No. 99.
Mr. Hall to
Mr. Bayard.
Guatemala, February 23, 1888. (Received March 16.)
Sir: In answer to your instruction No. 510 of the 25th ultimo, received on the 16th instant, I have the honor to inclose translations of the telegrams exchanged with Señor Zelaya, minister for foreign affairs of Honduras, relating to the nationality of Vivorilla Key, lying off the coast of that Republic.
It would seem that the Government had to apply to the governor of the coast department of Colon for information; he replied that the key is in the jurisdiction of Honduras, and that it is situate 33 miles to the north of the mouth of the “Coratzca” lagoon, which lies near to the coast and not far from the Nicaraguan frontier. The name of the lagoon is no doubt incorrectly given in the telegram; in some maps the name is “Catargo,” and in others “Cataraca.” I imagine there can be no doubt but that the key belongs to Honduras.
Upon receipt of the minister’s telegram of the 21st I cabled the following to the Department:
Minister for foreign affairs of Honduras telegraphs, Vivorilla Key within the jurisdiction of Honduras.
I have, etc.,
- The name of the lagoon is no doubt incorrectly transmitted. On some maps the name is “Catargo” and on others Cataraca.↩