852.1115/201: Telegram

The Third Secretary of Embassy in Spain (Wendelin) to the Secretary of State

X–7. My telegram No. X–4 of July 28, 1 p.m. Note from Foreign Office to Chilean Ambassador in reply joint request of Diplomatic Corps for special train to evacuate foreign residents Madrid with formal guarantee of safety states: (1) no special requirement, except those which for reasons of security may be established by the Ministries of Interior and War, is necessary in order to make this journey; (2) it is not necessary to determine in advance the time of departure because railway service with Mediterranean ports is functioning normally and trains are leaving on time; (3) it would not be possible at present to organize special trains because of the necessity of giving preference to the transportation of troops, war material and foodstuffs.

Diplomatic Corps met at noon today and decided in view of Government’s attitude to seek arrangement with the railroad for additional coaches on regular trains to Alicante and Valencia. As I am in direct touch with manager of the railroad, I am investigating this possibility on behalf of Diplomatic Corps. Railroad is prepared to attach as many additional coaches to daily morning and evening trains as can be carried and will furnish first or third class coaches as desired. Diplomatic Corps meeting tonight to consider feasibility such evacuation and question of safety of passengers en route. Will report further details promptly. Please advise Department’s attitude evacuation by this means. Americans who have voluntarily left by train for Valencia and Alicante during past 3 days believed to have arrived safely.
