652.113 Auto/64
The American Ambassador in Spain (Bowers) to the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs (de los Ríos)27
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your courteous Note No. 110, dated June 29, 1933,28 received today, informing [Page 705] me that the commercial “avenant” between Spain and France, mentioned in my Note No. 33 of June 26th,29 was published in the official gazette of June 23rd.
After a careful examination of the “avenant” mentioned above, I fail to find any reference direct or indirect to the granting by Spain of a reduction in the existing tariff of 32% to automobiles of French origin, which was specifically reported in the clipping from La Voz contained in my above mentioned Note No. 33 of June 26th.
I should be much obliged, therefore, if Your Excellency would be good enough to indicate which paragraph in the “avenant” covers this reduction in tariff to automobiles of French origin. If this point is not covered in the “avenant”, I should be grateful if Your Excellency would be so kind as to send me a copy of the separate agreement, if made, having the effect of a reduction in the existing Spanish tariff on automobiles of French origin.
I avail myself [etc.]