
The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State

No. 2635

Sir: Referring to the Legation’s cablegram No. 143 of November 4, 2 p.m.,35 I have the honor to enclose a copy of my note dated [Page 162] November 2, 1929, setting forth, with reference to previous correspondence, that it is agreed between the Government of the United States and that of Guatemala that the claim of P. W. Shufeldt against the Guatemalan Government shall be submitted to Sir Herbert Sisnett, Chief Justice of British Honduras, as arbitrator, and reciting the formula and the procedure; and I also beg leave to transmit, with a translation, a copy of the note of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, of November 2, in which, as briefly reported in that cablegram, he stated that he accepts “the text proposed” in my abovementioned note.

I have [etc.]

Arthur H. Geissler
[Enclosure 1]

The American Minister (Geissler) to the Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aguirre Velásquez)

No. 96

Mr. Minister: Referring to previous correspondence between the Legation and the Guatemalan Foreign Office concerning the claim of P. W. Shufeldt against the Government of Guatemala, which claim has been espoused by the Government of the United States, it is agreed by the two Governments that this question shall be submitted to Sir Herbert Sisnett, Chief Justice of British Honduras, as arbitrator. The question to be submitted to the arbitrator is as follows:

Has P. W. Shufeldt, a citizen of the United States, as cessionary of the rights of Victor M. Morales I. and Francisco Nájera Andrade, the right to claim a pecuniary indemnification for damages and injuries which may have been caused to him by the promulgation of the Legislative Decree of the Assembly of Guatemala No. 1544, by which it disapproved the contract of February 4, 1922, for the extraction of a minimum of 75,000 quintales of chicle, in a defined area in the Department of the Petén, the cession of Nájera Andrade and Morales in favor of Shufeldt having been made by contract of February 11, 1924 [1922]?
In case the arbitrator declare that Shufeldt does have the right to having an indemnification paid to him by the Government of Guatemala, what sum should the Government of Guatemala in justice pay to the Government of the United States for the account of Shufeldt?

It is proposed that the following procedure shall govern the presentation and adjudication of the case by the tribunal, and the payment of the award, if any:

The Tribunal shall sit at Belize, residence of the arbitrator.
Each Government shall appoint one or more representatives who shall have the authority necessary to appear before the arbitrator and to represent it.
The first day of February 1930 is fixed as the day on which the representatives of the parties shall present their credentials to the [Page 163] arbitrator either in person or through their respective Consular Officers. If they be in good and due form, the arbitrator shall declare the proceedings open.
The representatives of the parties shall submit to the arbitrator a written statement which shall comprise their respective points of view in the relation of the facts, the statements of the juridic points upon which their cause is based and all the proofs which they may wish to present as basis for their claims. They may be set forth in English or in Spanish. The term, within which the statement of their cause must be presented by the parties, is that of thirty days counted from the time when the arbitrator declares the proceedings open.
Each party shall deliver to the other party a textual copy of its statements, allegations and proofs when the originals thereof are submitted to the arbitrator.
Within sixty days counted from the day on which the last of the parties presented the statement of its cause, in conformity with Article 4, each party shall have the right to present a written reply to the allegations of the other party. A copy of that reply shall be delivered to the other at the time of being presented to the arbitrator.
Within thirty days following the termination of the sixty days’ period mentioned in Article 6, the parties may present oral or written arguments to the arbitrator, summarizing the proofs and arguments produced in the statements but no additional evidence shall be presented except at the request of the arbitrator.
Each Government shall have the right to exhibit all documents pertaining to the subject matter of the arbitration, and the original documents or copies certified by a notary or public officials, whatever may be their character and to request the production of such documents by the other party.
The arbitrator shall have authority to establish such rules of procedure as he may deem opportune and conducive to the success of the arbitral proceeding, always provided that they do not contradict the bases laid down in the protocol of arbitration.
The tribunal shall keep a record of its proceedings. The two Governments shall assign to the Tribunal such amanuenses, interpreters and employees as may be necessary. The Tribunal is authorized to administer oaths to witnesses and to take evidence on oath.
The decision of the Tribunal shall be given within a period of sixty days following the termination of the thirty days’ period mentioned in Article 7. The decision, when made, shall be forthwith communicated to the Governments at Guatemala and Washington. It shall be accepted as final and binding upon the two Governments.
Each Government shall pay its own expenses and one-half of the common expenses of the arbitration.
The amount granted by the award, if any, shall be payable in gold coin of the United States at the Department of State, Washington, within one year after the rendition of the decision by the tribunal, with interest at six per centum per annum, beginning to run one month after the rendition of the decision.
The honorarium and emoluments of the arbitrator shall be as agreed upon in previous correspondence.

I avail myself [etc.]

Arthur H. Geissler
[Page 164]
[Enclosure 2—Translation]

The Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aguirre Velásquez) to the American Minister (Geissler)

No. 11429

Mr. Minister: Referring to previous correspondence between the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Legation of the United States regarding the claim of P. W. Shufeldt against the Government of Guatemala, espoused by the Government of the United States, I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that my Government accepts with pleasure the text proposed in the note of Your Excellency and which contains the two aspects of the question to be decided by the Chief Justice of British Honduras as arbitrator, the text thereof being as follows:

[Here follows text of question to be submitted to the arbitrator, as quoted in note No. 96, November 2, 1929, from the American Minister in Guatemala to the Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs, printed supra.]

The Government of Guatemala likewise accepts the procedure to be followed before the tribunal for the presentation of the case, its decision and discussion and the payment of the indemnification, if such be adjudged, and which is contained in the following points:—

[Here follows text of procedure as set forth in note No. 96, November 2, 1929, from the American Minister in Guatemala to the Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs, printed supra.]

I avail myself [etc.]

Ed. Aguirre V.
  1. Not printed.