The Italian Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Manchester, Mass., July 17, 1906.
Mr. Secretary of State: By your note No. 381, of the 14th instant, your excellency was pleased to assure me that the Department of State would transmit to the Royal embassy all the information reaching it in regard to the steps taken to the end of removing the evils caused by the relations between the Italian laborers and the Spruce Pine Carolina Company. You forwarded at the same time a copy of a letter from his excellency the governor of the State of Virginia in regard to the sad incident that took place on the 14th of May last at Marion, Va.
While hastening to express my thanks for your courteous communication, I have the honor to inform your excellency that upon examination of the papers in the case I find that the note of the Royal embassy [Page 929] erroneously ascribes the incident of the 14th of May to Marion, Va. The place bearing the same name is in the State of North Carolina. In view of the urgency of the case, I though it best to correct the error by a telegrama sent you to-day.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew with greater earnestness my urgent request to your excellency that nothing be omitted to bring about the measures called for, in the name of law and equity, in connection with the sad occurence at Marion, N. C. Two months and more have now passed since two Italians were killed, several injured, and others arrested without apparent cause, and this Royal embassy has no knowledge of any step taken by the proper judicial authority in the action demanded by the circumstances. The reports received at this embassy, extracts from which I already have had occasion to transmit to your excellency, make it appear that the Italians were attacked by armed citizens, for the greater part employees of the Carolina company, led—an even more grave circumstance—by a sheriff or one of his deputies. There is thus far no record of any legal action, and in the meanwhile a number of Italians—so at least say the investigating officials—are detained in jail, with no offense charged against them.
Trusting that your excellency will take to heart the wish expressed anew in this note, and awaiting an early and favorable answer, I avail myself of this opportunity to tender to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurances, etc.,
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