
The Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Chilton)

Sir: I beg to inform you that the War Department is contemplating a flight around the world of five aeroplanes leaving the United States about April 1, 1924 and completing the circuit in the early autumn. It is proposed to divide the flight into five divisions, assigning one advance officer to each division of the route and a sixth advance officer to coordinate all the divisions by travelling over the entire route. The Embassy at London has been instructed to bring this project to the attention of His Majesty’s Government,90a at the same time requesting permission for the advance officers to cross British territory as outlined in the tentative route, requesting permission for the flight to cross British territory, and to land at such points on British territory as may be subsequently agreed upon. The Embassy was further directed to request the waiver of any special restrictions in regard to aerial photography except insofar as they related to fortifications or such other areas as might be specified.

The following is the tentative itinerary of the flight:

[Page 232]
Washington, D. C. Aomori (Honshu) Japan 245 miles
Dayton, Ohio 400 miles Tokyo, Japan 410 miles
St. Joseph, Missouri or Fort Cook, Nebraska 560–675 miles Nagasaki, Japan 610 miles
Chemulpo (Jinsen) 440 miles
Cheyenne, Wyoming 500–455 miles Tsingtau (Shantung) China 350 miles
Salt Lake City, Utah 400 miles Shanghai (Woosung) China 350 miles
Seattle, Washington 770 miles Amoy, China 555 miles
Prince Rupert, British Columbia 650 miles Hongkong 300 miles
Haipong, French Indo-China 500 miles
Sitka, Alaska 300 miles Tourane, French Indo-China 395 miles
Cordova, Alaska 475 miles Saigon, French Indo-China 530 miles
Seward, Alaska 135 miles Bangkok, Siam 675 miles
Chignik, Alaska 450 miles Rangoon, Burma 450 miles
Akutan or Dutch Harbor, Unalaska 380–400 miles Akyab, Burma 445 miles
Calcutta, India 400 miles
Hazan, Island of Atka 350 miles Allahabad, India 475 miles
Chicagoff, Island of Attu 530 miles Delhi, India 380 miles
Paramushiru Island (Kuriles) 878 miles Multan, India 425 miles
Karachi, India 475 miles
Bettobu, Yetorofu (Kuriles) 495 miles Charbar, Persia 395 miles
Akkeshie (Yezo) Japan 250 miles Bandar Abbas, Persia 330 miles
Bushire, Persia 400 miles Thorshavn, Faroe Islands 275 miles
Bagdad (Mesopotamia) 475 miles Baykjaviki, Iceland 550 miles
Aleppo, Syria 480 miles Angmagsalik, Greenland 500 miles
Konia, Turkey 285 miles Avigtut, Greenland 500 miles
San Stefano, Turkey91 300 miles Rigolet, Labrador (Indian Harbor) 700 miles
Belgrade, Yugoslavia 525 miles
Vienna, Austria 340 miles Mingan, Quebec 525 miles
Strassbourg, France 400 miles Quebec, Quebec 450 miles
Paris, France 250 miles Montreal, Quebec 175 miles
London, England 225 miles Keyport, New Jersey 400 miles
Hull, England 155 miles Washington, D. C. 200 miles
Kirkwall, Orkney Islands 370 miles

The Chief of the Air Service is desirous of sending Lieutenant Clayton Bissell over the proposed route of the projected flight through British Columbia from Victoria to Prince Rupert as soon after January 1, 1924 as the weather will permit, the purpose of his trip being to make all necessary arrangements in connection with the flight relative to supplies, transportation facilities, et cetera.

I should greatly appreciate it if you would be so good as to inform me whether or not Lieutenant Bissell’s trip would be agreeable to the Dominion Authorities.

Accept [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
William Phillips
  1. Telegram no. 385, infra.
  2. On Dec. 29 the Legations in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia and the High Commissioner at Constantinople were informed that the itinerary had been changed to “San Stefano to Bucharest to Belgrade.”