500.A15a3/393: Telegram

The Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton) to the Secretary of State


325. Department’s No. 294, November 12, 5 p.m. I have been informally advised by the Foreign Office that your aide-mémoire handed to the Japanese Ambassador in Washington has been read with considerable satisfaction, and that Great Britain will follow the same line with reference to Japan’s; wish for a cruiser ratio of 10–10–7, although it will not take any action which might give rise to suspicion of any Anglo-American agreement against Japan.

I have been asked by newspaper reporters for comment on the story which appeared in the Tokyo press today to the effect that, as the result of the Anglo-American naval agreement, Japan’s desire for a cruiser ratio of 10–10–7 had been turned down. In reply I stated that I had no knowledge of Anglo-American conversations but could give assurances that the Anglo-American discussions would not in any way impinge upon the work of the Naval Disarmament Conference since this agreement is concerned exclusively with parity in naval strength between Great Britain and the United States.
