125.199/58: Telegram
The Consul at Seville (Bay) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:02 p.m.]
Department’s November 18, 1 p.m., quoting from Ambassador Bowers.11 General Queipo de Llano was surprised when I informed him last night that Consul Chapman was still unable to obtain permission to proceed to Bilbao. He called in his secretary in my presence and from him learned to his surprise that the Military Governor in Bilbao had not acknowledged his telegrams on this subject. He instructed the secretary to send a telegram at once requesting immediate acknowledgment and then informed me that upon receipt of the Military Governor’s reply he would telegraph directly to the Commandant at Irun.
Repeated to Ambassador.
- Not printed; Ambassador Bowers had reported by telegram No. 396, November 17, 1 p.m., that inquiries of Yrujo and at Irun disclosed that promised telegraphic instructions of Franco to Irun had not been sent (125.199/54).↩