740.0011 European War 1939/24583: Telegram

The Chargé in Turkey (Kelley) to the Secretary of State

963. Your 467, September 25. I have informed Secretary General of Foreign Office5 (the Foreign Minister6 still being in the hospital following his recent operations) of the demand made by the German delegation in Paris on French Government for French shipping for immediate use in the Black Sea. I pointed out to him that this shipping [Page 806] would undoubtedly be utilized in connection with Axis military operations in Black Sea area and that the vessels would function in fact as auxiliary naval vessels.

Secretary General stated that this was the first information which Turk Government had received with regard to this matter. He said that the question of the passage of these vessels through the Straits would present a problem which would require careful study and consideration. He promised to keep me informed of developments in the matter.

  1. Sevki Berher.
  2. Numan Menemencioğlu.