033.9311 Hu Shih/8
Dr. Hu Shih to the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hamilton)
Dear Mr. Hamilton: When I saw the President on October 12, he asked me one question: Can China fight on through the winter? I answered in the affirmative. But the news of the last week was a little alarming to me, so I sent a cable to Nanking asking for information. When I returned to-day from New Haven, I got the following cable signed by General Chiang Kai-shek: “Our army must fight till the very end and we will not yield to the enemy. Even if the Capital City falls, we must of necessity fight on, not only ‘over the winter’, but for a very long time to come. Please inform the American Government of this determination”. The cable is dated the 21st of November. May I ask you to be so kind as to transmit this message to the Secretary of State and to the President?
I hope to visit Washington again toward the end of this week43 and look forward to the pleasure of seeing you and the other friends in the State Department.
Most sincerely yours,
- Dr. Hu Shih did not return at this time.↩