710.1012 Washington/38

The Chargé in Haiti (Gross) to the Secretary of State

No. 1013

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s Despatch No. 818, dated April 4 [14], 1928,84 informing the Legation of the favorable action taken by the Republics represented at the Sixth International Conference of American States on the question of obligatory arbitration for the pacific settlement of international differences, and instructing the Legation to inform the Government of Haiti of the suggestion of the United States Government to invite the other Governments of the Pan-American Union to send delegates to a conference of conciliation and arbitration, suggested to be held in Washington on December 10, 1928, to draft a convention for the realization of this principle.

In reply I have the honor to inform the Department that President Borno has informed me verbally that he would be pleased to appoint delegates should such a conference take place for the purposes suggested; that the delegates could be instructed beforehand; but stated that he could not be certain this far ahead that Haitian Jurisconsults would be available as delegates.

In compliance with the request contained in the last paragraph of the Department’s instruction, I have the honor to inform the Department that President Borno has expressed himself to me verbally as in favor not only of the principle of arbitration of juridical questions, but also in favor of the arbitration of questions involving national honor.

I have [etc.]

C. Gross
  1. See footnote 66, p. 621.