722.2315/1241a: Telegram
President Roosevelt to the Provisional Constitutional President of Ecuador (María Borrero)33
I acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s telegram suggesting that this Government, together with the Governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, all of which had the privilege of lending their friendly services in the successful solution of the Chaco dispute, should now likewise assist in furthering the solution of the regrettable boundary controversy between the Governments of Ecuador and Peru. The friendship and confidence thus demonstrated by Your Excellency’s Government are warmly appreciated.
[Page 241]The Government of the United States, in harmony I feel sure with the spirit which animates the peoples and governments of every other American republic, earnestly hopes that pacific solutions based on justice and fair dealing may promptly be found for those controversies which still exist between some of the American republics. Should the Governments of Ecuador and Peru both desire the friendly and disinterested assistance of some of their American neighbors in their effort to agree upon a method for the peaceful and equitable solution of their boundary dispute, the Government of the United States would be most happy to participate in such procedure, and to be associated in such endeavor with the governments of any other American republics of whom the Governments of Ecuador and Peru might jointly request this assistance.
I avail myself [etc.]
- Telegram repeated for information, October 17, 6 p.m., to the Embassy in Peru as No. 41, and to the Legation in Ecuador as No. 69.↩