- List of Papers
- Colombia:
- Costa Rica:
- Boundary dispute with Panama. (See Volume I, General.)
- Cuba:
- Proposal by Cuba that the commercial convention between the United States and Cuba, signed December 11, 1902, be revised
- Convention between the United States and Cuba for the prevention of smuggling of intoxicating liquors, signed March 4, 1926
- Convention between the United States and Cuba for the suppression of smuggling, signed March 11, 1926
- Consular convention between the United States and Cuba, signed April 22, 1926
- Additional extradition treaty between the United States and Cuba, signed January 14, 1926.
- Disinclination of the United States to conclude a trade marks convention with Cuba as proposed by the Cuban Government
- Dominican Republic:
- Consent by the United States to the emission of bond issue of $10,000,000 by the Dominican Government
- Boundary dispute with Haiti. (See Volume I, General.)
- Ecuador:
- Egypt:
- Estonia:
- France:
- Efforts to obtain ratification of debt agreement between the United States and France, signed April 29, 1926
- Failure of effort of the American Government to secure agreement with the French Government on a naturalization treaty
- Failure of the United States to secure a convention with France relating to letters rogatory
- Efforts to reach an understanding with France for reciprocal recognition of American and French legislation regarding inspection of vessels
- Exemption of American business firms in Madagascar from payment of special taxes
- Precautions by the United States for the safety of Americans during the Syrian insurrection
- Germany:
- Insistence of the United States on its rights to priority payments for costs of army of occupation under the agreement of January 14, 1925
- Rejection by arbitrators of claim of the Standard Oil Company to the D. A. P. G. tankers
- Policy of the Department of State regarding American bankers’ loans to German states and municipalities
- Objection by the Department of State to proposed loan by Lee, Higginson & Company to the German Potash Syndicate
- Great Britain:
- Claims of American citizens against Great Britain arising out of the war, 1914–1918
- Claim of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey against the British Government for the destruction of property in Rumania in 1916
- Cooperation of the British Government with the American Government to prevent liquor smuggling into the United States
- Efforts by the United States to obtain for American rubber manufacturers relief from British restrictions on the export of raw rubber
- Continued negotiations to ensure recognition of the principle of the Open Door in the Turkish Petroleum Company’s concession in Iraq
- Greece:
- Guatemala:
- Haiti:
- Temporary withdrawal of United States war vessels from Haitian waters because of presidential election
- Visit of President Borno of Haiti to the United States
- Agreement between the United States and Haiti according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed July 8, 1926
- Commercial convention between France and Haiti, signed July 29, 1926
- Promise by the United States not to raise certain objections to the claims agreement between France and Haiti, signed June 12, 1925
- Support by the United States of Haitian refusal to arbitrate with France the question of paying interest in gold on gold loan of 1910
- Boundary dispute with the Dominican Republic. (See Volume I, General.)
- Honduras:
- Italy:
- Japan:
- Latvia:
- Liberia:
- Mexico:
- Representations by the United States against Mexican agrarian and petroleum legislation
- Representations by the United States against the orders of June 8 and August 24, 1926, relative to provisional permits to drill oil wells
- Reservation by the United States of the rights of American citizens which may be affected by the Mexican law of colonization of April 5, 1926
- Reservation by the United States of the rights of American citizens which may be affected by the Mexican decree of April 8, 1926, regarding the restitution and dotation of waters
- Good offices of the Department of State in behalf of American citizens adversely affected by Mexican religious legislation
- Renewed negotiations for a settlement of the dispute over the Rio Grande boundary
- Morocco:
- Netherlands:
- Nicaragua:
- Norway:
- Panama:
- Unperfected treaty between the United States and Panama for settlement of points of difference, signed July 28, 1926
- Proposals by Panama to modify the unperfected treaty between the United States and Panama, signed July 28, 1926
- Claims convention between the United States and Panama, signed July 28, 1926
- Boundary dispute with Costa Rica. (See Volume I, General.)
- Paraguay:
- Proposed treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between the United States and Paraguay
- Boundary dispute with Bolivia. (See Volume I, General.)
- Persia:
- Peru:
- Boundary dispute with Colombia. (See Volume I, General.)
- Tacna-Arica question. (See Volume I, General.)
- Portugal:
- Rumania:
- Russia:
- Salvador:
- Spain:
- Switzerland:
- Turkey:
- Efforts by the Department of State to obtain ratification of the general treaty between the United States and Turkey, signed at Lausanne, August 6, 1923
- Agreements between the United States and Turkey according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed February 18 and July 20, 1926
- Participation of the High Commissioner in Turkey in collective note requesting exemption of diplomatic and consular officers from consumption and other special taxes
- Index