804–805, 890; Iran, 629–630, 647–648, 650; Latin American states, criticism of program, 626
- Economic collaboration, U. N., postwar, 875
- Economic control of Germany, postwar, 184, 882
- Economic stabilization: China, 366, 441; Iran, 114, 118–119, 564–565, 620, 624–625, 627–630, 647–648, 650
- Eden, Anthony, 15, 25, 30, 37, 39, 44, 60–61, 115, 122–125, 130–136, 144, 146, 148–149, 155, 158, 161–162, 164–167, 174–175, 180–181, 188, 190–193, 198, 202, 266, 302–303, 352–354, 366, 374–375, 384, 386, 416–417, 442–443, 445, 447, 512, 540, 544, 551–552, 568–575, 578, 587–589, 593, 599–600, 619–620, 648–649, 674, 680, 707, 712–714, 716–718, 726–733, 739, 742, 747, 754, 774, 790, 841–842, 844, 850, 853, 855, 857, 859, 862–863, 870, 881–883, 885
- Eden, Beatrice, 881
- Edison, U. S. S., 283
- Egypt: Italian clergy interned in, 739, 870; proposed as Conference site, 24–26
- Egyptian Mail, 25
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 38–39, 98, 131, 150, 194–197, 229, 250–253, 260–267, 331, 359–365, 477–482, 492, 502, 522, 555, 558, 561, 669–670, 684, 704, 723, 757, 761, 813, 819, 853, 865
- Ellyson, U. S. S., 283–284
- Emmons, U. S. S., 282, 284
- Escalante, U. S. S., 276
- Espionage: Iran, concern over German agents in, 463, 476, 867; Spain, concern over German agents in, 262–263, 463
- Estimates of enemy situation: Albania, 225; Bulgaria, 224; Denmark, 224; Eastern Europe, 221–224, 226; Europe, 214–228, 303, 363–365; Finland, 224; France, 225; Greece, 225; Hungary, 224; Italy, 225; Low Countries, 225; Norway, 224; Pacific theater, 232–243, 319; Poland, 225; Rumania, 224; Yugoslavia, 225
- Estimates of U. N. situation: Eastern Europe, 489; European theater, 409–411, 488–489, 498–499, 673, 689; Pacific theater, 488–489, 498–499; Southeast Asia Command, 320–322
- Estonia, 594–595
- Ethiopia, Italian clergy interned in, 739, 870
- Eureka. See Tehran Conference.
- Europe (see also
Eastern Europe
Western Europe):
- Civil affairs administration, declaration on, 116–117, 130
- Civil wars in, forestalling, 256
- Declaration on Joint Responsibility for Europe, 1943, 116–117, 130
- Estimates of enemy situation in, 214–228, 303, 363–365; of U. N. situation in, 488–489, 498–499, 673, 689
- Federations in, 259, 845–846, 880; Soviet opposition to, 845, 847
- National integrity, guarantees of, 116–118
- Postwar bases in, 846
- Postwar status, Soviet view, 845–846
- Spheres of influence in, 130, 259
- European Advisory Commission, 260, 604, 616, 885; civil affairs, role in, 352–354, 415–422, 442–447, 689, 773–775, 793; Combined Chiefs of Staff, liaison with, 446, 699; Combined Civil Affairs Committee, relation to, 442; establishment of, 417, 420, 446; Germany, postwar control of, 183–186, 510–511, 513–514, 532, 553, 602, 847, 880–883; representation on, 616, 621, 625–626, 784, 790; topics proposed for discussion, 773–775; U. S. recommendations regarding, 784
- European theater:
- Air forces in, integration of, 205–206, 228–232, 326, 334, 406, 432–435, 682–686, 735, 738, 757, 787–789
- Aircraft in, redeployment to Pacific, 769–772, 781
- Military operations in, plans for, 330–334, 368, 796–800
- Supreme Allied Commander in: Recommendations on, 405–407; relation to Combined Chiefs of Staff, 405–408, 424–426
- Troops in, redeployment to Pacific, 158, 767–769, 811
- Exchange rates: Committee on the Dollar Position of Lend-Lease Countries, 826; Sino-American, 845
- Extraterritorial rights in China, British, 323
- Fairbanks as proposed Conference site, 6, 20–22, 45
- Far East:
- Liberated areas of, civil affairs administration, 388–389
- War in. See Japan, war against.
- Far Eastern Committee, proposal for, 388
- Farish, Maj. Linn M., 606–615
- Farouk I, King of Egypt, 97, 101, 106, 805–806
- Federations, European, 258, 845–846, 880; Soviet opposition to, 845, 847
- Finland:
- Boundary revision, proposed, 591–592, 848, 865
- Disarmament, postwar, 848
- Economic assistance from Sweden, 182–183
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 224
- Germany, collaboration with, 375
- Moscow Conference declaration, effect on, 375
- Peace overtures by, 574
- Role in war, 590–591
- Soviet Union: Armistice terms demanded by, 592, 848, 865; attitude toward Finland, 590–592; cessions expected by, 591–592, 848, 865; Finnish-Soviet treaty of peace, 1940, 592; relations with, 155–156; reparations demanded by, 590–593, 848, 865
- Swedish concern over Soviet intentions in, 182–183
- Treaty of peace with Soviet Union, 1940, 592
- Troop strength in, enemy, 222
- Withdrawal from hostilities, 182–183, 590–593, 848
- Fiume. See Adriatic Sea area.
- Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 334, 425
- Foo Ping-sheung, 376
- Foreign Ministers Conference. See Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers.
- Formosa: Air operations against, plans for, 371; China, postwar aims in, 258, 570, 869; military bases in, postwar, 570; military operations against, plans for, 317, 371, 766; U. S. military bases in, postwar, 259, 570
- “Four Policemen” proposal, 530–531, 595, 622
- Four-Power Council, Chinese proposal for, 387–389
- France:
- Civil affairs administration of by United Nations, proposed, 392–394, 423, 439, 447, 774
- Colonies, postwar status, 485, 510, 514, 568–570
- Committee of National Liberation (see also de Gaulle, Gen. Charles; and Giraud, Gen. Henri), relations with United Nations, 174, 189–190, 194, 198, 245, 310, 376, 393, 394, 439, 443–444, 484
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- Gold reserves, 828
- Indochina, postwar status, 325, 485
- International trusteeships, postwar, for colonies, proposed: French Morocco, 310; Indochina, 345, 485, 864, 872–873; New Caledonia, 509
- Lebanon: Crisis in, 129, 189–190, 244, 309, 375, 386, 484–485, 779, 818–819, 853–854; postwar control of, 129
- Military assistance to, 158, 194–195, 811
- Occupation of by United Kingdom, proposed, 254, 256
- Rearmament of, 194–195
- Soviet Union:
- Syria: Crisis in, 129, 189–190; postwar control of, 129
- Treaties and other international acts: British-French-Turkish Treaty of Mutual Assistance, 1939, 191, 691, 730, 754, 831; Munich Agreement signed by France, Germany, Italy, and United Kingdom, 836
- Troop strength of, 539, 549–550
- Troops of, employment, 762–763, 798
- United States, relations with, 156
- West Africa: Postwar control of, 155; U. S. politico-strategic pattern for, 156
- Franca y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 226, 554
- French Committee of National Liberation (see also de Gaulle, Gen. Charles; and Giraud, Gen. Henri), relations with U. N., 174, 189–190, 194, 198, 245, 310, 376, 393, 394, 439, 443–444, 484
- French Morocco, international trusteeship for, proposed, 310
- French West Africa: Postwar control of, 155; U. S. politico-strategic pattern for, 156
- Friend of Iran (newspaper), 650
- Gasoline, aircraft, Soviet shortages in, 6
- Geneva Convention, 1929, 262
- George II, King of the Hellenes, 129, 225, 345, 839, 844, 850–852
- George VI, King of England, 583
- George, Air Vice Marshal Robert A., 663, 666, 714, 717
- Germany (see also
Germany, war against):
- Adriatic–Aegean area: Air capability in, 223; troop strength in, 223
- Agents in Iran, 463, 476, 867; in Spain, 262–263, 463
- Albania, estimate of situation in, 225
- Allied Control Council, supervision by, 186
- Armistice period, treatment during, 184–186, 774
- Atrocities: Allegations against Soviet Union, 598; Declaration of 1943, 262, 554
- Azores Islands, U. N. bases in, reaction to, 791–793
- Balkan countries: Air strength in, 480; troop strength in, 516, 536, 543, 546–547
- Berlin, occupation by United States, proposed, 254–255
- Boundary revisions, proposals for, 186, 594, 602, 604–605, 882
- Bulgaria: Estimate of situation in, 224; occupation of, 228
- Civil aviation policy, postwar, 177–179
- Colombia, declaration of war by, 626
- Courses of action open to, 227–228
- Denmark: Estimate of situation in, 224; troop strength in, 222
- Disarmament of, plans for, 157, 184–186, 532, 553–554, 603, 691, 880, 882, 884
- Dismemberment of. See Occupation zones and Partition of, infra.
- Drive into, plans for, 811
- Eastern Europe: Air capability in, 221; estimate of situation in, 221–224, 226; troop strength in, 221–224, 490–491, 500–501, 525
- Economic control of, postwar, 184, 882
- Economy, civilian, 219
- European Advisory Commission, postwar control by, 881–883
- European theater, estimates of situation in, 214–228, 303, 363–365
- Finland: Collaboration with, 375; estimate of situation in, 224; troop strength in, 222
- First objective in defeat of Axis, 138, 204, 334, 364, 796–797, 855–856
- France, estimate of situation in, 225
- Greece, estimate of situation in, 225
- Hanseatic cities, postwar status, 567
- Hungary: Estimate of situation in, 224; occupation of, 228
- Industrial areas, attacks on, 138–139, 142, 214, 303, 516, 520, 796, 811–812, 820
- International trusteeships in, proposals for, 554, 570–571
- Italy: Air capability in, 217, 220–221; estimate of situation in, 225; troop strength in, 222–223
- Kiel Canal area, international trusteeship for, proposed, 510
- Lines of communication of, 139–140, 227, 361, 812
- Local governments, postwar control of, 184–185
- Low Countries, estimate of situation in, 225
- Manpower resources, estimate of, 218
- Military government by United Nations, postwar, 774
- Morale: Civilian, 219–220; military, 217
- Munich Agreement signed by France, Germany, Italy, and United Kingdom, 836
- National Socialist Party, dissolution of, 185
- Nationals in, foreign, repatriation of, 184
- Naval capability, estimate of, 217–218
- Northwest France, troop strength in, 139–140
- Norway: Estimate of situation in, 224; troop strength in, 222
- Occupation zones in, allocation of, 184, 253–257, 261, 674, 688–689, 786–787, 813, 881
- Occupied areas, withdrawal from, 227
- Overall Plan for Defeat of, 157–158, 307, 368, 810–814, 820
- Partition of, postwar, 184, 186, 253–257, 261, 602–603, 674, 688–689, 786–787, 813, 845–847, 879–884
- Peace overtures by, plans for, 228
- Poland, estimate of situation in, 225
- Political status, postwar, 186, 253–254
- Postwar control of by United Nations, 183–186, 510–511, 513–514, 532, 553–554, 570–571, 602, 847, 880–882
- Prisoners of war, U. N., repatriation of, 184
- Reparations by, plans for, 185, 881
- Rumania: Estimate of situation in, 224; occupation of, 228
- Sea communications of, attacks on, 158
- Soviet Union:
- Attitude toward French collaboration with, 569, 845, 847; toward U. N. postwar policy in, 154
- Partition of Germany, insistence on, 845
- Spain, occupation by, question of, 227
- Surrender of, plans for, 183–186, 388, 513, 773–774, 779, 781, 803–804, 854–855, 862–863, 881; Chinese participation in, proposal for, 388, 765
- Sweden, occupation by, question of, 227
- Turkey: Occupation by, question of, 227–228; reaction to collaboration of with United Nations, 375, 695–698, 715, 717, 727–728, 741–746, 751–753, 755
- U. N. shipping, attacks on, 220, 227
- War criminals, prosecution of, 184, 262, 554
- War economy, 218–219
- War production, 218–219
- Warmaking capacity, maintenance of, 223–224
- Western Europe, air capability in, 216–217, 227, 562
- Yugoslavia, estimate of situation in, 225
- Germany, war against:
- Adriatic–Aegean area: Air capability in, enemy, 223; troop strength in, enemy, 223
- Adriatic Sea area: Military operations against, plans for, 480–481, 493, 502–505, 543; naval operations against, plans for, 361–362
- Air operations, plans for, 138–143, 158, 202–204, 211–212, 228–232, 303, 329, 360–361, 406, 412, 427–429, 432–435, 494, 504, 514–529, 534, 559–560, 586, 673–674, 682–686, 710, 723, 787–789, 798, 807–809, 811–812, 820, 829, 859–861
- Albania: Estimate of enemy situation in, 225; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 410, 794–795
- Anti-submarine operations, U. N. plans for. See Naval operations, infra.
- Austria, air operations against, plans for, 138–139
- Azores Islands, military bases in, U. N. use of, 211, 260–261, 375, 385–386, 394–395, 422, 482, 589, 620, 717, 738, 760–761, 790–793, 807–809; enemy reactions to, 791–793
- Balkan countries:
- Air operations against, plans for, 361
- Air strength in, enemy, 480
- Coordination of U. N. efforts in, 777–778
- Military operations against, U. N. plans for, 140–141, 195, 210, 213, 259, 302–303, 326, 331–332, 345, 426, 492, 537–538, 543–544, 546–547, 575, 680, 777–778, 782, 794–795, 813, 829
- Troop strength in, enemy, 516, 536, 543, 546–547
- Belgium, air bases in, U. N. use of, 569
- Bulgaria: Air operations against, plans for, 697–698, 715, 782; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; occupation of by enemy, 228; peace overtures by, 680, 692; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 362–363, 478, 480, 794–795
- Colombia, entry into, 626
- Combined bomber offensive against Germany, 138, 140–142, 211, 214–215, 303, 329, 334, 427–429, 432–435, 516–517, 520, 534, 562, 673–674, 787–789, 794, 796, 811–812, 820, 829, 859–861
- Communiqués on, periodic issuance, proposed, 749
- Corsica, military operations against, U. N. plans for, 140, 495, 505
- Courses of action open to Germany, 227–228
- Czechoslovakia, air operations against, U. N. plans for, 138–139
- Denmark: Estimate of enemy situation in, 224; troop strength in, enemy, 222
- Dodecanese Islands, military operations against, U. N. plans for, 75, 201, 252–253, 303, 326, 330, 362, 480, 482, 516, 560–561, 574, 782
- Drive into Germany, plans for, 811
- Eastern Europe:
- Air capability in, enemy, 221
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 221–224, 226; of U. N. situation in, 489
- Military operations, plans for, 4, 6, 10, 16–17, 20, 22, 24, 33, 202, 259–260, 265–266, 333, 483, 500–501, 525–526, 577, 579, 581, 652, 870
- Troop strength in: Enemy, 221–224, 490–491, 500–501, 525; Soviet, 490, 500
- Eastern Mediterranean: Military operations against, plans for, 191, 195, 210, 259, 326, 328–333, 359–362, 364–365, 477–481, 493–496, 503, 505–506, 516, 536–539, 543, 545–546, 548, 550, 556–558, 560–562, 564, 574, 586–588, 674, 676, [Page 909] 680, 710, 712–713, 723, 726, 782–783, 794, 796, 812; naval operations against, plans for, 783; troop strength in, U. N., 495–496
- European theater:
- Finland: Collaboration with Germany, 375; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; role in war, 590–591; troop strength in, enemy, 222; withdrawal from hostilities, 182–183, 590–593, 848
- France: Estimate of enemy situation in, 225; military assistance to, 158, 194–195, 811; troop strength of, 539, 549–550; troops of, employment, 762–763, 798
- Germany as first objective in defeat of Axis, 138, 204, 334, 364, 796–797, 855–856
- Gibraltar, security of, 213
- Greece: Estimate of enemy situation in, 225; military operations against, plans for, 480, 844, 850–852; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 410, 794–795, 851–852
- Hungary: Estimate of enemy situation in, 224; occupation of by enemy, 228; peace overtures by, 493, 692; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 794
- Industrial areas of Germany, attacks on, 138–139, 142, 214, 303, 516, 520, 796, 811–812, 820
- Ireland, military bases in, proposed, 750, 853
- Italy:
- Air bases in, U. N. use of, 138, 140, 516
- Air capability in, enemy, 217, 220–221
- Air operations in, plans for, 360–361
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- Military assistance to, 158, 361, 811
- Military operations in, plans for, 212, 302–303, 326, 331–332, 359–360, 364, 410, 427, 477–478, 480, 490, 492–493, 495, 501–502, 504–506, 515–517, 519, 522–523, 525, 534, 537–538, 543, 549, 555–559, 561, 563–564, 586, 623, 761, 763, 797, 800, 813
- Resistance forces in, military assistance to, 331
- Troop strength in: Enemy, 222–223; U. N., 48, 111
- Lines of communication: Enemy, 139–140, 227, 361, 812; U. N., 158, 213, 303, 360, 688, 811
- Low Countries, estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- Manpower resources of Germany, 218
- Mediterranean theater:
- Air forces, integration of, 228–232, 359, 432–435, 478, 682–686, 704, 735, 738, 757, 787–789, 795
- Air operations in, plans for, 794
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, jurisdiction over, 587
- Landing craft allotment, 481, 516, 518, 520, 522–523, 536, 538–540, 543, 546, 548–549, 555–564, 577, 586–587, 679–680, 706–710, 720, 722, 783, 796, 800, 812, 829
- Military operations in, plans for, 203–204, 212–213, 326, 330–334, 363–365, 368, 405, 491–493, 502, 507, 518, 520, 526, 534–535, 538–542, 544–547, 551, 677
- Shipping, allocation of, 480–481, 493, 501, 507, 623, 723–724, 798–800, 813, 829–830
- Supreme Allied Commander, selection and authority, 150–151, 156, 161, 205–206, 248, 250–253, 359, 365, 406–408, 410, 481–482, 535, 565–566, 686, 704, 761–762, 794–796, 813
- Troop strength in, U. N., 331
- Middle East theater: Boundaries of military control, 794–795; Command arrangements, 248–249; military operations in, U. N. plans for, 361–363; Supreme Allied Commander, 251–252
- Military operations, plans for, 48, 110–112, 122–126, 132–144, 152–158, 176, 194–199, 203–209, 210–214, 248–261, 265–266, 301–303, 326–334, 345, 359–365, 405–407, 409–413, 426–429, 477–482, 487–508, 514–529, 534–552, 555–564, 576–581, 586–593, 652, 669–674, 675–681, 700–711, 720–726, 735–738, 748–749, 794–800, 803–804, 810–815, 820, 829–831, 865–866, 870
- Morale, German: Civilian, 219–220; military, 217
- Naval capability, German, 217–218
- Naval operations, plans for, 139, 158, 211–212, 361, 677, 749, 783, 811, 829
- Neutral nations, attitude toward war, 226
- North Africa, air bases in, Soviet use, 574–575
- Northwest France:
- Air operations in, plans for, 412, 527, 703
- Build-up period for military operations, 412–413, 491, 502, 504, 517–518, 521, 525, 534, 541
- Landing craft allocation, 139, 143–144, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365, 380, 395–397, 438, 444, 479, 481, 492, 501–502, 521–522, 524, 534, 540, 546, 555–564, 580, 617, 678, 689–690, 706–710, 720, 722, 737–738, 796, 812, 820, 829–830
- Military operations in, plans for, 8–12, 38, 48, 51, 65, 122–123, 134–135, 139–141, 143–144, 158, 176, 202–204, 211–212, 254–255, 302–303, 326–329, 333, 359, 363–365, 405, 409–413, 477–478, 490–493, 495–496, 501–502, 506–507, 515–528, 534–552, 555–565, 574, 576–581, 587, 652, 670–672, 675–681, 689–690, 707–710, 721, 748–749, 762–763, 796–800, 812–813, 820, 865–866, 870
- Shipping, allocation of, 139, 143, 493, 501, 507, 521, 524, 723–724, 829–830
- Supply tonnages required, 143
- Troop strength in, enemy, 139–140
- Weather, effect on operations, 411–413
- Norway: Estimate of enemy situation in, 224; troop strength in, enemy, 222
- Occupied areas, enemy withdrawal from, plans for, 227
- Oil requirements, U. N., 830–831
- Overall plan for defeat of Germany, 157–158, 307, 368, 810–814, 820
- Poland: Estimate of enemy situation in, 225; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 382, 385, 847, 867–868
- Port facilities required by United Nations, 360, 519, 522, 524, 709, 721, 798
- Portugal, attitude toward war, 226
- Prisoners of war, U. N., repatriation of, 184
- Rumania: Air operations against, plans for, 138–139, 360, 386; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; military operations against, plans for, 493; occupation of by enemy, 228; peace overtures by, 166, 245, 493, 537, 544, 680, 692; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 362, 794–795
- Sardinia, military operations against, plans for, 140
- Satellite nations, isolation by United Nations, 213, 215–216
- Saudi Arabia, British military assistance to, 378–379
- Scandinavian countries, military operations against, plans for, 212
- Sea communications, German, attacks on, 158
- Shipping, German, attacks on, 220, 227
- Southern France:
- Air operations in, plans for, 723, 783, 797–798, 829
- Landing craft allocation, 517, 549, 556, 558, 564, 576, 579, 652, 671, 676–678, 689–690, 707–710, 723, 737–738, 799–800, 820, 829–830
- Military operations in, plans for, 140–141, 212, 345, 360, 478–480, 494–495, 501–507, 517–519, 525, 534–535, 537, 542–543, 545–547, 550, 555, 562, 564–565, 574, 576, 579, 652, 670–672, 676–681, 689–690, 704, 706–710, 721, 723, 748–749, 762–763, 796–800, 812–813, 820, 829, 865–866, 870
- Soviet Union:
- Air bases in, U. N. use of, 136, 143, 202–203, 337–338, 428, 529, 593, 596, 617–618, 859–861
- Air capability of, 584
- Air communications with United Nations, 136, 143–144, 429, 618, 860
- Air supply to, 429
- Communications facilities in, use by United Nations, 428
- Coordination of U. N. efforts with, 134, 137–138, 140, 143, 152, 157–158, 201, 213, 228–232, 260, 306, 329–330, 337–338, 364–365, 373, 426, 561, 565, 576–581, 652, 672, 691, 775, 810–811, 813, 860
- Defense, preoccupation with, 6, 17, 22, 24, 33, 45–46, 51–52, 68, 75–76
- Military assistance to, 338, 427
- Second front, concern over, 8, 10–12, 38, 48, 51, 65, 122–124, 135, 153, 166, 201, 265–266, 303, 327–330, 364, 477, 481, 483, 524–525, 537–539, 545, 547–548, 551–552, 556, 561, 563, 574
- Sea communications with (see also Dardanelles), 492, 501, 503, 516, 534
- War weariness in, 265–266
- Weather data, exchange of with United Nations, 136, 143, 429, 618, 860
- Supreme Commander in Europe, selection and authority of, 131, 133, 176, 195, 203–209, 212, 248–251, 253, 302, 333–334, 405–408, 424–426, 535, 537, 541–542, 546, 550, 565, 574, 577–578, 580, 676, 761, 819
- Spain: Attitude toward war, 226; German agents in, U. S. concern over, 262–263, 867; occupation by enemy, question of, 227
- Sweden: Attitude toward war, 226; occupation by Germany, question of, 227; participation in war, proposals for, 121, 125, 136, 153, 182–183, 212, 327, 591
- Switzerland, attitude toward belligerents, 226
- Tehran communiqué, effect on, 453, 578, 581, 605, 623–624, 639–645
- Troop allotments by Combined Chiefs of Staff, 150–151, 156, 161
- Turkey:
- Air bases in, plans for, 121, 123–125, 144–149, 151, 153, 158, 162, 164–167, 171, 174–175, 180–182, 188, 190–194, 332, 362–363, 374, 480, 516, 539, 548, 586, 696, 710, 712, 715, 717–718, 727, 731, 742–743, 744, 751–752
- Air operations in, plans for, 695–696, 752, 754
- Attitude toward war, 226, 692–694
- Bulgarian reaction to Turkish collaboration with United Nations, 742–746, 752, 754
- Collaboration with Allies, proposals for, 362, 690–698, 711–718, 726–734, 740–747, 751–756, 782–783, 813, 844, 858–859; German reaction to, 375, 695–698, 715, 717, 727–728, 741–746, 751–753, 755
- Dardanelles, opening of, proposals for, 144, 201, 332, 360, 362–364, 410, 477–479, 492, 503, 516, 534, 536, 539, 544, 548, 556, 566, 573–574, 589, 597, 756, 782, 848
- Military assistance to, 199–200, 210, 480, 494, 505–506, 536, 545, 586–589, 670, 692–698, 710, 712–718, 726–734, 741–747, 751–752, 755–756, 782, 802, 839
- Military and economic deficiencies, 191–192, 200, 375, 588, 693–695, 730, 742, 745, 747, 753
- Military operations by, plans for, 696, 794
- Naval bases in, U. N. use of, 782
- Occupation by enemy, question of, 227–228
- Participation in war, proposed, 40, 75, 117, 121, 123–125, 135–136, 145–146, 148, 151, 153, 158, 162, 164–167, 171, 174–175, 180–182, 188, 190–194, 200–202, 210, 260–262, 266, 302–303, 306, 327, 330, 332, 338, 360–361, 375, 410, 426–427, 477–481, 490–494, 496–497, 501, 503, 505, 507–508, 516, 534–539, 543–545, 548–550, 556, 560–561, 566, 571–573, 576–577, 579, 586–589, 593, 597, 652, 670, 673, 680, 691–698, 712–718, 730, 732–734, 740–747, 751–756, 782, 811, 817
- Unified commands, Combined Chiefs of Staff jurisdiction over, 250, 252
- United Kingdom: Air strength of, 142, 249; attitude toward exploitation of successes, 302–303; naval and troop strength of, 249
- United Nations, warmaking capacity, maintenance of, 811, 828–831
- United States: Air strength of, 142, 249, 494, 504; naval and troop strength of, 249; war production, 584–585, 763
- Warmaking capacity, German, maintenance of, 223–224
- Western Europe, enemy air capability in, 216–217, 227, 562
- Yugoslavia: Estimate of enemy situation in, 225; military operations in, plans for, 606–615; O. S. S. report on resistance forces, 606–615; resistance forces, military assistance to, 140–141, 213, 309–310, 326, 331–334, 345, 360–362, 410, 478–480, 492–493, 502, 507, 515–516, 534–538, 543–547, 551, 556, 574–575, 577, 579, 606–615, 652, 669–670, 704–705, 777–778, 794–795
- Gibbs, Francis, 444
- Gibraltar: As proposed Conference site, 60, 62; security of, 213
- Giraud, Gen. Henri (see also de Gaulle, Gen. Charles; and French Committee of National Liberation), 174, 194, 245, 431, 762, 786
- Glassford, Rear Adm. William Alexander, 156
- Gold reserves: France, 828; Soviet Union, 823, 826–828
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greece: Communist influence in, 844; estimate of enemy situation in, 225; military operations in, plans for, 480, 844, 850–852; monarchy (see also George II, King of the Hellenes), reestablishment in, 844, 850–852; postwar status, 129; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 410, 794–795, 851–852
- Grew, Joseph C, 616
- Gripfast. See Burma: Military operations in.
- Gromyko, A. A., 71
- Guerrilla forces. See Resistance forces.
- Gulbenkian, G. S., 163
- Gusev, F. T., 616, 784
- Gulf Oil Company, 163
- Habbaniya as proposed Conference site, 30, 60
- Halifax, Viscount, 776, 864, 872
- Hall, U. S. S., 281
- Halligan, U. S. S., 281
- Hamilton, Maxwell M., 95, 805
- Hammond, Col. Thomas W., 793
- Hanseatic cities, postwar status, 567
- Harriman, Kathleen, 13
- Harriman, W. Averell, 9, 11, 45, 53–54, 86, 122, 146, 201–203, 265–266, 310, 327–329, 366, 435, 476, 593, 596, 649, 857, 862, 866, 885–886
- Harrison, Geoffrey W., 879
- Hassanayn, Sir Ahmad Muhammad, Pasha, 106, 345
- Hassett, William D., 89
- Hayes, Carleton J. H., 245, 262–263
- Hayter, William, 164, 167, 180–182
- Hearn, Maj. Gen. Thomas G., 59
- Helleu, Jean, 244, 818–819, 854
- Helm, Alexander Knox, 663, 665
- Henry, Maj. John, 311, 651
- Hilldring, Maj. Gen. John H., 419
- Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 323
- Hitler, Adolf, 6, 22, 111, 124, 153, 262, 334, 490, 500, 513, 580
- Hokkaido, military operations against, plans for, 233
- Holman, Adrian, 116
- Holy See: Recognition of Rome as open city, 267–269; relations with United Nations in occupied areas, 262
- Hong Kong: Military operations against, plans for, 370, 372; postwar status, 324, 887–888
- Hopkins, Harry L., 4, 11, 177, 196–198, 253, 255, 257–259, 307, 309, 323, 367, 397, 449, 479–482, 540, 551–552, 568–575, 578, 586–587, 634, 636, 638, 649, 674, 706–708, 718, 725–733, 805, 826–827, 858, 878, 889–891
- Housatonic, U. S. S., 276
- Hoyningen-Hühne, Baron Oswald von, 791
- Hsu Nien-Tseng, 451
- Hughes, Arthur, Very Reverend, 739, 870–871
- Hull, Cordell, 30, 33–34, 37, 42, 55, 60, 62, 66, 69, 100, 115, 121–125, 130–136, 148, 155, 173, 179, 182, 189, 197–198, 352, 354, 419, 423, 443–445, 447, 486, 621, 740, 774, 826, 862–863, 875
- “Hump” tonnage. See China: Air supply operations to.
- Hungary: Austria, union with, 880; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; occupation by enemy, 228; peace overtures by, 493, 692; postwar status, 603; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 794
- Hurley, Brig. Gen. Patrick J., 30, 310–311, 377, 397, 623–624, 648–650, 841–843
- Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 378–379, 447
- Iliff, Maj. William A. B., 116
- India: Air bases in, construction of, 172, 187, 258, 377–378, 677, 702–703, 710, 758, 772–773, 780, 809; military bases in, construction of, 371, 769, 772, 781; military operations from, 366; postwar status, 323, 486; U. S. troops in, 371
- Indian Ocean. See Southeast Asia Command: Naval operations in.
- Indochina: International trusteeship for, proposed, 345, 485, 864, 872–873; military operations against, plans for, 886–888; postwar status, 325; Soviet Union, atititude toward return of Indochina to France, 485
- Industrial targets, attacks on: Germany, 138–139, 142, 214, 303, 516, 520, 796, 811–812, 820; Japan, 172, 318, 618, 767
- Inönü, Ismet, 43, 86, 100, 496, 571–572, 578, 586–587, 590, 593, 632–633, 662–666, 680, 690–698, 711–718, 728–731, 734, 739, 740–747, 751–756, 784, 802, 817, 839; Aleppo proposed as site for Roosevelt meeting, 633; Conference, invitation to, 633; reflection on Turko-American common ideals, 43; Roosevelt, proposal for conference, 43, 86, 100, 632–633, 664
- Inter-Allied Military Technical Commission, proposal for, 387
- International Civil Aviation Committee, 621, 784, 802
- International economic cooperation, postwar, 875
- International organization, postwar. See International security and United Nations Organization.
- International security, postwar (see
United Nations Organization), 514, 530, 568–571, 604, 845–846, 868–869
- Bases: Azores Islands, 846; Belgium, 569; Bizerte, 568–570, 846; Dakar, 509, 568–570, 846; Europe, 845, 847; Formosa, 259, 570; Germany, 554, 570–571; Japan, 554, 570–571; Japanese Mandated Islands, 868; North Africa, 846; Philippine Islands, 846; West Indies, 569
- China, proposals for, 387
- “Four Policemen” proposal, 530–531, 595
- Treaties and other international acts: Declaration of Four Nations on General Security, 1943, 58, 103, 116, 130, 153, 306, 387, 532, 624; Declaration on Joint Responsibility for Europe, 1943, 116–117, 130
- Western Pacific area, 367
- International trusteeships, proposed: French Morocco, 310; German bases, 554, 570–571; Indochina, 345, 485, 864, 872–873; Japanese Mandated Islands, 868–870; Japanese bases, 554, 570–571; Kiel Canal area, 510; Korea, 257, 376; liberated areas, 509–510, 845; New Caledonia, 509; Ryukyu Islands, 324; South Pacific area, 167–171, 197
- Internees. See Nationals, internment of.
- Iowa, U. S. S., 273–285
- Iran:
- Black market operations in, 436, 473
- Collaboration with United Nations, 114, 627–628, 648, 650
- Communications with United Nations, 113–114
- Consumer goods in, report on, 435–438
- Currency of, safeguards by United Nations, 114
- Declaration on. See Declaration on Iran.
- Economic stabilization, 114, 118–119, 129–130, 564–565, 620, 624–625, 627–630, 647–648, 650
- German agents in, concern over, 463, 476, 867
- Inflation in, 435–438
- Military forces of United Nations in, status, 114, 120
- National integrity of, guarantees, 113, 119, 620, 625, 627–630, 647–648, 650
- Proposed as Conference site, 23–24, 55, 71, 75–79, 83, 87
- Soviet Union: Relations with, 155, 843; supply of Soviet Union through, 624, 647
- Treaties and other international acts:
- United Nations: Military forces of, relation to, 114, 120; wartime policy of United Nations toward, 113–116, 119
- United States: Economic assistance from, 629–630, 647–648, 650; military forces of United States in, 120; mutual expressions of confidence, 806–807; policy of United States toward, 114; private missions in, 629
- Iraq Petroleum Company, 162–163
- Ireland, military bases in, proposed, 750, 853
- Ismay, Lt. Gen. Sir Hastings L., 69, 121–122, 125, 135–136, 144, 155, 304, 306, 328, 522, 563, 689–690, 761
- Italy:
- Advisory Council for, proposed, 310
- Air bases in, U. N. use of, 138, 140, 516
- Air capability of enemy in, 217, 220–221
- Air operations in, plans for, 360–361
- Boundary revision, proposed, 846
- Co-belligerency, Soviet acceptance of, 173
- Disarmament of, 846
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- Governmental structure, reorganization of, 196–197, 244, 263, 309
- Military assistance to, 158, 361, 811
- Military operations in, plans for, 212, 302–303, 326, 331–332, 359–360, 364, 410, 427, 477–478, 480, 490, 492–493, 495, 501–502, 504–506, 515–517, 519, 522–523, 525, 534, 537–538, 543, 549, 555–559, 561, 563–564, 586, 623, 761, 763, 797, 800, 813
- Moscow Conference, principles of applied to, 383
- Munich Agreement signed by France, Germany, Italy, and United Kingdom, 836
- Nationals, internment in Egypt and Ethiopia, 739, 870–871
- Plebiscite in, proposed, 197
- Requisition of properties in by United Nations, 244–245
- Resistance forces in, military assistance to, 331
- Rome, recognition as open city, 195–196, 266–269, 801, 820
- Soviet Union, request for Italian naval and merchant shipping, 112–113, 120, 126–129, 133, 149–150, 153, 173, 189, 261, 597, 622–623, 852–853, 856–857, 862, 866, 871, 873–878
- Surrender of, 11, 774
- Tripartite Advisory Council for, proposed, 310
- Troop strength in: Enemy, 222–223; U. N., 48, 111
- Japan (see also
Japan, war against):
- Air capabilities, 237–239, 678–679
- Air strength of, 236, 240
- Axis Powers, relation to, 234
- Burma, “independence” granted to, 234–235
- Capabilities and intentions, 234, 238–239
- Chemical warfare, alleged use by, 776
- China:
- Civil aviation policy, postwar, 177–179
- Disarmament of, plans for, 157, 691
- Division of empire, plans for, 868
- Estimates of situation of, 232–243, 319
- Governmental structure, 323
- Industrial areas, attacks on, 172, 318, 618, 767
- Java, “independence” of hinted, 235
- Lines of communication of, 158, 237, 312, 315, 319, 339, 341, 681, 702, 766, 801
- Manchuria, troop strength in, 233
- Mandated Islands (see also Pacific islands and Pacific theater): Cession by Japan, proposed, 448, 868; international trusteeship for, proposed, 197, 367, 846, 868–870; military bases in, U. S., postwar, 258, 324; military operations in, 233, 765–766, 780
- Morale, civilian, 235–236
- Naval strength, 236, 240
- Occupation of, plans for, 258, 323–324, 388–389
- Occupied nations, relations with, 234
- Overall plan for defeat of, 157–158, 264–265, 349, 687–690, 724, 736, 765–773, 780, 814
- Philippines, “independence” granted to, 234–235
- Portugal, relations with, 621, 775–776
- Postwar control of, plans for, 389–390, 532, 554, 864
- Propaganda trends, national, 236
- Psychology, national, 235–236
- Ryukyu Islands, international trusteeship for, proposed, 324
- Satellite nation troops, use of, 236
- Sea communications, attacks on, 158
- Shipping, attacks on, 237, 240, 318, 766, 780
- Southeast Asia Command: Air strength in, 720, 722; troop strength in, 312–313, 720
- Soviet Union: Attitude toward postwar empire, 485; relations with, 234
- Strategic and economic position, 235, 237
- Surrender of, plans for, 810
- Territories, international trusteeship for, proposed, 554, 570–571
- Thailand, boundary revisions by Japan, 235
- Troop strength of, 236, 240
- War criminals, prosecution of, 389
- War industries, disposal of, 389
- War production, 240
- Warmaking capacity, maintenance of, 239
- Japan, war against:
- Air capabilities, enemy, 237–239, 678–679
- Air operations, plans for, 160, 172–173, 187–188, 257, 261, 312, 318–322, 340–345, 354–355, 370–371, 377–378, 413–415, 428, 430–431, 529, 618–619, 700–701, 723, 737, 767, 769–773, 780, 801, 803, 810, 815, 817, 821–822, 829, 859–861
- Air strength, enemy, 236, 240
- Aircraft, redeployment from Europe to Pacific, 769–772, 781
- Alaska, air bases in, U. N., 618
- Andaman Islands, military operations against, plans for, 260, 319, 320–321, 338, 364–365, 477, 479–480, 482, 672, 674, 676–681, 689–690, 700–706, 708–711, 719–726, 735–738, 757–759, 768, 780, 790–798, 800–801, 803, 814–816
- British Commonwealth: Naval forces in, 767–768, 809, 829; troops of, employment in, 768–769
- Burma: Air bases in, construction of, 800, 809; air strength in, U. N., 415, 430–431; military operations in, plans for, 257, 302, 308, 311, 313–315, 319–320, 338–344, 349–350, 364–366, 370, 372, 413–415, 430, 479, 484, 677, 679, 681, 687–688, 700–703, 707–708, 722, 724–725, 736–737, 758–759, 765, 767–768, 773, 780–781, 790–797, 800–801, 803, 816–817, 855–856, 874
- Cairo Declaration, effect on, 448–449, 566–567
- Capabilities and intentions, enemy, 233–234, 238–239
- Central Pacific: Air operations in, plans for, 771; military operations in, plans for, 233, 239, 768, 780; naval operations in, plans for, 767
- Chemical warfare, alleged use by Japan, 776
- China:
- Air bases in, construction of, 172–173, 187–188, 233, 312, 318, 319, 367, 377–378, 737, 767, 769, 772–773, 780, 809, 811
- Air operations in, plans for, 780
- Air strength in, U. N., 343–344, 705, 720
- Air supply operations to, 160, 187–188, 257–258, 313, 342–345, 354–355, 413–415, 430–431, 700–701, 703, 706, 709, 723, 737, 758, 772–773, 803, 816, 821–822, 829
- Boundaries of military control, 391, 886–888
- Capabilities and intentions, 242–243
- Command arrangements in, 350, 372
- Lines of communication to, 160, 701, 772–773, 780, 811
- Military assistance to, 159–160, 187, 242, 343, 370–371, 811, 889–890
- Military bases in, construction of, 158, 264–265
- Military deficiencies, 257–258, 321–322, 372
- Military operations in, plans for, 159–160, 233, 238–239, 304–305, 321–322, 339–340, 366, 370–372, 391–392, 484, 620, 736, 766–767, 776, 814, 856
- Oil pipeline supply to, 414, 772–773
- Peace offers from Japan, 620–621
- Resistance forces in, military assistance to, 242
- Role in defeat of Japan, 317, 364, 370–371
- Supply routes to, overland, 370, 372, 721–722, 758, 767, 772–773, 780, 816, 861, 874
- Supreme Commander for, proposal, 264
- Troop strength of, 159, 242, 771, 773
- U. S. troops in, 160, 258, 367, 484
- Estimates of enemy situation, 232–243, 319
- Estimates of U. N. situation, 488–489, 498–499
- Far East, liberated areas of, civil affairs administration, 388–389
- Formosa: Air operations against, plans for, 371; military operations against, plans for, 317, 371, 766
- Hokkaido, military operations against, plans for, 233
- Hong Kong, military operations against, plans for, 370, 372
- India: Air bases in, construction of, 172, 187, 258, 377–378, 677, 702–703, 710, 758, 772–773, 780, 809; military bases in, construction of, 371, 769, 772, 781; military operations from, 366; U. S. troops in, 371
- Indochina, military operations against, plans for, 886–888
- Industrial areas, attacks on, 172, 318, 618, 767
- Invasion of Japan, plans for, 765–766
- Japanese Mandated Islands, military operations against, plans for, 766, 780
- Kurile Islands: Air operations against, plans for, 780; military operations against, plans for, 233, 428, 619, 770, 780
- Lines of communication, enemy, 158, 237, 681, 702, 766
- Manchuria: Military operations against, plans for, 238; troop strength in, enemy, 233
- Mariana Islands, air bases in, plans for, 780
- Military operations in, 38–39, 110, 138, 140–141, 157–160, 232–243, 257–261, 263–265, 302, 304–307, 312–315, 316–322, 328–329, 332, 334–335, 338–345, 349–350, 351, 358–365, 368, 370–372, 391–392, 427, 430–431, 484–486, 676–681, 687–690, 700–711, 719–726, 735–738, 748–749, 756–763, 765–773, 779–782, 796–801, 803–804, 810–814, 815–817, 821–822, 829–831, 855–856, 868–870, 886–888
- Naval operations, plans for, 160, 314–315, 318, 323, 338, 342, 344, 350, 371, 427, 430, 529, 619, 766–768, 780–781, 809, 829, 860
- Naval strength, enemy, 236, 240
- Netherlands East Indies: Air operations against, plans for, 780; military operations against, plans for, 766–768
- North Pacific area: Air bases in, construction, 780; Air operations in, plans for, 771, 860; military operations in, plans for, 233, 238, 766–767, 780; naval operations in, plans for, 780, 860; oil supplies, U. N., 830–831; operations for 1944, schedule of, 781
- Overall plan for defeat of Japan, 157–158, 264–265, 349, 687–690, 724, 736, 765–773, 780, 814
- Pacific theater, main effort in, 687, 736, 766
- Pacific War Council meeting, 868–870
- Paramushiru, military operations against, plans for, 238
- Philippines: Air operations against, plans for, 371, 780; military operations against, plans for, 766–768
- Political considerations involved, 371–372, 388, 392, 796–797, 816
- Portugal, participation in war, proposals for, 775, 792
- Rabaul, neutralization of, 780
- Satellite nation troops, use by Japan, 236
- Sea communications, Japanese, attacks on, 158
- Shipping allocations, 518, 720, 723–724, 759, 769, 781, 798, 800–801, 829–830
- Shipping, enemy, attacks against, 237, 240, 318, 766, 780
- Shumushu, military operations against, plans for, 238
- South Pacific theater, military operations in, plans for, 766, 780
- Southeast Asia Command: Air operations in, plans for, 737, 771,
801, 821–822
- Air strength in, enemy, 720, 722
- Air supply operations to, 313, 320–321, 341, 355, 430, 767, 816
- Boundaries of military control, 340, 391–392, 886–888
- Estimate of U. N. situation in, 320–322
- Landing craft allocation, 139, 143–144, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365, 380, 395–397, 438, 444, 479, 481, 518, 543, 549, 558, 561–562, 587, 677, 706–708, 710–711, 720–724, 737–738, 769, 783, 800–801, 803, 816, 820, 829–830
- Lines of communication: Enemy, 312, 315, 319, 339, 341, 702, 801; U. N., 312, 314, 341, 681, 758, 768, 811
- Military operations in, plans for, 233, 243, 312–315, 319–322, 332, 334–335, 338–345, 349–351, 358–359, 366, 370, 391–392, 430, 676, 679–680, 687, 700–711, 719–726, 735–738, 748–749, 757–759, 762, 766, 768–769, 780–781, 796–801, 814–816, 821–822, 886
- Naval operations in, plans for, 314–315, 318, 323, 338, 342, 344, 350, 430, 479, 707–709, 737, 803, 816
- Political considerations involved, 340, 371–372
- Rail facilities in, 312, 315
- Supreme Allied Commander: Combined Chiefs of Staff jurisdiction over, 243; selection and authority of, 264, 391, 431
- Troop strength in: Enemy, 312–313, 720; U. N., 313, 708, 720
- Southwest Pacific theater: Air operations in, plans for, 771; landing craft allocation, 587, 678; military operations in, plans for, 233, 239, 766–769, 780
- Soviet Union:
- Air bases in Far East, 233, 258, 428, 618–619, 675, 769–772, 859–861
- Air strength in Far East, 241, 260–261
- Capabilities and intentions, 241–242
- Chinese attitude toward participation in, 257
- Coordination of efforts with by United Nations, 264, 314, 322, 337, 340, 390, 427, 566, 596, 772, 775, 811, 861
- Lines of communication in Far East, 241
- Naval bases in United States, Soviet use proposed, 427, 619
- Naval strength in Far East, 241
- Participation in war, plans for, 328, 427, 489, 499–500, 563, 675, 677–678, 765, 770–771, 779, 781, 861
- Port facilities in Far East, 428, 619, 772
- Sea communications in Far East, 770
- Troop strength in Far East, 241
- Weather data exchange with United Nations, 860
- Strategic position, enemy, 237
- Sumatra, military operations against, plans for, 260, 319, 332, 702, 706, 709
- Supreme Allied Commander in, 257, 388
- Thailand: Air operations against, plans for, 803; military operations against, plans for, 886–888
- Timor, military operations against, plans for, 775, 792
- Troop strength in, enemy, 236, 240
- Troops, redeployment from Europe, 158, 767–769, 811
- United States, troop strength of, 518
- War aims of United Nations, 448–449
- Warmaking capacity, maintenance of: Enemy, 239; U. N., 814, 828–831
- Yunnan, military operations in, plans for, 239
- Java, “independence” hinted by Japan, 235
- Jebb, Gladwyn, 353–354, 445, 793
- Jenkins, Col. Reuben E., 363
- Jernegan, John D., 66, 116, 129
- Johnson, Herschel, 616
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U. S. See United States Chiefs of Staff.
- Joint Staff Planners, 187–188, 245–247
- Proposed agenda for Roosevelt-Chiang meeting, 245–246; for Roosevelt-Stalin meeting, 247
- Report on air bases in India and China, 187
- Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 109
- Jordan, Stanley Rupert, 447–448
- Joyce, Maj. Gen. Kenyon A., 263
- Kavtaradze, Sergey I., 116
- Kelley, Robert F., 161, 174
- Kennan, George F., 375, 385, 394–395, 776, 790–793
- Keynes, Lord, 822, 825–827
- Khartoum as proposed Conference site, 4, 8, 96, 98
- Khouri, Bishara, al-, Shaikh, 778–779, 853–854
- Kiel Canal area, international trusteeship for, proposed, 510
- Killearn, Lord, 345, 871
- King, Fleet Admiral Ernest J., 41, 195, 197, 248–249, 250–257, 260–261, 303, 305–306, 317–322, 335–345, 364–365, 478–482, 557–564, 670–674, 676–681, 687–690, 702–711, 720–725, 736–738, 749, 759, 763, 809
- King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 13
- Kirby, Maj. Gen. Stanley W., 793
- Kirk, Alexander C, 54, 71, 77, 89, 97, 129, 265–266, 750, 853
- Knatchbull-Hugessen, Sir Hughe, 174–175, 180, 190, 194, 200, 345, 586, 632, 664–665, 694, 712, 718, 730–731, 858
- Knox, W. Franklin, 100, 621
- Kohler, Foy D., 180–182
- Kollontay, Alexandra M., 590
- Korea: Chinese postwar aims in, 334; international trusteeship for, proposed, 257, 376, 869; postwar status, 257, 325, 334, 389, 400, 403, 404, 449, 566, 869
- Kung, H. H., 804, 845
- Kurile Islands: Air operations against, plans for, 780; military operations against, plans for, 233, 428, 619, 770, 780; Soviet claims on, 869
- Kuwait Oil Company, 163
- Landing craft allocation (see also
Shipping, allocation of):
- Mediterranean theater, 481, 516, 518, 520, 522–523, 536, 538–540, 543, 546, 548–549, 555–564, 577, 586–587, 679–680, 706–710, 720, 722, 783, 796, 800, 812, 829
- Northwest France, 139, 143–144, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365, 380, 395–397, 438, 444, 479, 481, 492, 501–502, 521–522, 524, 534, 540, 546, 555–564, 580, 617, 678, 689–690, 706–710, 720, 722, 737–738, 796, 812, 820, 829–830
- Southeast Asia Command, 139, 143–144, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365, 380, 395–397, 438, 444, 479, 481, 518, 543, 549, 558, 561–562, 587, 677, 706–711, 720–724, 737–738, 769, 783, 800–801, 803, 816, 820, 829–830
- Southern France, 517, 549, 556, 558, 564, 576, 579, 652, 671, 676–678, 689–690, 707–710, 723, 737–738, 799–800, 820, 829–830
- Southwest Pacific theater, 587, 678
- Landis, James M., 871
- Lascelles, Col. J. H., 363
- Latin American States, U. S. aid program, criticism of, 626
- Latvia, 594–595
- Laurel, José P., 263
- Laval, Pierre, 225
- League of Nations, 530–531
- Leahy, Adm. William D., 194–197, 248, 250–253, 255–256, 260–261, 304–306, 317–322, 326, 329–334, 335–338, 345, 350, 362–365, 419, 477–482, 508, 517–528, 556–564, 584, 671–674, 677–681, 684–690, 700–711, 720–725, 735–738
- Leathers, Lord, 346, 350, 415, 830
- Lebanon:
- Ledo Road. See China: Supply routes to.
- Leeper, R. A., 777
- Lend-Lease operations: China, 367, 889–890; Committee on the Dollar Position of Lend-Lease Countries, 826; United Kingdom, 824–828
- Lewis, Maj. Gen. R. G., 363
- Liberated areas (see also Occupied areas): Arrangement Between British Government’s Administration of Territories Committee (Europe) and the Norwegian Government in Exile, 1943, 417, 774; civil affairs administration, plans for, 382, 388–389, 392–394, 415–423, 439, 442–447, 486, 774; Far East, civil affairs administration in, plans for, 388–389; international trusteeships for, proposed, 509–510, 845; Quebec statement on, 382
- Lin Sen, 73
- Lin Wei, Gen., 310, 321, 340
- Lines of communication: China and United Nations, 160, 701, 772–773, 780, 811; Far East, 241; Germany, 139–140, 227, 361, 812; Japan, 158, 237, 681, 702, 766; Southeast Asia Command, enemy, 312, 315, 319, 339, 341, 681, 702, 758, 801, 811; United Nations, 158, 213, 303, 360, 688, 811
- Lithuania, 594–595
- Litvinov, M. M., 3, 130
- Liuchiu Islands. See Ryukyu Islands.
- Llewellin, Col. John J., 826
- Loans, U. S. to China, 366, 861
- London News Chronicle, 25
- Lopez, Alfonso, 626
- Lovett, Robert A., 177–179
- Low Countries, estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- Lunghi, Capt. H. A., 514, 568
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 444
- MacDonald, Byron D., 437
- MacKenzie, Donald K., 91
- MacLean, Brig. Fitzroy H. R., 615
- Macmillan, Harold, 196
- Macomb, U.S.S., 281
- Macready, Lt. Gen. Gordon, 198, 419
- MacVeagh, Lincoln, 129, 740, 871
- Maglione, Cardinal Luigi, 267–268
- Malay States, postwar status, 323
- Malta: Conference of Combined Chiefs of Staff, proposed, 63, 77–78; substitute for Cairo site, proposed, 60, 62–63, 76–77, 90, 97–99
- Manchuria: Military operations against, plans for, 238; postwar status of, 257, 389, 399, 401, 403, 404, 448, 824, 869; troop strength, enemy, 233
- Manchurian Railway, return to China, 869
- Maniu, Iuliu, 680
- Manpower resources, Germany, 218
- Mariana Islands, air bases in, plans for, 780
- Marshall, Gen. George C, 41, 99, 112, 131, 176, 194–196, 198, 248–261, 301–305, 307, 317–322, 326–334, 335, 338–345, 348–350, 364–365, 373, 419, 479–482, 508, 515–528, 534–564, 672–674, 677–681, 684–690, 700–711, 721–725, 736–738, 750, 758–763, 774
- Matsuoka, Yosuke, 620
- Matterhorn. See China: Air bases in.
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 879
- Maximov, M. A., 424, 439, 475, 651
- McCain, Adm. John S., 257
- McCarthy, Lt. Col. Frank, 397
- McClenahan, Lt. Col. R. W., 356–357
- McCloy, John J., 198, 265–266, 419, 699
- McCrea, Capt. John L., 615
- McIntire, Rear Adm. Ross T., 39, 397
- McNarney, Lt. Gen. Joseph T., 423
- Mediterranean theater (see also
Eastern Mediterranean):
- Air forces in, integration of, 228–232, 359, 432–435, 478, 682–686, 704, 735, 738, 757, 787–789, 795
- Air operations in, plans for, 794
- Combined Chiefs of Staff jurisdiction over, 587
- Command responsibilities, Combined Chiefs of Staff directive on, 794
- Landing craft allocation, 481, 516, 518, 520, 522–523, 536, 538–540, 543, 546, 548–549, 555–564, 577, 586–587, 679–680, 706–710, 720, 722, 783, 796, 800, 812, 829
- Military operations in, plans for, 203–204, 212–213, 326, 330–334, 363–365, 368, 405, 491–493, 502, 507, 518, 520, 526, 534–535, 538–542, 511, 517, 551, 677
- Shipping, allocation of, 480–481, 493, 501, 507, 623, 723–724, 798–800, 813, 829–830
- Supreme Allied Commander in, selection and authority of, 205–206, 248, 250–253, 359, 365, 406–408, 410, 481–482, 535, 565–566, 686, 704, 761–762, 794–796, 813
- Troop strength in, U. N., 331
- Meiklejohn, Lt. Robert P., 80
- Menemencio lu, Numan, 86, 149, 161–162, 164–167, 174–175, 180–181, 190–194, 200, 261, 572, 587, 589, 632, 662–664, 716–718, 726–733, 746, 752, 754–755, 839
- Merrill, Brig. Gen. Frank D., 340
- Messe, Gen. Giovanni, 244
- Metaxas, Gen. John, 851
- Middle East theater: Anglo-American discussions on, 776; boundaries of military control, 794–795; command arrangements in, 248–249; Middle East Defence Committee, 777–778; military operations in, plans for, 361–363; oil companies in, percentages of control, 162–163; oil concessions, Anglo-American discussions on, 155–156, 162–164; oil refineries, proposed erection, 163–164; Supreme Allied Commander in, selection and authority of, 251–252
- Middle East Defence Committee, 777–778
- Mihailović, Gen. Draža, 309–310, 345, 361, 492, 502, 575, 608, 615; nonsupport of by United Nations, 309–310; Tito, reconciliation with, 345
- Mikhailov, S. S., 699
- Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw, 383–384
- Military agreements. See Treaties and other international acts.
- Military assistance (see also Resistance forces): China, 159–160, 187, 243, 343, 370–371, 881, 889–890; France, 158, 194–195, 811; Italy, 158, 361, 811; Saudi Arabia, 378–379, 447–448; Soviet Union, 338, 427; Turkey, 199–200, 210, 480, 494, 505–506, 536, 545, 586–589, 670, 692–698, 710, 712–718, 726–734, 741–747, 751–752, 755–756, 782, 802, 839
- Military bases, U. N.: Azores Islands, 211, 260–261, 375, 385–386, 394–395, 422, 482, 589, 620, 717, 738, 760–761, 790–793, 807–809; China, 158, 264–265; Formosa, 259; India, 371, 769, 772, 781; Japanese Mandated Islands, 258, 324; Ireland, 750, 853; Philippines, 570; postwar control of, 568–571, 591–592, 604, 845–846, 868–869; West Indies, 569
- Military operations against Germany. See Germany, war against.
- Military operations against Japan. See Japan, war against.
- Millspaugh, Arthur C, 130, 639
- Mohamed Ali, Prince, 345
- Molotov, V. M., 5, 34, 40–41, 43–45, 49–52, 55, 58–59, 61–62, 65, 67–70, 72, 74–83, 85, 87, 93–95, 101, 115–118, 121–136, 144–150, 152, 154, 158, 162, 171, 182, 188–189, 201–203, 302, 334, 373, 384–385, 476, 486, 540, 544, 551–552, 568–575, 578, 589, 595, 597, 599–600, 645, 648–649, 665–667, 784, 805, 838, 841–843, 852, 857, 859–861, 865–866, 885
- Montgomery, Gen. Sir Bernard L., 865
- Morale, national: Germany, 217, 219–220; Japan, 235–236
- Moran, Lord, 350
- Montreux Convention, 566, 848
- Moose, James S., Jr., 447
- Morgan, Lt. Gen. Frederick E., 535, 541
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 441, 804, 825–826, 881–883
- Morrison, Chester, 91
- Morton, Maj. Desmond J. F., 353
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, Oct. 19–80, 1943, 22–23, 26–27, 30, 33–34, 38, 42–43, 47, 49, 51, 60–62, 132–134, 148, 152–155
- Civil affairs, agreements on, 352
- Declaration on Iran, consideration of, 841–843
- Declaration on Joint Responsibility for Europe, 116–117, 130
- Documentation of, 194, 197–198
- European Advisory Commission, establishment, 417, 420, 446
- Expectations from Conference, 27
- Finland, effect of declaration on, 375
- International committee for inspection of colonies, proposed, 486
- Italy, principles of Conference applied to, 383
- Poland, relations with Soviet Union, 383
- Proposal for, 19–20, 22–23
- Protocol: Most secret, 134–136, 161, 171, 188; secret, 132–133
- Results of Conference, 366–367
- Staffs in attendance, 132, 134
- United Kingdom: Delegation memoranda, 113–115, 116–117, 118–119; military statements, 137–141; support of United States at, 37
- United States: Delegation memorandum, 119–120; delegation minutes, 115–116, 121–126, 130–131; military statements, 141–144; proposals by, 617–618; support of by United Kingdom, 37
- Mountbatten, Adm. Lord Louis, 47, 67, 172, 264, 308, 310, 312–315, 318–322, 338–345, 347–349, 351, 354–355, 391–392, 413–415, 430, 484, 488, 676, 679–680, 687, 701, 705–710, 721–725, 737–738, 748, 757–759, 886
- Mruk, Joseph, Representative, 877
- Munich Agreement, 836
- Murphy, Robert D., 262, 376
- Murray, Wallace S., 66, 89, 155, 164
- Mussolini, Benito, 110–111, 225, 330
- Mutual assistance agreements. See under Treaties and other international acts.
- Nahas, Mustafa an-, Pasha, 25, 107, 345
- National Broadcasting Company, 91
- National integrity, guarantees of: European nations, 116–118; Iran, 113, 119, 620, 625, 627–630, 647–648, 650; Korea, 389; Poland, 381–385
- National Socialist Party, dissolution of, 185
- Nationalism, Arab, 129
- Nationals, foreign, repatriation by Germany, 184
- Nationals, internment of: Italian, in Egypt and Ethiopia, 739, 870–871; Yugoslav, 262
- Naval bases: Turkey, use by United Nations, 782; United States, use by Soviet Union, 427, 619
- Naval operations against Germany. See Germany, war against.
- Naval operations against Japan. See Japan, war against.
- Naval strength: Japan, 236, 240; Soviet Union, in Far East, 241
- Navigation rights (see also Port facilities), in Baltic Sea area, 510–511
- Near East Development Corporation, 163
- Netherlands: Civil affairs administration, proposed, 774; estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- Netherlands East Indies: Air operations against, plans for, 780; military operations against, plans for, 760–768
- Neutral nations, attitude toward war, 226
- New Caledonia, international trusteeship for, proposed, 509
- New Guinea. See Southwest Pacific theater: Military operations in.
- New York Daily News, 91
- New York Times, 452
- New Zealand, desire for U. S. interest in Southeast Pacific, 168–169
- News release, U. S. policy on, 849
- Normandy, invasion of. See Northwest France.
- North Africa: Air bases in, Soviet use of, 574–575; postwar bases in, 568–569, 846; proposed as Conference site, 4, 23, 34, 39, 41
- North Pacific theater: Air bases in, construction, 780; air operations in, plans for, 771, 860; military operations in, plans for, 233, 238, 766–767, 780; naval operations in, plans for, 780, 860
- Northwest France:
- Air operations in, plans for, 412, 527, 703
- Build-up period for invasion, 412–413, 491, 502, 504, 517–518, 521, 525, 534, 541
- Landing craft allocation, 139, 143–144, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365, 380, 395–397, 438, 444, 479, 481, 492, 501–502, 521–522, 524, 534, 540, 546, 555–564, 580, 617, 678, 689–690, 700–710, 720, 722, 737–738, 796, 812, 820, 829–830
- Military operations in, plans for, 8–12, 38, 48, 51, 65, 122–123, 134–135, 139–141, 143–144, 158, 176, 202–204, 211–212, 254–255, 302–303, 326–329, 333, 359, 363–365, 405, 409–413, 477–478, 490–493, 495–496, 501–502, 506–507, 515–528, 555–565, 574, 576–581, 587, 652, 670–672, 675–681, 689–690, 707–710, 721, 748–749, 762–763, 796–800, 812–813, 820, 865–866, 870
- Shipping, allocation of, 139, 143, 493, 501, 507, 521, 524, 723–724, 829–830
- Supply tonnages required, 143
- Troop strength in, enemy, 139–140
- Weather, effect on operations, 411–413
- Norway: Arrangement between British Government’s Administration of Territories Committee (Europe) and the Norwegian Government in Exile, 1943, 417, 774; civil affairs administration, proposed, 774; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; troop strength in, enemy, 222
- Norweb, R. Henry, 775
- Occupation by Germany: Bulgaria, 228; Hungary, 228; Rumania, 228; Spain, question of, 226; Sweden, question of, 227; Turkey, question of, 227–228
- Occupation of Japan, plans for, 258, 323–324, 388–389
- Occupied areas: Civil relief and rehabilitation of, 829; German withdrawal from, 227; Japan, relations with, 234; United Nations relations with Holy See in, 262
- Occupation zones, allocation of: Berlin, to United States, 254–255; France, 254, 256; Germany, 184, 253–257, 261, 674, 688–689, 786–787, 813, 881
- Office of Strategic Services: Coordination with United Kingdom, 777–778; Yugoslavia, report on resistance forces in, 606–615
- Oil companies, control of in Middle East, 162–163
- Oil concessions, Anglo-American discussions on, 155–156, 162–164
- Oil pipeline to China, 414, 772–773
- Oil refineries, proposed erection of, 163–164
- Oil supplies, U. N.: Pacific theater, 830–831; Soviet gasoline shortage, 6
- Oliver, Sarah, 310
- Olsen, Rear Adm. Clarence E., 102
- O’Neil, Con Douglas Walter, 879
- Oran: As proposed Conference site, 60, 62, 76–77; Roosevelt’s arrival at, 284
- Orbay, Gen. Kiazim, 755
- Orlando, Taddeo, 244
- Osborne, Sir D’Arcy, 245
- Outer Mongolia: Chinese claims on, 325, 334, 367; Soviet recognition of independence, 376; spheres of influence in, 257
- Overall plan for defeat of Germany, 157–158, 307, 368, 810–814, 820
- Overall plan for defeat of Japan, 157–158, 264–265, 349, 687–690, 724, 736, 765–773, 780, 814
- Overlord. See Northwest France.
- Pacific islands (see also Japan: Mandated Islands; and Pacific theater): International trusteeships for, proposed, 167–171, 197, 258, 324, 367, 846, 868–870; sovereignty claims in dispute, 169–171
- Pacific theater (see also
Central Pacific theater; North
Pacific theater; South Pacific theater;
Southwest Pacific theater; Western Pacific area):
- Air communications in, 170–171
- Aircraft, redeployment from Europe, 769–772, 781
- British Commonwealth: Naval forces in, 767–768, 809, 829; troops in, 768–769
- Estimates of situation in: Enemy, 233–243, 319; U. N., 488–489, 498–499
- Main effort in by United Nations, 687, 736, 766
- Postwar security of, 367
- Shipping allocations, 518, 720, 723–724, 759, 769, 781, 798, 800–801, 829–830
- Troops, redeployment from Europe, 158, 767–769, 811
- Unified Command in, 257, 388
- Pacific War Council, meeting of, 868–870
- Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran, 397, 630–631, 806–807
- Palestine, postwar status, 129
- Papen, Franz von, 193, 202, 262, 375
- Paramushiru, military operations against, plans for, 238
- Parr, Grant, 91
- Partisan forces. See Resistance forces.
- Paul, Crown Prince of Greece, 345
- Pavlov, V. N., 201–203, 838, 886
- Peace overtures: Bulgaria, 680, 692; Finland, 574; Germany, 228; Hungary, 493, 692; Japan to China, 620–621; Rumania, 166, 245, 493, 537, 544, 692
- Peace treaty, Finnish-Soviet, 1940, 592
- Peake, Charles, 393
- Peirse, Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard, 720
- Persia. See Iran.
- Pescadores Islands, Chinese claims on, 324, 869
- Pétain, Marshal Henri Philippe, 225
- Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, 345
- Petroleum Reserves Corporation, 164
- Philippines: Air operations against, plans for, 371, 780; “independence” granted by Japan, 234–235; military bases in, U. S., postwar, 570; military operations against, plans for, 766–768; Spain, felicitations to puppet regime, 263
- Phillips, William, 393
- Piccardi, Leopoldo, 244
- Pipeline for oil supply to China, 414, 772–773
- Plebiscites, proposed: Baltic nations, 594–595; Italy, 197
- Pleven, René 376
- Pogue, L. Welch, 177–178, 880
- Pointblank. See Combined bomber offensive against Germany.
- Poland:
- Atrocities by, Soviet allegations of, 598–599, 847
- Boundary revision, proposed, 381–382, 510, 512, 594, 598–602, 604, 837–838, 846–848, 883–885
- Estimate of enemy situation in, 225
- National integrity, recognition of, 381–385
- Postwar status, 512, 575
- Resistance forces in, aid to, 382, 385, 847, 867–868
- Secret commitments, denial of, 877
- Soviet Union: Aims in Poland, 381–385, 846–848; diplomatic relations, reestablishment, 154, 381–385, 597–600
- Pope. See Holy See.
- Port Arthur, postwar status, 324
- Port facilities: Baltic Sea area, 510–511; Dairen, postwar status, 367, 869, 891; Hong Kong, postwar status, 887–888; Soviet access to, 428, 566–567, 605, 619, 772, 869; United Nations requirements, 360, 519, 522, 524, 709, 721, 798; Vladivostok, 103
- Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles, 306, 317–322, 335–345, 347–349, 361–365, 508, 517–528, 534, 559–564, 671–674, 677–681, 682–690, 700–711, 757–763
- Portugal:
- Agreement on British use of facilities in the Azores, 1943, 620
- Attitude toward war, 226
- Azores Islands: Military bases in, U. N. use of, 211, 260–261, 375, 385–386, 394–395, 422, 482, 589, 620, 717, 738, 760–761, 790–793, 807–809; postwar bases, 846
- Japan: Relations with, 621, 775–776; war against, participation in, proposals for, 775, 792
- Spain, relations with, 621
- Postwar security. See International security and United Nations Organization.
- Potomac, U. S. S., 273–274
- Power, Capt. M. L., 363
- Press relations: Cairo Conference, First, 286–287, 298, 355–357, 366; Cairo Conference, Second, 655, 839; Proposed conference, 26, 31, 33; Tehran Conference, 641–645, 650
- Price, Byron, 87–89, 91–92, 644
- Prisoners of war, U. N., repatriation of, 184
- Propaganda (see also Censorship and security), 11, 236
- Property requisition in Italy, U. N., 244–245
- Public opinion: Japan, propaganda trends in, 236; Turkey, preparation for entry into war, 174, 716; United States, effect on of plebiscites in Baltic countries, 594–595
- Puppet nations. See Satellite nations.
- Purić, Božidar, 345
- Pyramids area as proposed Conference site, 41, 54
- Quebec Conference, 11–13, 18, 20, 34, 38, 110; liberated areas, statement on, 382
- Rabaul, neutralization of, 780
- Railway facilities in Southeast Asia Command, 312, 315
- Rankin. See Germany: Occupation zones and Surrender of.
- Reader’s Digest, 626
- Redeployment to Pacific from Europe: Aircraft, 769–772, 781; troops, 158, 767–769, 811
- Redman, Brig. Harold, 353, 415
- Rehabilitation of occupied areas, 829
- Reilly, Michael F., 71, 310, 397, 440, 476
- Reinhardt, Frederick, 48
- Relief measures in occupied areas, 829
- Reparations: Germany, 185, 881; Japan, 324, 389
- Requisition of property in Italy by United Nations, 244–245
- Resistance forces, military assistance to: Albania, 410, 794–795; Bulgaria, 362–363, 478, 480, 794–795; China, 242; Greece, 410, 794–795, 851–852; Hungary, 794; Italy, 331; Poland, 382, 385, 847, 867–868; Rumania, 362, 794–795; Yugoslavia, 140–141, 213, 309–310, 326, 331–334, 345, 360–362, 410, 478–480, 492–493, 502, 507, 515–516, 534–538, 543–547, 551, 556, 574–575, 577, 579, 606–615, 652, 669–670, 704–705, 777–778, 794–795
- Resources, war. See Warmaking capacity.
- Reuters agency, 452–455, 644–645, 875–876
- Rhodes. See Eastern Mediterranean.
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 599
- Roatta, Gen. Mario, 244
- Roberts, Roy A., 454
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 436, 626
- Rodman, U. S. S., 282, 284
- Rome, recognition as open city, 195–196, 266–269, 801, 820
- Ronald, Nigel Bruce, 840
- Roosevelt, Col. Elliott, 323, 346, 349, 543, 738
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (for substantive views, see subject headings):
- Aleppo suggested as site for meeting with Inönü, 632
- Cairo, agreement on as site for Conference, 99
- Chiang: Agreement on attendance at Conference, 16–17, 30, 54; attendance at Conference, proposals for, 13, 39, 41, 47, 55, 66, 72–73, 83; topics proposed for meeting with, 245–246
- Churchill: Mutual tributes, 583; pre-Conference meeting with, 60, 62–63, 76–77, 79, 81
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, proposal of post-Conference meeting, 37
- Conference sites suggested by, 3, 6, 24, 27, 31, 35, 39, 47, 61
- Constitutional bars to extended absence from Washington, 23–24, 30–31, 35–36, 50, 68, 71, 80–81
- Farouk I, message of sympathy to, 97, 101, 806
- Financial relations with United Kingdom, directive on, 822–828
- French colonial system, view on, 485, 509, 872
- French political leaders, view on, 484, 509
- German militarism, view on, 510
- German officers, liquidation of, view on, 554, 602
- Giraud, estimate of, 484
- Hitler, estimate of, 513
- Inönü: Proposal for meeting with, 43, 86, 100, 632–633, 664, 666; reflection on common national ideals, 43
- Meeting in North Africa, proposal, 39
- Moscow Conference: Expectations from, 27; request for British support of United States at, 37
- Secret commitments, denial of, 877
- Stalin: Conference with, proposed, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11–12, 16, 20; importance of conference with, 32, 36, 38; topics suggested for discussion with, 247; tributes by, 837, 849
- Tehran, agreement on as site of Conference, 81
- Tehran Conference, appraisal of, 785
- United Nations Organization, concept of, 529–533, 622
- Rowley, James J., 440
- Royal, Capt. Forrest B., 87, 397
- Royce, Maj. Gen. Ralph, 750
- Rumania: Air operations against, plans for, 138–139, 360, 586; co-belligerency, Allied acceptance, plans for, 680; estimate of enemy situation in, 224; military operations against, plans for, 493; occupation by enemy, 228; peace overtures by, 166, 245, 493, 537, 544, 692; postwar status, 603–604; resistance forces in, military assistance to, 362, 794–795
- Ryan, Curteis Norwood, 356–357, 449
- Ryti, Risto, 592
- Ryukyu Islands, postwar status of, 324, 869–870
- Sa’ed-Maragheh’i, Mohammed, 564, 648–649, 841–843, 867
- Sakhalin Island, Soviet claims on, 869
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 375, 385–386, 394–395, 620–621, 760, 775–776, 790–793, 807–809
- Santee, U. S. S., 282
- Saracoğlu, Sükrü, 345, 663
- Sardinia, military operations against, plans for, 140
- Satellite nations of Axis: Isolation of, plans for, 213, 215–216; troops of aiding Japan, 236
- Saudi Arabia, military assistance to, 378–379, 447–448
- Scandinavian countries, military operations in, plans for, 212
- Scapa Flow as proposed Conference site, 8, 10, 19
- Sea communications: Germany, 158; Japan, 158; Soviet Union, 492, 501, 503, 516, 534, 770
- Second front, Soviet concern over, 8, 10–12, 38, 48, 51, 65, 122–124, 135, 153, 166, 201, 265–266, 303, 327–330, 364, 477, 481, 483, 524–525, 537–539, 545, 547–548, 551–552, 556, 561, 563, 574
- Security measures: Cairo Conference, First, 54, 88–93, 95–100, 105–107, 273–274, 276–277, 288, 294, 355–357; Cairo Conference, Second, 452–455, 659, 849; proposed conference, 31, 43–46; Tehran Conference, 28, 328, 397, 424, 440, 463, 467–468, 476, 642–645, 650–651, 843, 849
- Security, postwar. See International security and United Nations Organization.
- Sextant. See Cairo Conference, First, and Cairo Conference, Second.
- Shang Chen, Gen., 310, 321, 340–344
- Shea, Frank, 451
- Shell Oil Company, 163
- Sherwood, Robert E., 881
- Shipping: German, attacks on, 220, 227; Italian request for allocation to Soviet Union, 112–113, 120, 126–129, 133, 149–150, 153, 173, 189, 261, 597, 622–623, 852–853, 856–857, 862, 866, 871, 873–878; Japanese, attacks on, 237, 240, 318, 766, 780; Soviet Union, postwar transfer of shipping to, 483–484; U. S. commitments in Mediterranean, 124–125
- Shipping, allocation of (see also Landing craft allocation): Mediterranean theater, 480–481, 493, 501, 507, 623, 723–724, 798–800, 813, 829–830; Northwest France, 139, 143, 493, 501, 507, 521, 524, 723–724, 829–830; Pacific theater, 518, 720, 723–724, 759, 769, 781, 798, 800–801, 829–830
- Shumushu, military operations against, plans for, 238
- Siam. See Thailand.
- Sinkiang Province, Soviet withdrawal from, 376
- Sino-American Council of Chiefs of Staff. See Combined Chiefs of Staff: Participation by China in conferences of; United Chiefs of Staff.
- Slim, Lt. Gen. William J., 431
- Smirnov, A. A., 116, 843
- Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter B., 865
- Smuts, Field Marshal Jan Christian, 152
- Société Franchise des Pétroles, 163
- Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, 163
- Soheily, Ali, 619–620, 648, 650, 841–843
- Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B., 47, 67, 77, 198, 257, 348, 477, 746
- Somerville, Adm. Sir James, 702
- Soong, T. V., 56, 889–890
- South Pacific theater, military operations in, plans for, 766, 780
- Southeast Asia Command:
- Air operations, plans for, 737, 771, 801, 821–822
- Air strength in, enemy, 720, 722
- Air supply operations to, 313, 320–321, 341, 355, 430, 767, 816
- Boundaries of military control, 340, 391–392, 886–888
- Estimate of U. N. situation in, 320–322
- Landing craft allocation, 139, 143–144, 326, 332–333, 359–360, 364–365, 380, 395–397, 438, 444, 479, 481, 518, 543, 549, 558, 561–562, 587, 677, 706–711, 720–724, 737–738, 769, 783, 800–801, 803, 816, 820, 829–830
- Lines of communication: Enemy, 312, 315, 319, 339, 341, 702, 801; U. N., 312, 314, 341, 681, 758, 768, 811
- Military operations in, plans for, 233, 243, 312–315, 319–322, 332, 334–335, 338–345, 349–351, 358–359, 366, 370, 391–392, 430, 676, 679–680, 687, 700–711, 719–726, 735–738, 748–749, 757–759, 762, 766, 768–769, 780–781, 796–801, 814–816, 821–822, 886
- Naval operations in, plans for, 314–315, 318, 323, 338, 342, 344, 350, 430, 479, 707–709, 737, 803, 816
- Political considerations, 340, 371–372
- Rail facilities in, 312, 315
- Troop strength in: Enemy, 312–313, 720; U. N., 313, 708, 720
- Supreme Allied Commander in, 264, 391, 431; Combined Chiefs of Staff jurisdiction over, 243, 748, 814
- Southeast Pacific area, international trusteeships in, proposed, 168–171
- Southern France:
- Air operations in, plans for, 723, 783, 797–798, 829
- Landing craft allocation, 517, 549, 556, 558, 564, 576, 579, 652, 671, 676–678, 689–690, 707–710, 723, 737–738, 799–800, 820, 829–830
- Military operations in, plans for, 140–141, 212, 345, 360, 478–480, 494–495, 501–507, 517–519, 525, 534–535, 537, 542–543, 545–547, 550, 555–562, 564–565, 574, 576, 579, 652, 670–672, 676–681, 689–690, 704, 706–710, 721, 723, 748–749, 762–763, 796–800, 812–813, 820, 829, 865–866, 870
- Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, control by, 564–565
- Southwest Pacific theater: Air operations in, plans for, 771; landing craft allocation, 587, 678; military operations in, plans for, 233, 239, 766–769, 780
- Soviet Union:
- Air bases in: For use against Germany, 136, 143, 202–203, 337–338, 428, 529, 593, 596, 617–618, 859–861; for use against Japan, 233, 258, 428, 618, 619, 675, 769–772, 859–861
- Air capability, 584
- Air communications with United Nations, 136, 143–144, 429, 618, 860
- Air strength in Far East, 241, 260–261
- Air supply to in Europe, 429
- Aircraft shortages, 6
- Atrocities by, German allegations of, 598
- Balkan countries, Turkish concern over intentions in, 165–166, 175, 181, 193–194, 199–200
- Boundary revisions, proposed, 154–155, 847–848
- Bulgaria, attitude toward, 537–538, 544–545, 551, 573, 588–589, 652, 670, 680, 691–692, 715, 733, 742, 754
- Cairo Declaration, comment on, 616
- Capabilities and intentions in Far East, 241–242
- China: Attitude toward Soviet participation in war, 257; concern over Soviet interests in China, 102; relations with, 376, 869
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, participation in conferences of, proposed, 41–42, 48, 60, 65, 70, 72, 78–82, 87, 94, 305–307, 327, 336–337, 379–380, 390, 420–429, 815
- Communications facilities, use by United Nations, 428
- Communism, Soviet propagation of, 102–103
- Coordination of efforts with United Nations: In Europe, 134, 137–138, 140, 143, 152, 157–158, 201, 213, 228–232, 260, 306, 329–330, 337–338, 364–365, 373, 426, 561, 565, 570–581, 652, 672, 691, 775, 810–811, 813, 860; in Far East, 264, 314, 322, 337, 340, 390, 427, 566, 596, 772, 775, 811, 861
- “Cordon sanitaire” concept, rejection of, 154–155
- Curzon Line, attitude toward, 567, 575, 599–600, 605, 847, 884–885
- Declaration on Iran, release of, 642–645
- Defense, preoccupation with, 6, 17, 22, 24, 33, 45–46, 51–52, 68, 75–76
- Europe: Federations in, opposition to, 845, 847; postwar status, view on, 845–846
- Finland: Armistice negotiations with, 590–593, 848, 865; relations with, 155–156
- France: Attitude towards collaborators with Germany, 569, 845, 847: toward Committee of National Liberation, 154; toward political leaders, 484–485, 509, 514; toward postwar empire of, 485, 510, 514, 568–569, 846–847
- Gasoline shortage, 6
- Germany: Attitude toward postwar policy in, 154; division of, insistence on, 845; gold reserves, 823, 826–828
- Indochina, attitude toward return of to France, 485
- Iran: German agents in, concern over, 463, 476, 867; relations with, 155, 843; supply of Soviet Union through, 624, 647
- Italy, request for allocation of Italian naval and merchant shipping, 112–113, 120, 126–129, 133, 149–150, 153, 173, 189, 261, 597, 622–623, 852–853, 856–857, 862, 866, 871, 873–878
- Japan: Attitude toward postwar empire of, 485; participation in war against, plans for, 147, 328, 427, 489, 499–500, 563, 567, 675, 677–678, 765, 770–771, 779, 781, 861; relations with, 234
- Kurile Islands, claims on, 869
- Lines of communication in Far East, 241
- Military assistance to, 338, 427
- Military operations in. See Eastern Europe: Military operations in.
- Moscow Conference, proposal for, 19–20, 22–23
- Naval strength in Far East, 241
- North Africa, air bases in, use by, 574–575
- Outer Mongolia, recognition of independence of, 376
- Poland (see also Poland: Boundary revision): Diplomatic relations, reestablishment, 154, 381–385, 597–600; Soviet aims in, 598–599, 846–848
- Port facilities: In Europe, 566–567, 605, 869; in Far East, 428, 619, 772
- Postwar reconstruction, basis for, 15
- Postwar status, 846
- Ribbentrop–Molotov Line, adherence to, 599–600
- Sakhalin Island, claims on, 869
- Sea communications with (see also Dardanelles): In Europe, 492, 501, 503, 516, 534; in Far East, 770
- Second front, Soviet concern over, 8, 10–12, 38, 48, 51, 65, 122–124, 135, 153, 166, 201, 265–266, 303, 327–330, 364, 477, 481, 483, 524–525, 537–539, 545, 547–548, 551–552, 556, 561, 563, 574
- Shipping, postwar, U. N. transfer to, 483–484
- Sinkiang Province, withdrawal from, 376
- Substitute for Stalin at Conference, proposed, 58–59, 61, 68
- Pacific, supply through, 770
- Sweden, concern over Soviet intentions in Finland, 182–183
- Territorial interests, 554–555
- Treaties and other international acts: Anglo-Soviet Treaty of Alliance, 1942, 885; Civil affairs, agreements on, 352; Declaration of Four Nations on General Security, 1943, 58, 103, 116, 130, 153, 306, 387, 532, 624; Declaration of German Atrocities, 1943, 554; Declaration on Iran, 115, 118–120, 130, 131, 133, 605, 620, 640–641, 646–651, 692, 838, 840–843, 885–886; Declaration on Joint Responsibility for Europe, 1943, 116–117, 130; Finnish-Soviet treaty of peace, 1940, 592; Montreux Convention, 566, 848; Tehran Conference military agreements, 651–652, 669–674, 810, 812, 820; treaty of alliance between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, and Iran. 1942, 113, 115–116, 119, 166, 627, 648
- Troop strength: Eastern Europe, 490, 500; Far East, 241
- Turkey: Concern over Soviet intentions, 180; relations with, 694
- United Kingdom, Soviet attitude toward postwar status, 848
- United States: Civil aviation policy, mutual, 880; conference with, proposed, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11; expressions of confidence, mutual, 785, 805; naval bases in, Soviet use, 427, 619; ship sinking, apology for, 16
- Vladivostok, question of closing of port, 103
- War weariness in, 265–266
- Weather data exchange with, 136, 143, 429, 618, 860
- Spaatz, Lt. Gen. Carl, 231, 252
- Spain: Attitude toward war, 226; German agents in, U. S. concern over, 262–263, 463; international trusteeships in, proposal, 846; occupation by enemy, potential, 226; Philippine puppet regime, felicitations to, 263; Portugal, relations with, 621
- Spaman, Guy H., 397
- Spellman, Cardinal Francis, 739
- Spheres of influence, postwar: Europe, 130, 259; Outer Mongolia, 257
- Stalin, I.V. (for
substantive views, see subject headings):
- Agenda suggested for Conference, 247
- Brooke, attitude toward, 583–584
- Chiang: Desire to avoid meeting with, 17, 56, 73, 77; insistence on exclusion of Chiang at Tehran, 82
- Churchill: Mutual relations, 12, 18, 27, 553–555, 836–837; mutual tributes, 583, 837
- Communist regimes, on setting up, 837
- Conference: Attitude toward, 29, 40; proposed to by Roosevelt, 3–4, 7, 9, 11–12, 16; Roosevelt agreement on, 6, 20; proposed sites for, 6, 17, 23, 25, 33
- German officers, views on liquidation of, 554, 602
- Hitler, estimate of, 513
- Molotov, as representative at Conference, 39, 41, 50, 54, 57, 65, 67, 70–71, 78–80, 82
- Moscow Conference, proposal for, 19–20, 22–23
- Red Army, estimate of, 553
- Reluctance to travel far, 17, 19, 22, 74
- Roosevelt, tributes to, 837, 849
- Strategic decisions by United Nations, chagrin over non-consultation in, 7
- Substitute for Stalin at Conference, proposed, 58–59, 61, 68
- Tehran: Agreement on as Conference site, 78; insistence on as site of Conference, 33–34, 39–40, 51–52, 57, 67, 79
- Standard Oil Company of California, 163
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 163
- Standley, Adm. William H., 5
- Stanley, Oliver F. G., 887
- Steinhardt, Laurence A., 43, 66, 262, 374–375, 586, 632, 662, 665–666, 750
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 177, 197, 266, 825–826
- Stevenson, Ralph C. S., 777
- Stewart, U. S. S., 274
- Stilwell, Lt. Gen. Joseph W., 102, 257, 263, 304, 313, 317–322, 335, 340–345, 350, 367, 372, 391, 414–415, 431, 725
- Stimson, Henry L., 419, 444–445, 447, 621, 793, 826
- Stone, Gen. R. G. W., 345
- Stopford, Maj. Gen. Montagu G. N., 719–720
- Strang, Sir William, 616, 878
- Strategic bases. See Air bases; Military bases; Naval bases.
- Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. George E., 102, 263, 321–322, 340
- Subsidies to airlines, by United States, 178–179
- Sumatra, military operations against, plans for, 260, 319, 332, 702, 706, 709
- Supply routes: China, overland, 370, 372, 721–722, 758, 767, 772–773, 780, 816, 861, 874; Soviet Union, through Pacific, 770
- Supply tonnages for Northwest France, 143
- Supreme Allied Commander:
- China theater, 264
- Europe: Combined Chiefs of Staff, relation to, 405–408, 424–426; recommendations on, 405–407, 424; selection and authority of, 131, 133, 176, 195, 203–209, 212, 248–251, 253, 302, 333–334, 405–408, 424–426, 535, 537, 541–542, 546, 550, 565, 574, 577–578, 580, 676, 761, 819
- Mediterranean: Recommendations on, 150–151, 156, 161; selection and authority of, 205–206, 248, 250–253, 359, 365, 406–408, 410, 481–482, 535, 565–566, 686, 704, 761–762, 794–796, 813
- Middle East, selection and authority of, 251–252
- Pacific, 257, 388
- Southeast Asia Command, 264, 391, 431; Combined Chiefs of Staff jurisdiction over, 243; relation to Combined Chiefs of Staff, 748, 814
- Southern France, control by, 564–565
- Surrender plans for: Axis satellite nations, 774; Bulgaria, 782; Germany, 183–186, 388, 513, 773–774, 779, 781, 803–804, 854–855, 862–863, 881; Italy, 111, 774; Japan, 810
- Surrender overtures. See Peace overtures.
- Suvorov, Field Marshal Alexander, 490
- Sweden: Attitude toward war, 226; Finland, economic assistance to by Sweden, 182–183; occupation by Germany, question of, 227; participation in war, proposals for, 121, 125, 136, 153, 182–183, 212, 327, 591; Soviet intentions in Finland, concern over, 182–183
- Switzerland, attitude toward war, 226
- Syria: Crisis in, 129, 189–190; postwar status, 84, 129
- Taiwan. See Formosa.
- T’ang Wu, 450–451
- Tannu Tuva, postwar status, 325
- Tarzan. See Burma: Military operations in.
- Tass agency, 645
- Teazer, H. M. S., 284
- Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur, 151, 252, 361–365, 757
- Tehran Conference, Nov. 27–Dec. 2,
1943 (see also
Conference, proposals for), 457–652
- Adriatic Sea area, military operations in, plans for, 480–481, 493, 502–505, 543
- Andaman Islands, military operations against, plans for, 477, 479–480, 482
- Arrangements for, 298, 305–307, 311, 373–374, 377, 385, 397, 415, 438
- Arrival of Roosevelt, 460, 615
- Azores Islands, military bases in, U. N. use of, 482, 589
- Balkan countries: Air strength in, enemy, 480; military operations in, plans for, 492, 537–538, 543–544, 546–547, 575; troop strength in, enemy, 516, 536, 543, 546–547
- Baltic countries, plebiscites in, proposed, 594–595
- Baltic Sea area, navigation rights in, 510–511
- Belgium, air bases in, postwar use by United Nations, 569
- Bizerte, postwar base at, 568–569
- Bulgaria: Postwar status, 603–605; Soviet attitude toward, 537–538, 544–545, 551, 573, 588–589
- Burma, military operations in, plans for, 479, 484
- Censorship measures, 28, 328, 397, 424, 440, 463, 467–468, 476, 641–645, 650–651, 843, 849
- China: Military operations in, plans for, 484, 620; postwar aims, 566, 570; U. S. troops in, 484
- Code name adopted, 29
- Colonies, international committee for inspection of, 486
- Combined bomber offensive against Germany, 516–517, 520, 534, 562
- Communications service, 33, 43–44, 46, 94–95, 632
- Communiqué and its release, 453, 578, 581, 605, 623–624, 634–645, 848
- Corsica, military operations against, plans for, 495, 505
- Curzon Line, Soviet attitude toward, 567, 575, 599–600, 605
- Dakar, postwar base at, 509, 568–569
- Dardanelles, Straits of, opening of, 477–479, 492, 503, 516, 534, 536, 539, 544, 548, 556, 566, 573–574, 589, 597
- Dates proposed, 39
- Declaration on Iran, and its release, 605, 620, 640–641, 640–651, 692, 838, 840–843, 885–886
- de Gaulle, concern over role as French leader, 484, 514
- Departure of Roosevelt: For Tehran from Cairo, 459; from Tehran, 471–472
- Dodecanese Islands, military operations against, plans for, 480, 482, 516, 560–561, 574
- Eastern Europe, troop strength in: Enemy, 490–491, 500–501, 525: Soviet, 490, 500
- Eastern Mediterranean: Military operations against, plans for, 477–481, 493–496, 503, 505–506, 516, 536–539, 543, 545–546, 548, 550, 556–558, 560–562, 564, 574, 586–588; troop strength in, U. N., 495–496
- European Advisory Commission: Germany, postwar control of, 510–511, 513–514, 532, 553, 602; role in civil affairs, 604–689
- European theater, estimate of U. N. situation in, 409–411, 488–489, 498–499
- Expectations, 71–72, 75, 574, 582–585
- Finland: Armistice negotiations with Soviet Union, 574, 591–593; role in war, 590–591
- Finnish-Soviet peace treaty, 1940, 592
- Formosa: Military bases in, U. S., need for, 570; postwar status, 570 “Four Policemen” proposal, 530–531, 595
- France:
- Colonies of, postwar status, 485, 510, 514, 568–570
- Committee of National Liberation, relations with, 484
- Troops of, employment, 762–763
- Soviet attitude toward collaborators with Germany, 569; toward political leaders of, 484–485, 509, 514; toward postwar empire, 485, 510, 514, 568–569
- Troop strength of, 539, 549–550
- Germany: Air operations against, plans for, 494, 504, 514–529, 534, 559–560, 586; air strength of, 480; atrocities by, declaration on, 554; boundary revision, proposals for, 602, 604–605; industrial areas, attacks on, 516, 520; international trusteeships in, proposed, 554, 570–571; military operations against, plans for, 477–482, 487–508, 514–529, 534, 552, 555–564, 576–581, 586–593; partition of, plans for, 602–605, 845, 847; postwar control of, 510–511, 513–514, 532, 553, 602; Soviet attitude toward French collaboration with, 569; surrender of, plans for, 513; war criminals, prosecution of, 554
- Greece, military operations in, plans for, 480
- Hanseatic cities, postwar status, 567
- Hungary: Peace overtures by, 493; postwar status, 603
- India, postwar status, 486
- Indochina: International trusteeship for, proposed, 485; postwar status, 485; Soviet attitude toward return of Indochina to France, 485
- International security, postwar, 514, 530, 568–571, 604
- Iran: Economic stabilization of, 564–565; German agents in, concern over, 476
- Italy: Air bases in, plans for, 516; Italian naval and merchant shipping, allocation to Soviet Union, 597, 622; military operations in, plans for, 477–478, 480, 490, 492–493, 495, 501–502, 504–506, 515–517, 519, 522–523, 525, 534, 537–538, 543, 549, 555–559, 561, 563–564, 586
- Japan: Air operations against, plans for, 529; military operations against, plans for, 484–486; naval operations against, plans for, 529; postwar control of, 532, 554; Soviet attitude toward postwar empire, 485; territories of, international trusteeships for, proposed, 554, 570–571
- Kiel Canal area, international trusteeship for, proposed, 510
- League of Nations, 530–531
- Lebanon, crisis in, 386, 484–485
- Liberated areas: Civil affairs administration, plans for, 486; international trusteeships for, proposed, 509–510
- Living accommodations, 310–311, 397, 439–440, 461, 463–464, 475–476
- Mediterranean theater: Landing craft allocation, 481, 516, 518, 520, 522–523, 536, 538–540, 543, 546, 548–549, 555–564, 577, 586–587; military operations in, plans for, 491–493, 502, 507, 518, 520, 526, 534–535, 538–542, 544–547, 551; shipping, allocation of, 480–481, 493, 501, 507
- Military agreements, 651–652, 669–672, 810, 812, 820
- Military bases, postwar control of, 568–571, 591–592, 604
- Montreux Convention, 566
- New Caledonia, international trusteeship for, proposed, 509
- Northwest France: Air operations in, plans for, 527; build-up period for operations, 491, 502, 504, 517–518, 521, 525, 534, 541; landing craft allocation, 479, 481, 492, 501–502, 521–522, 524, 534, 540, 546, 555–564, 580; military operations, plans for, 477–478, 490–493, 495–496, 501–502, 506–507, 515–528, 534–552, 555–565, 574, 576–581, 587; shipping, allocation of, 493, 501, 507, 521, 524
- Pacific theater, estimates of U. N. situation in, 488–489, 498–499
- Philippines, military bases in, U. S. postwar use, 570
- Poland: Boundary revision, proposed, 510, 512, 594, 598–602, 604, 837–838, 847–848; postwar status, 512, 575, 846–848; relations with Soviet Union, reestablishment of, 597–598
- President’s log, 459–472
- Press relations, 28, 328, 397, 424, 440, 463, 467–468, 476, 641–645, 650–651, 843, 849
- Resistance forces, military assistance to, 478, 480
- Rumania: Air operations against, plans for, 586; military operations against, plans for, 493; peace overtures by, 493, 537, 544; postwar status, 603–604
- Security measures, 28, 328, 397, 424, 440, 463, 467–468, 476, 641–645, 650–651, 843, 849
- Site of Conference, 33–34, 39–40, 51–52, 57, 67, 71, 79, 80, 83, 87
- Southeast Asia Command, landing craft allocation, 479, 481, 518, 543, 549, 558, 561–562, 587
- Southern France: Control of by Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, 564–565; landing craft allocation, 517, 549, 556, 558, 564, 576, 579; military operations, plans for, 478–480, 494–495, 501–507, 517–519, 525, 534–535, 537, 542–543, 545–547, 550, 555–562, 564–565, 574, 576, 579
- Southwest Pacific theater, landing craft allocation, 587
- Soviet Union:
- Air bases in, use by United Nations, 529, 593, 596
- Air capability of, 584
- Allocation of Italian shipping to, 597
- Atrocities by, German allegations, 598
- Coordination of efforts with United Nations: In Europe, 561, 565, 576–581; in Far East, 566, 596
- Participation in war against Japan, plans for, 489, 499–500, 563
- Port facilities in Europe, (see also Dardanelles), 566–567, 605
- Reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Poland, 597–600
- Relations with Poland, 599
- Reluctance to go beyond Tehran for Conference, 24, 26, 28, 33, 35–37, 43, 52, 55, 57–58, 60, 62, 68
- Sea communications with, in Europe, 492, 501, 503, 516, 534
- Second front, concern over, 477, 481, 483, 524–525, 537–539, 545, 547–548, 551–552, 556, 561, 563, 574
- Shipping, postwar transfer to by United Nations, 483–484
- Territorial interests of, 554–555
- Topics proposed for discussion, 113, 257–261, 263, 337–338, 365, 426–429
- Troop strength, Eastern Europe, 490, 500
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe: Selection and authority of, 535, 537, 541–542, 546, 550, 565, 574, 577–578, 580; Southern France, control by, 564–565
- Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean: Combined Chiefs of Staff, jurisdiction over, 587; selection and authority of, 481–482, 535, 565–566
- Tehran, notes on, 473
- Travel arrangements, 36, 54, 69–70, 298, 347–348, 616
- Turkey: Air bases in, plans for, 480, 516, 539, 548, 586; military and economic deficiencies, 588; military assistance to, 480, 494, 505–506, 536, 545, 586–589; participation in war, proposals for, 477–481, 490–494, 496–497, 501, 503, 505, 507–508, 516, 534–539, 543–545, 548–550, 556, 560–561, 566, 571–573, 576–577, 579, 586–589, 593, 597
- United Kingdom, territorial interests of, 554, 570
- United Nations:
- United Nations Organization, proposals for, 530–553, 568, 595–596, 604
- United States: Air strength of, 494, 504; public opinion in, effect of plebiscites in Baltic countries on, 594–595; staff at Conference, 462; territorial interests, 571; troop strength in Pacific, 518
- West Indies, U. S. bases in, 569
- Western Europe, air capability in, enemy, 562
- Yugoslavia, resistance forces in, military assistance to, 478–480, 492–493, 502, 507, 515–516, 534–538, 543–547, 551, 556, 574–575, 577, 579
- Territorial interests: Soviet Union, 554–555; United States, 571
- Texas Company, 163
- Thailand: Air operations against, plans for, 803; boundary revisions of by Japan, 235; military operations against, plans for, 886–888; postwar status, 325
- Thoma, Lt. Gen. Wilhelm Hitter von, 111
- Timor, military operations in, plans for, 775, 792
- Tito, Josip Broz, 334, 345, 361, 478, 480, 493, 502, 529, 536, 544, 546, 574–575, 610; Mihailovic, reconciliation with, 345
- Tong, Hollington K., 322, 891
- Torpedo discharge, accidental, en route to Cairo, 280
- Treasury Department, attitude on British currency balances, 825, 828
- Treaties and other international acts: Agreement on British
use of facilities in the Azores, 1943, 620
- Anglo-Soviet treaty of alliance, 1942, 885
- Arrangement Between British Government’s Administration of Territories Committee (Europe) and the Norwegian Government in Exile, 1943, 417, 774
- British-French-Turkish treaty of mutual assistance, 1939, 191, 691, 730, 754, 831
- Cairo Declaration, 448–449, 566–567, 616
- Civil affairs, agreements on, 352
- Convention of Montreux regarding the Regime of the Straits, 566, 848
- Declaration of Four Nations on General Security, 1943, 58, 103, 116, 130, 153, 306, 387, 532, 624