- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Act of Algeciras (1906), 848, 859, 866, 868, 870–872, 873, 875, 880–881, 887, 888
- Afghanistan, cancellation of oil concession held by Seaboard Oil Co. in, 752–757
- Agreements. See Trade agreements; Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 333, 336, 340, 341, 442, 443
- American Bondholders Protective Council. See Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, Inc.
- Amiranian Oil Co., 752–757
- Angola, 657
- Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 440
- Anti-Dumping Act (1921), 73, 574, 627
- Anti-Semitism. See under Poland and Rumania.
- Arab-Jewish conflict. See under Palestine.
- Australia, 120–163
- Canada, trade relations with, 153, 163
- Conflicting U. S.-British claims to Pacific islands, interest in, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 93, 98, 108, 115
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions
respecting, 120–163
- Discriminatory practices by Australia, U. S. insistence on removal prior to discussions, 120–133, 147, 159; U. S. formula, 127–129, 131
- Empire preferences, relation to, 122, 123, 139, 143, 147, 152, 163
- Exploratory conversations regarding concessions, political situations, and timing of announcement to negotiate, 132–163; formal U. S. proposals, and Australian replies, 137–139, 149–152, 155–156, 159–160
- Interrelation of British-Canadian-U. S. trade negotiations and agreements, 60, 74, 122, 123, 133, 135, 139–140, 141, 143–144, 146, 147, 150–156 passim
- Trade balance, Australian concern with, 148, 151, 153, 156, 157–158, 159, 161, 162
- United Kingdom, trade relations with, 145, 148, 152, 153, 162, 163
- Austria, problems arising from annexation by Germany, 483–515
- American citizens in Vienna, informal representations regarding treatment of, 506–515
- Attitude of various countries toward, 440, 489, 490, 579, 650, 683
- Refusal by Germany to assume obligations of Austrian indebtedness, 483–502
- Representations by Germany regarding removal of Austria from list of states enjoying tariff concessions on basis of Trade Agreements Act (1934), 502–505
- Aviation (see also under Canada: Treaties):
- Balfour Declaration (1917), 900, 928, 952, 956, 957, 958, 968, 969, 976, 979, 986, 996, 998
- Balkan Entente, clause favoring members in trade negotiations between United States and other countries, 533, 540, 548–549, 551, 695
- Belgium, 204–222
- Berlin-Rome Axis, 673, 681, 683
- Bethlehem Steel Corp., 800, 803, 807–809, 813, 814
- Brazil, 663–664, 677, 708
- Bulgaria, 695
- Canada, 164–183
- Airplanes purchased by France in United States, possible transshipment through Canada in case of war, 298, 302, 303
- Australia, trade relations with, 153, 163
- St. Lawrence Waterway project, discussions with United States concerning, 177–183
- Trade agreement with United States signed Nov. 17, 164–177
- Treaties with United States:
- Agreement regarding radio communications between Alaska and British Columbia, effected by exchange of notes signed June 9, July 11 and 18, Aug. 22, Sept. 27, Oct. 4, Nov. 16, and Dec. 20, citation to texts, 184
- Arrangement regarding radio broadcasting, effected by exchange of notes signed Oct. 28 and Dee. 10, citation to texts, 184
- Aviation, arrangements effected by exchanges of notes signed July 28, citations to texts: Air navigation, 184; certificates of airworthiness for export, 184; issuance of certificates of competency or pilots’ licenses, 184
- Boundary waters treaty (1909), 178
- Convention for emergency regulation of Rainy Lake and other boundary waters, signed Sept. 15, citation to text, 183
- Reciprocal arrangement respecting admission to practice before patent offices, effected by exchange of notes signed Dec. 2 and 28, 1937, and Jan. 24, 1938, citation to texts, 183
- United Kingdom, trade relations with, 166–167
- Canton Island. See United Kingdom: Pacific islands.
- Capitulations. See Morocco, French Zone: Abolition; Syria and the Lebanon: French mandate.
- Case, Pomeroy and Co., 753
- Chase National Bank, 833, 834
- Civil Aeronautics Act (June 23), 843
- Claims. See under France; Germany; Morocco, French Zone: Abolition.
- Commercial treaties and agreements. See Trade agreements and under Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Commissions, committees, etc.: Inter-Governmental Committee on Political Refugees, 398, 403–404, 449–450; Royal Commission of Inquiry on Mandate in Palestine, 890, 891–893, 895, 899, 900, 901, 904, 906, 914, 930, 945, 957, 970, 971, 989
- Communism, 259–260, 261, 933
- Conferences: Inter-Parliamentary Congress for the Defence of Palestine, Cairo (Oct. 7–11), 963–964; New Zionist World Conference, Prague (Jan. 31), 889, 896–897
- Cotton, 705–709
- Cuba, 529, 540
- Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299, 304, 308–309, 310
- Customs Administration Act (June 25), 167, 168, 171, 173
- Czechoslovakia, 223–236
- German-Czechoslovak crisis, 223
- Jews, attitude toward, 898
- Motion picture films, agreement with United States effected by exchange of notes signed May 18, 27, 230, 231–236; citation to text, 236
- Trade agreement with United States, signed Mar. 7, 223–230; citation to text, 230
- Trade relations with other countries, 225, 241, 695
- Dawes and Young loans, 419, 444, 489, 500
- Denmark, 237–244
- Egypt, 705–709
- Enderbury Island. See United Kingdom: Pacific islands.
- Espionage Act (1917), 299, 303
- Estonia, 245–255
- Ethiopia, 710–726
- Italian occupation forces, conduct of, 710, 711, 713, 716, 717, 718, 722, 723
- Jewish immigration, possibility of, 594, 677
- Missionary activities, Italian repressive measures against, 710–723
- Non-recognition by United States of Italian annexation, 723–726
- Racial segregation measures by Italy, 586, 587
- European political situation, 649–650, 681
- Falkland Islands, 3
- Finland, 51
- Firestone Plantation Co., 831, 832, 833, 835
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, Inc., 419, 420, 491, 636, 637, 638, 640, 644–645
- France (see also
Morocco; Syria and the
Lebanon), 255–354
- Airplanes and airplane parts, efforts to purchase in United States, 297–314
- Citizenship status of children born in United States to fathers then French consular officers, 348–354
- Claims arising from sequestration of property during First World War, efforts of United States and France to effect reciprocal arrangement relative to, 331–342
- Communist influence, 259–260, 261
- Denmark, trade relations with, 241
- Devaluation of franc and maintenance of 1936 tripartite monetary agreement, 256–297
- Anglo-American consultations, 264–267, 291–295
- Anglo-French consultations, and British attitude, 256, 257, 263–264, 277, 279–280, 281, 282, 284, 292, 293, 294, 295–296
- Equalization Fund. See Stabilization Fund, infra.
- Exchange controls, imposition and question of compatibility with agreement, 256, 257, 258, 260, 263, 268–269, 270–274, 293
- Franco-American consultations, and U. S. attitude, 256–257, 257–258, 263–264, 270–285 passim, 289
- French monetary policies: Rate of exchange fluctuations, 266, 269, 274–275, 276–277, 280–282, 285, 287, 293, 296; steps to defend franc, and general financial situation, 256, 260, 263–264, 265–266, 274–275, 286, 292, 295
- Gold: Modification of U. S. method of handling gold movements, 262; status in proposed statement by tripartite members, 291–292; use of Bank of France reserves to defend franc, 260, 265, 266, 273, 275
- Loans, possibility of, 258, 260–261, 266
- Stabilization Fund, 265, 275, 276, 287, 289, 295
- Ethiopia, possible recognition of Italian sovereignty in, 724
- Germany, relations with. See under Germany.
- Internal political situation, 259–260, 261
- Iran, relations with, 745, 746, 747, 748, 757
- Liberia, relations with, 828, 829, 836–839, 840–842
- Military service, status under French law of U. S. citizens of French origin, with respect to liability to, 314–330
- Pacific islands, question of U. S. claim to certain French possessions in, 79, 93
- Palestine, interest in, 986, 1000
- Poland, arrangements on payments to French bondholders of Polish obligations, 641
- Soviet Union, relations with, 650
- Trade agreement with United States (1936), 271, 272, 273, 344–345, 346, 347, 865
- U. S. citizens of French origin. See Military service, supra.
- U. S. citizens of Syrian or Lebanese origin. See under Turkey.
- U. S. legislation permitting American producers to use French wine names, representations against, 343–348
- Freedom of religion, 720
- Germany (see also
Austria), 355–515
- Analyses of German and U. S. policies, 439–441, 442–446, 447, 450, 451–453
- Claims, inheritance, of American citizens to estates of persons deceased in Germany, declaration by Germany of transfer to beneficiaries, 479–482
- Catholic Church, position of, 448, 449
- Colonial question, 447
- Denmark, trade relations with, 241
- Estonia, trade relations with, 253, 254
- Expansion policy in central and southeastern Europe, 229, 426–427, 447
- Financial situation: Analysis, 423–425; foreign exchange problems, 357, 423–424, 479–482
- France, relations with: Alsace-Lorraine, expulsion of Germans from, 442, 443; French attitude toward German request for declaration of property by foreign Jews, 368, 373, 376; negotiations and arrangement on payments to French bondholders of Austrian loans, 493, 494, 496, 500
- German-American Bund, 436, 442, 461–464
- German-Czechoslovak crisis, 223
- Goebbels, Joseph, 382, 396, 397, 400, 432, 434–438
- Goering, Hermann, 459–460, 489, 512–513
- Helium, U. S. refusal to sell for use in zeppelins, 457–461
- Hitler, Adolf: American press attacks against, 435; German-American relations, 427, 451–452, 452–453, 454, 463; interview with Herbert Hoover, 433–434; Liberia, interest in, 828, 839; Palestine Jews, attitude toward, 897
- Iran, relations with, 747, 756, 760
- Italy, question of trade preferences, 579
- Japan, relations with, 439–440
- Jews, persecution of, 355–418
- Analyses and reports by U. S. officials, 355, 386–387, 389–390, 396–398, 403–404, 411–413, 415–417
- Army and navy opposition to extremist policies, 400
- Arrests, persecutions and organized demonstrations, 374, 376–377, 380–381, 382, 393–394, 395–398, 897, 919, 988
- Decrees and regulations: Exclusion of Jews from certain occupations and prohibition of access to certain places, 355, 381, 386–388, 391–393, 395, 400, 401, 405, 408, 416; financial measures, 358, 363, 375–376, 377, 381, 388, 390, 408–409; Goering’s decree of Nov. 12, 399–400, 401, 405, 406; Jewish names compulsory for Jews, 389–390; Jewish religious communities, 360–361; passport regulations and possible loss of German nationality, 356–358, 362–364, 370–371, 391; registration of property, foreign reaction to, 365–367, 368, 369, 373, 376, 377–378, 379, 384–385
- Emigration, 357, 358, 362, 363–364, 371, 375–376, 393–395, 403–404, 449–450, 597, 654–658; to United States, 363–364, 371
- Goebbels, Joseph, activities of, 382, 396, 397, 400
- Nuremberg Laws (1935), 355, 362
- Protection of American and other foreign Jews: Damage to American property, 399, 403, 406, 415–416; exemption from one-billion-mark fine, 401, 406, 408; persecution and expulsion of Polish Jews as answer to Polish citizenship law, 393–395, 654–658; registration of property, question of, 365, 366–367, 368, 369–370, 373, 376, 377, 379, 383–385, 444; representations by United States regarding rights of American citizens, and answers by Germany, 368, 369–370, 372–375, 378, 383–386, 388–389, 399–400, 401, 404–405, 406, 408–409, 410–411, 413
- Recall of American and German Ambassadors, 397–399, 401–403, 408
- Relief operations within Germany, 407
- Vom Rath, assassination of: Anti-Jewish riots following, 395–397, 400; one-billion-mark fine, 399, 401, 405–406
- Liberia, attitude toward. See under Liberia.
- National Socialist Party (see also Representations, infra): Members in United States forbidden to participate in German-American Bund, 462; policy in Austria, 367; rôle in anti-Jewish campaign, 380, 382; S. S. and S. A. activities against U. S. citizens, 508–515
- Naturalization and dual nationality, U. S. disagreement with Germany regarding interpretation of treaty provisions affecting, 464–479
- Netherlands, relations with, 494, 496, 500
- Pacific islands, interest in, 104
- Poland, expulsion of Polish Jews from Germany, 393–395, 654–655, 657
- Propaganda by Germany in United States, 442, 444, 461–464
- Recall of American and German Ambassadors, 397–399, 402–403, 405
- Representations by Germany against American
criticism of Nazi officials and policies, 432–457
- American correspondents in Germany, questions regarding, 432–434, 436–437, 438
- American press attacks against Germany, and German protests, 435, 438–441, 442
- German attacks on United States, and U. S. protests, 433, 446, 452, 453, 456–457, 463
- New York trial of German spies discussed, 449, 450–451
- Public opinion in United States versus Germany, 400–401, 437, 447, 448–449, 451
- Speech by German Consul General in New York, 446–447
- Speech of Dec. 18 by Secretary of the Interior Ickes, and German protest, 451–453, 455, 456
- Rumania, relations with, 683
- Sweden, relations with, 494, 496, 500
- Trade policy, 161
- Trade relations with United States, 418–431
- Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with United States (1923), 368, 370, 373–374, 383, 384, 388, 410, 413, 416
- United Kingdom, relations with: British attitude toward German request for declaration of property by foreign Jews, 369, 373; negotiations and arrangements on payments to bondholders of Austrian loans, 486–487, 493–494, 495, 500; trade discussions, 486, 487–488, 489
- Gilbert and Ellice Island Colony, 85–86, 98, 99–100, 103, 105–106, 108, 112, 114, 118
- Good Neighbor policy, 733, 734, 735, 739, 742
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greece, provisional commercial agreement with United States,
signed Nov. 15, 516–552
- Balkan clause, 533, 540, 548–549, 551, 1095
- Citation to text, 552
- Customs duties question, 523–524, 526, 535–536, 550
- Discriminatory practices by Greece, question of abolishing, 517–520, 522, 526, 529, 540, 544–547
- Exchange controls, 517, 519, 522, 524–525, 528, 531, 538–539, 546
- Monopolies problem, 539, 547
- Quantitative restrictions and quota system, 519, 524, 526–528, 530–538, 541
- Hawaii, 88–97 passim, 103, 108
- Hitler, Adolf. See under Germany.
- Hoover, Herbert, 433–434
- Hungary, 553–556
- Inland Exploration Co., 752–757
- Iran, 727–762
- Cancellation of oil concession by Seaboard Oil Co. in, 752–757
- France, relations with, 745, 746, 747, 748, 757
- Resumption of diplomatic representation in United States, 727–751
- Sanjak of Alexandretta, interest in, 1042
- Trade agreement with United States, resumption of preliminary discussions for, 757–762
- Iraq, 763–769
- Partition of Palestine, actions regarding, 894–896, 903–904, 913, 952, 962, 968–969, 980, 982, 983–984, 986, 987–988, 999
- Treaty of commerce and navigation with United States, signed Dec. 3, 763–769; citation to text, 769
- United Kingdom: Judicial agreement with, 1025; termination of mandate with (1932), 1006–1007, 1013, 1015
- Ireland, 185–201
- Italy (see also
Ethiopia), 557–606
- American public opinion relative to, 582, 585
- Austria, relations with, 489, 490, 579
- Capitulations in Morocco, interest in, 880–881
- Germany, question of trade preferences, 579
- Japan, relations with, 439–440
- Jews, persecution of, 582–606
- Decrees and regulations: Business and professional, 589, 601; definition, 594; educational, 588, 589, 591, 592, 594; emigration, 594; exemption, 594; expulsion, 594; marriage, 593
- Ethiopia, possible immigration into, 594, 677
- Fascist racial views, 583, 591–592, 594, 597
- Italo-American conversations, 584–588, 591
- Protection of American and other foreign Jews: Blattner case, 601–602; diplomatic and consular officials, problems regarding, 602–603; discrimination among American citizens, question of, 593, 596, 598–599, 602, 603, 604, 605; expulsion of, 589, 590, 594; immigration of, 587, 597; petitions and procedure for specific cases, 604–606; representations by United States, and Italian replies, 592–593, 594–595, 598–599
- Vatican position, 584
- Mussolini, Benito, 591–592, 720
- Syria and the Lebanon, educational activities in, 1045–1046
- Trade relations with United States, 557–582
- “Bolletta” system, 559, 564–565, 567
- Customs inquiries in United States on imported Italian articles and anti-dumping surtax question, 565–567, 567–569, 574
- License, articles subject to, 557–559, 562–564
- Quota allocations, difficulties over, 558–560, 561–565, 567, 570–571, 575–579, 580–582
- Temporary commercial arrangement (1937), problems regarding, 525, 557, 561, 563, 564, 567, 578, 580, 581, 692, 695
- Trade agreement negotiations, possibility of, 561, 573, 580
- United Kingdom, relations with, 262–263, 561
- Withdrawal of U. S. oil concession from Iran, interest in, 757
- Japan: Pacific islands, interest in, 77, 82, 91, 96, 104; trade relations with various countries, 439–440, 878
- Jews. See Latin America; Palestine; Austria: American citizens; also Anti-Semitism under Poland and Rumania; and Jews under Germany and Italy.
- Johnson Act (1934), 258, 260–261, 311, 407
- Latin America, possibility of Jewish immigration to, 649
- Latvia, 254, 548–549
- League of Nations, actions regarding—
- Lebanon. See Syria and the Lebanon.
- Liberia, 770–845
- Analysis by U. S. diplomatic officer of Liberian situation, 824–836
- Consular convention with United States, signed Oct. 7, citation to text, 845
- Dutch mineral concession (Neep), failure to obtain
mining concession; U. S. interest in developing iron resources, 770–817
- Financial control of company, 774, 775, 776, 782–783, 784–785, 796, 811
- Foreign interests, 771, 776, 777, 779, 783, 788, 789, 792–793, 794, 808, 811
- United States Steel Corp.: Application for exclusive exploratory rights granted, 809–810; commission to study ore deposits, preliminaries to sending, 804–807; foreigners in Liberia, attitude of, 832–835; general interest of, 778, 781, 785, 787, 794, 800, 803–804, 811, 812, 814, 815–816; Liberian legislature, attitude of, 811–812, 815–817
- Ethiopia, interest in Italian annexation of, 826, 830
- Firestone Plantation Co., 831, 832, 833, 835
- Germany: Interest in Liberian iron resources, 771, 776, 777, 779, 788, 789, 792–793, 794, 808, 811; Liberian fear of, 825, 826–829, 837, 838–839, 840
- Political and territorial integrity: Informal proposals for guarantee of, 836–842; tripartite alliance with France and United Kingdom, possibility of, 828, 836–839, 840–842
- Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation with United States, signed Aug. 8, 842–845; citation to text, 845
- U. S. Congress, passage of legislation affecting civil employees in Liberia, 790–791, 792, 797, 798, 799, 832
- U. S. Legation, dedication of new building site for, 819, 821, 823
- U. S. S. Boise, courtesy visit of (Oct. 29–Nov. 3), 817–836
- Libya, 589, 592
- Liquor Tax Administration Act (1936), 343, 345, 347
- Lithuania: Greece, trade relations with, 548–549; Poland, diplomatic relations with, 651, 653
- Madagascar, 677
- Mandates. See Palestine; Syria and the Lebanon: French mandate.
- Martin Co., Glenn L., 299, 307
- Mexico, 677
- Middle Eastern (Saadabad) Pact (1937), 735, 742, 751
- Minorities. See Anti-Semitism under Poland and Rumania; Jews under Germany and Italy.
- Missionary activities: Ethiopia, Italian repressive measures in, 710–723; Syria and the Lebanon, U. S. attitude toward French restrictions, 1043–1046
- Morgan & Co., J. P., 485, 487
- Morocco, French Zone:
- Abolition of U. S. capitulatory rights in, proposed,
- Act of Algeciras (1906), 848, 859, 866, 868, 870–872, 873, 875, 880–881, 887, 888
- Claims in respect of U. S. nationals and protégées, 853, 863, 885
- Internal taxation, 848, 857, 858, 861, 868
- Most - favored - nation treatment, question of, 847, 848, 856, 859, 864–866, 870, 873
- Quotas, establishment of, 849–852, 854–858, 860, 861, 867, 868–869, 874, 875, 879
- Trade relations with—
- Abolition of U. S. capitulatory rights in, proposed,
- Most-favored-nation principle, application to U. S. reciprocal trade negotiations and agreements with various countries: Australia, 131; Belgium, 209; Canada, 171, 173; Czechoslovakia, 224–225, 227, 229; Egypt, 708; Estonia, 238, 239; Greece, 523–524, 525, 535–536, 548, 551; Iran, 758, 759; Iraq, 763; Ireland, 186, 187, 191, 192, 193; Liberia, 842; Morocco, French Zone, 847, 848, 856, 859, 864–866, 870, 873; Portugal, 667, 668; Syria and the Lebanon, 1016–1017, 1019; Turkey, 1058, 1060, 1062, 1063, 1068, 1080; United Kingdom, 34, 35, 36, 46–51, 55, 72; Yugoslavia, 693–694
- Motion pictures:
- Mozambique and Tanganyika, U. S. assent to common frontier alterations, 1047–1051
- Mussolini, Benito, 591–592, 720
- Nationality and naturalization. See France: Citizenship status and Military service; Germany: Naturalization; Turkey: U. S. citizens.
- Netherlands (see also
Liberia: Dutch mineral
concession), 607–618
- Belgium, tax convention with, 607, 611
- Convention with United States for arbitration of difference relating to payment for certain requisitioned military supplies, signed Mar. 18, 616–618; citation to text, 616
- Germany, relations with, 494, 496, 500
- Morocco, French Zone, trade relations with, 876
- Taxation, negotiations with United States for convention for the prevention of double taxation, 607–616
- Neutrality Act (1935), 298–309 passim
- Newfoundland, 1–3, 28
- New Zealand: Conflicting U. S.-British claims to Pacific islands, interest in, 79, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 90–98 passim, 108, 115; trade relations with United States, 158
- Norway, 619–634
- Open door policy, 860
- Ottawa agreements (1932), 145, 152
- Palestine, Arab-Jewish difficulties, and partition question,
- American Jews, attitude of, 900, 904, 906, 917, 921, 925, 927–929, 942, 952, 953–954, 956–959, 960, 1001–1002
- Arab-Jewish conflict: Acts of violence, 930–934, 935, 936–937, 939–940, 943–945, 946–947, 949, 961, 976–978; British activity regarding, 931–932, 947, 951, 976–978; Communist influence suspected, 933; local press reaction, 937–939; suggested basis for Arab-Jewish discussion of Hyamson–Newcomb proposals, 911–913, 921–925, 926, 988
- Attitude of various nations: Czechoslovakia, 898; Egypt, 917, 979, 982, 986, 999; France, 986, 1000; Iraq, 894–896, 903–904, 913, 952, 962, 968–969, 980, 982, 983–984, 986, 987–988, 999; Poland, 898; Rumania, 898; Syria and the Lebanon, 980–981, 982; Transjordan, 903–904, 982, 986, 999; United States, and reprisals threatened by Arabs, 942, 953–955, 979, 980, 982–983, 984
- Balfour Declaration (1917), 900, 928, 952, 956, 957, 958, 968, 969, 976, 979, 986, 996, 998
- Christians, viewpoint of, 969–974
- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, activity of, 904, 906, 908, 922, 944, 945, 965, 984, 985, 986
- “Hagana”, 1001
- Holy places, proposed treatment of, 900, 906
- I. C. L. (“Irgun Civae Leumi”), 1000–1002
- Immigration, 649, 651, 684, 895, 896–899, 904, 911, 914, 917–920, 928, 952, 964, 966, 968, 974, 981, 985, 988, 989, 990, 993; policy concerning, 892, 893, 895, 914–916, 1001–1002
- Independent Arab states, proposal for confederation of, 903, 904, 907
- Inter-Parliamentary Congress for the Defence of Palestine, Cairo (Oct. 7–11), 963–964
- Jewish Agency, 900, 921, 922, 923, 926, 933, 949, 983, 986, 987, 999, 1000
- Jewish military strength, 948–949
- Jewish population, status of (see also Immigration, supra), 908, 909–911, 912, 923–925, 927, 991–994
- Mandates, U. S. view of, 951, 955, 962–963, 1048
- New Zionist World Conference, Prague (Jan. 31), 889, 896–897
- Partition and cantonization proposals (see also Royal Commission, infra): General, 895–896, 902–903, 905, 940–941, 945, 981–985; opinion of Palestine press, 922, 974
- Protection of American nationals, 929, 930, 934–935, 947, 949, 950, 954–955, 957, 963, 967–968
- Royal Commission of Inquiry (see also Partition, supra), 890, 891–893, 895, 899, 900, 901, 904, 906, 914, 930, 945, 957, 970, 971, 972, 989
- Treaty rights of United States, question of, 987
- United Kingdom (see also Royal Commission, supra):
- Weizmann, Chaim, 893, 896, 899, 905, 923, 925, 932, 947, 981
- Zionist Organization, 889, 896–898, 925, 1001–1002
- Palmyra Island, 78–79
- Panama Canal Zone, 529, 540
- Pan American Airways, 86–87, 88, 89, 92, 94, 96, 100, 102, 107–111, 113, 117
- Philippine Islands, 529, 540, 790, 791, 798
- Phoenix Islands. See United Kingdom: Pacific islands.
- Poland, 635–658
- Anti-Semitism and consideration of Jewish emigration as possible solution, 647–658
- Discrimination against American bondholders in connection with
partial defaults and suspensions of payments on various Polish
obligations, 635–647
- Dillon-Read loan (1925), 639, 640, 644–645, 647
- France, arrangements on payments to French bondholders of Polish obligations, 641
- Stabilization loan bonds and multiple-currency clause, 635–640, 643–644, 645
- Treatment of dollar bondholders compared to sterling bondholders, 637–643
- Warsaw and Silesia loans, 635, 644
- Lithuania, diplomatic relations with, 651, 653
- Trade relations with various countries, 74, 241
- Portugal, 659–671
- Red Cross, 655
- Refugees:
- Emigration from Italy, 589, 590, 594; Poland, 648–649, 651, 656–658, 898, 1002; Rumania, 677, 898
- Immigration to various countries (see also under Palestine): Ethiopia, 594, 677; Italy, 587, 597; Latin America, 649; United States, 363–364, 371, 657
- Inter-Governmental Committee on Political Refugees, 398, 403–404, 449–450
- Religion, freedom of, 720
- Republic Steel Corp., 803, 809, 814
- Revenue Acts: 1932, 165, 166, 167, 169; 1934, 75, 626, 627
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President):
- Devaluation of French franc, action regarding, 271–272
- Federal Alcohol Administration, question of appointments to, 343
- Germany: Attacks by German press on, 452; attitude of President toward, 402, 442–443, 458, 459, 460
- Iran, active interest in resumption of diplomatic relations with, 728, 733, 734–735
- Liberia, interest in progress of, 786, 789, 791, 797, 817
- Pacific islands, proposal for and interest in Anglo-American administration and use of, 77–79, 84, 86, 91, 93–97, 101, 102, 104, 107, 109
- Palestine, interest in, 958, 959
- Turkey, interest in progress of, 734n
- Ruanda Urundi, 1049
- Rubber regulation agreement, international (1934), 73–74
- Rumania, anti-Semitism and consideration of Jewish emigration as a possible solution, 672–684; U. S. position, 674–676
- Rupprecht, Ransom Otto Theodore, case of, 468–479
- Saadabad (Middle Eastern) Pact (1937), 735, 742, 751
- St. Lawrence Waterway project, discussions between United States and Canada concerning, 177–183
- Sanjak of Alexandretta, protection of American rights and interests in, 1031–1043
- Saudi Arabia, 986, 994–998, 999
- Seaboard Oil Co., 752–757
- Socony Vacuum Co., 950
- Soviet Union, 687, 726, 1043
- Spanish Civil War, 685
- Sweden: Arrangement with United States for relief from double income tax on shipping profits, effected by exchange of notes signed Mar. 31, citation to text, 686; Germany, relations with, 494, 496, 500; Liberia, interest in iron resources in, 783; United Kingdom, trade relations with, 50–51
- Syria and the Lebanon, 1003–1046
- French mandate, negotiations between United States and France regarding possible termination of, 1003–1031
- Frontier changes, U. S. attitude toward, 1048, 1049
- Missionary activities, U. S. attitude toward restrictions by French High Commission, 1043–1046
- Palestine, attitude toward, 980–981, 982
- Sanjak of Alexandretta, protection of American rights and interests in, 1031–1043
- U. S. citizens of Syrian or Lebanese origin. See under Turkey.
- Tanganyika and Mozambique, U. S. assent to common frontier alterations, 1047–1051
- Tariff Acts: 1913, 54; 1930, 73, 76, 149, 165–169, 194, 705
- Taxation: Arrangement between United States and Sweden for relief from double income tax on shipping profits, effected by exchange of notes signed Mar. 31, citation to text, 686; convention between United States and Netherlands for prevention of double taxation, negotiations, 607–616
- Trade Agreements Act (1934), 32, 126, 146, 149, 186, 502–505, 521, 620, 621, 625, 626, 660, 666–667, 669, 867
- Trade agreements between United States and other countries:
- Basic U. S. policy, 43, 52, 54, 68, 126, 140, 141, 144, 145–146, 154, 158, 185, 193, 237–238, 246, 426, 518, 521, 547, 629, 630, 660, 661, 664–665, 667, 692
- Conclusion of agreements with—
- Canada. See under Canada.
- Czechoslovakia (Mar. 7), 223–230; citation to text, 230
- United Kingdom. See under United Kingdom.
- Discussions and negotiations with—
- Trading with the Enemy Act (1917), 331, 338
- Transjordan: Frontier changes, 1048, 1049; Palestine partition, interest in, 903–904, 982, 986, 999
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Act of Algeciras (1906), 848, 859, 866, 868, 870–872, 873, 875, 880–881, 887, 888
- Anglo-American mandate conventions of 1924 and 1925, cited, 1048–1049
- Anglo-French convention for the abolition of capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 847, 858, 878, 885
- Anglo-Iraq treaty of alliance (1930), 1012–1013
- Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 440
- Commercial treaties and agreements:
- Anglo-French treaty of commerce and navigation concerning French Zone of Morocco (July 18), 883–884, 885, 887, 888
- Greece–Latvia, convention on commerce and navigation (Jan. 15), 548–549
- Greece–Lithuania, commercial agreement (1937), 548–549
- U. S.–Denmark, convention of friendship, commerce and navigation (1826), 237
- U. S.–Estonia (1925), 245–255
- U. S.–Germany, treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights (1923), 368, 370, 373–374, 383, 384, 388, 410, 413, 416
- U. S.–Greece. See Greece.
- U. S.–Iraq, treaty of commerce and navigation, signed Dec. 3, 763–769; citation to text, 769
- U. S.–Italy: Provisional commercial arrangement (1937), 525, 557, 561, 563, 564, 567, 576, 578, 580, 581; treaty of commerce and navigation (1871), 592
- U. S.–Liberia, treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation, signed Aug. 8, 842–845; citation to text, 845
- U. S.–Portugal, commercial arrangement (1910), 662
- U. S.–Turkey, treaty of commerce and navigation (1929), 1073
- Franco–Lebanese treaty (1936), 1003–1004, 1006, 1024, 1025
- Franco–Russian treaty of mutual assistance (1925), 650
- Franco–Syrian treaty of friendship and alliance (1936), 1018, 1024, 1025, 1028–1029
- Franco–Turkish agreement (1937), 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1108, 1119
- Franklin–Bouillon agreement (1921), 1007, 1040
- Hague agreement (1937), 623
- Knabenshue–Gouraud agreement (1921), 1016, 1103
- Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 1102, 1104, 1113, 1116, 1118, 1119
- Montreux convention for the abolition of capitulations in Egypt (1937), 862, 873, 1025–1026
- Oslo Convention (1930), 623
- Ottawa agreements (1932), 145, 152
- Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Rumania (“Minorities Treaty,” 1919), 676
- Rubber regulation agreement, international (1934), 73–74
- Saadabad (Middle Eastern) Pact (1937), 735, 742, 751
- Tripartite monetary agreement. See France: Devaluation.
- U. S.–Austria, debt agreement (1930) and moratorium agreement (1932), 483, 501
- U. S.–Canada. See under Canada.
- U. S.–Czechoslovakia, agreement with respect to motion picture films, signed May 18, 231–236; citation to text, 236
- U. S.–France: Convention regarding U. S. rights in Syria and the Lebanon (1924), 1007, 1009–1016 passim, 1020, 1023, 1025, 1032, 1037, 1038; extradition convention (1909), 1010
- U. S.–German States, naturalization treaties (1868), 464
- U. S.–Germany, restoration of friendly relations (1921), 464–465, 470–475, 478
- U. S.–Great Britain–Iraq (1930), 1007, 1013, 1015
- U. S.–Liberia, consular convention signed Oct. 7, citation to text, 845
- U. S.–Netherlands, See Netherlands: Convention and Taxation.
- U. S.–Norway, supplementary extradition treaty, signed Feb. 1, citation to text, 634
- U. S.–Sweden: Arrangement for relief from double income tax on shipping profits, signed Mar. 31, citation to text, 686; nationality convention (1933), 465
- U. S.–Turkey, treaty of establishment and sojourn (1931), 1110
- Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 448, 465, 470, 471, 473–474, 475, 476–478
- Turkey, 1052–1121
- Ulen and Co., 752
- Union of South Africa, 74
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 687, 726, 1043
- United Kingdom (see also
Palestine), 1–119
- Devaluation of French franc, problem of: Anglo-American consultations, 264–267, 291–295; Anglo-French consultations, 256, 257, 263–264, 277, 279–280, 281, 282, 284, 292, 293, 294, 295–296
- Ethiopia, recognition of Italian sovereignty in, 724, 725–726
- Germany, relations with. See under Germany.
- Iraq: Judicial agreement with, 1025; termination of mandate with (1932), 1006–1007, 1013, 1015
- Italy, relations with, 262–263, 561
- Liberia, relations with, 828, 829, 836–839, 840–842
- Morocco, French Zone: Anglo-French treaty of commerce and navigation (July 18), 883–884, 885, 887, 888; miscellaneous, 846–851, 852, 854–858, 860–867, 873, 877–879
- Pacific islands, conflicting British-U. S. claims
to, and question of use for trans-Pacific aviation, 77–119
- Colonization from Gilbert and Ellice group, British desire for, 85–86, 98, 99–100, 103, 105–106, 108, 112, 114, 118
- Joint administration, proposal for and question of, 77, 84–89, 91–99, 102, 104, 107, 110–119 passim
- Pan American Airways, survey and use by, 86–87, 88, 89, 92, 94, 96, 100, 102, 107, 108–109, 110–111, 113, 117
- Standstill proposal and occupation by British and American parties, 78, 79–84, 100–101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 115, 118
- Press, government control of, 439
- Rumania, relations with, 683
- Syria and the Lebanon: Sanjak of Alexandretta, interest in, 1040–1041; treaty relations with, question of, 1022–1023
- Tanganyika and Mozambique, actions regarding frontier between, 1047
- Trade agreement with United States, signed Nov.
17, 1–76
- American film industry, effect of British legislation against, and U. S. representations, 3–19, 20–25, 26–27, 28–29, 33–34
- Attitude of American Government, 1–3, 19–21, 25, 26, 27, 34–35, 37–39, 40–42, 45–48, 51–55, 57–58, 60–61, 67, 71, 75–76; of British Government, 25, 30–33, 35–37, 42–46, 59, 62–64, 68–69
- Citation to text, 71
- Commodities, 25–26, 30–32, 35–36, 37, 44–46, 48–51, 54–55, 57, 60–61, 74, 75
- Empire preferences, question of, 2, 20, 43, 46, 52, 57, 59, 60, 63, 64–65, 67, 74
- Most - favored - nation treatment, question of, 34–36, 48–50, 72
- Motion picture film quotas, 3–29 passim, 33–34
- Relation to—
- Trade relations with other countries: Australia, 145, 148, 152, 153, 162, 163; Canada, 166–177; Estonia, 246–247, 248, 253; Greece, 550
- Turkey, relations with, 1040, 1042
- United States Grain Corp., 483, 553
- United States Steel Corp. See under Liberia: Dutch mineral concession.
- U. S. citizens:
- Claims in respect of U. S. nationals and protégées in French Zone of Morocco, 853, 863, 885
- Nationality and naturalization. See France: Citizenship status and Military service; Germany: Naturalization; Turkey: U. S. citizens.
- Protection of (see also Austria: American citizens; and under Germany: Jews and Italy: Jews): Palestine, 929, 930, 934–935, 947, 949, 950, 954–955, 957, 963, 967–968; Turkey, 1016, 1103, 1107
- U. S. Congress, passage of legislation affecting civil employees in Liberia, 790–791, 792, 797, 798, 799, 832
- Vatican, 584, 973
- Venezuela, 649
- Weizmann, Chaim, 893, 896, 899, 905, 923, 925, 932, 947, 981
- Wilson, Woodrow, 447, 452–453, 958, 964, 990, 997
- Young plan loans, 419, 444, 489, 500
- Yugoslavia, 688–704
- Commercial relations with United States, proposal for regulation
of, 688–704
- Danubian preferences, question of, 695
- Foreign exchange, problem of control, 691, 694
- Non-discriminatory treatment, question of, 698, 699, 700–701
- Quota allocations with special regard to automobile industry, 688–691, 694–702 passim
- Trade agreement, discussions concerning, 690, 692
- Unilateral declaration by Yugoslavia, 691–692, 702–703; text, 704
- Trade relations with other countries, 225, 695
- Commercial relations with United States, proposal for regulation
of, 688–704
- Zionist Organization, 889, 896–898, 925, 1001–1002