The Secretary of the Navy (Adams) to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: Receipt is acknowledged of State Department letter of 19 February37 transmitting confidential copy of the plan for increase of the Guardia Nacional in Nicaragua and withdrawal of the naval forces now on shore in that country.
I note that this plan contemplates that by 1 June, 1931, the Guardia will have taken over the situation in the bandit areas and Marine forces in Nicaragua will have been reduced to an instruction battalion in Managua, the aviation force, and marine personnel in the Guardia; and that all naval forces are to be withdrawn from duty on shore in Nicaragua after 1 January, 1933.
With a view to carrying out the first part of this plan, the Commander Second Brigade will be instructed to withdraw into Managua his outlying forces, other than aviation, as rapidly as in his judgment and that of the Commander of the Guardia Nacional the latter force can take over their duties.
The forces thus relieved by the Guardia, or their equivalent, to the number of about six hundred, will be withdrawn from Nicaragua as transportation can be made available.
Sincerely yours,
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