President Roosevelt to the British Prime Minister (Churchill)57
155. I delivered to Molotov our Joint Protocol of Supplies from July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943.58 I amended the general statement somewhat but in no important degree. A copy of the protocol and of the preliminary statement has been given to the appropriate British Representatives here.
[Page 590]I was greatly pleased with the visit He warmed up far more than I expected and I am sure that he has a far better understanding of the situation here than when he arrived.59
I confess that I view with great concern the Russian front and am going to wire you in a day or two a specific proposal which I have in mind.
The business in the Pacific is going well and I am sure we are inflicting some very severe losses on the Jap Fleet.60 The outcome, however, is still indecisive but we should know more before the day is over. I am sure our aircraft are giving very good account of themselves. I will keep you informed.
- Copy of telegram obtained from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N. Y.↩
- See note from President Roosevelt to the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, May 29, p. 706.↩
- In telegram No. 152, May 31, 1942, President Roosevelt had told Prime Minister Churchill that he thought Molotov’s visit was a real success. In this telegram tie also said, “I will telegraph you when Molotov leaves, and I am especially anxious that he carry back some real results of his mission and that he will give a favorable account to Stalin. I am inclined to think that at present all the Russians are a bit down in the mouth.”↩
- The successful naval battle of Midway was being fought in the Pacific Ocean June 4–7, 1942.↩