882.6176 F 51/7: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Clerk in Charge of the Legation at Monrovia (Wall)
1. Your January 2, 3 p.m.12 Firestone telephones Department from Akron that he is telegraphing his agents in Liberia and also President King that contracts are on way and he hopes legislative action may be taken as soon as they arrive. He believes that contracts will meet President’s approval and is very anxious that matter be settled as he desires to begin work.
Firestone says he has information that British interests are becoming active in opposition and that proposed act changing Customs Tariff may be part of their propaganda. If so requested Legation may give appropriate support to the American interests concerned. Please show this telegram in strict confidence to De la Rue who has [Page 405] often discussed proposed contracts with President King. Hood sailing immediately.13