352.1115/2368: Telegram

The Third Secretary of Embassy in Spain (Wendelin) to the Acting Secretary of State

X–349. My telegram No. X–347, November 24, 7 p.m. In interview tonight General Miaja informed me that Minister of State had spoken to him from Valencia regarding matters mentioned in my [Page 777] telegram under reference and assured me that orders would be given that Embassy and Consulate guards be maintained without change. He promised that collective safe conduct would be given tomorrow when we know definitely who will be leaving. He further assured me that every facility would be given us to evacuate and protection given Embassy, remarking that he knew we had dealt honestly with Government and authorities and they “had nothing against the American Embassy”, emphasizing the word American.

From latest estimates tonight it appears that upward of 50 persons may decide to accompany staff to Valencia. I have therefore asked Consulate Valencia to request that additional bus be sent.
