No. 76.

United States of America,
Department of State.

To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

I certify that the paper hereto annexed is a correct copy of the Statement furnished by the Acting Superintendent of the Census, of the returns of the Ninth Census, from the “disputed” Islands in the County of Whatcom, Territory of Washington. In testimony whereof, I, Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State of the United States, have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-ninth day of March, A. D. 1872, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-sixth.


Abstract of the returns at the Ninth Census, from thedisputed” islands in the County of Whatcom, Territory of Washington.[119]The population of the Haro archipelago more than two-thirds American.

Names of islands. Aggregate number of males, 21 years of age and upwards. Males 21 years of age and upwards, born in the United States. Males 21 years of age and upwards, born in foreign countries, but claiming to be citizens of the United States. Males 21 years of age and upwards, born in Great Britain and Ireland, not claiming to be citizens of the United States. Males 21 years of age and upwards, born in foreign countries other than Great Britain and Ireland, not claiming to be citizens of the United States.
Blakeley 1 1
Decatur 4 2 2
Henry 1 1
Lopez 23 5 12 4 2
Orcas 52 26 9 16 1
San Juan, excluding the English and American garrisons. (b)96 21 35 26 (b)14
Shaw’s (a)1 (a)1
Speidan 1 1
Stewat’s (a)1 (a)1
Waldron 4 4
Total 184 62 58 47 17


A. Photograph of Map of de Haro. 1790. (See page 17.)

B. Photograph of Map of Eliza. 1791. (See page 17.)

C. Photograph of Map of Vancouver. 1798. (See page 15.)

D. Photograph of Map of Galiano and Valdes. 1802. (See page 17.)

E. Photograph of Map of Duflot de Mofras. 1844 (See page 15.)

F. Photograph of Map of Wilkes. 1845. (See page 11.)

G. Photograph of Map of W. Sturgis. 1845. (See page 9.)

[Page 190]

H. Lithograph of U. S. Coast Survey Map of Washington Sound and Approaches. (See end of the volume.)

J. Lithograph of Map of de Haro. 1790. (See end of the volume.)

K. Lithograph of Map of Eliza. 1791. (See end of the volume.)

L. Lithograph of Spanish Chart published in 1795. (See end of the volume.)

M. Cross Sections of Haro and Rosario Channels. (See page 130.)

N. Sketch to illustrate the route of the vessels of the Hudson’s Bay Company. (See page 126.)

O. Copy of Map H, with a blue line drawn southerly from the center of the Gulf of Georgia in latitude 49°; with red lines to show the channels through Haro northward; and a yellow line to show the so-called Rosario Channel. (See end of the volume.)

  1. Including 2 Chinese.
  2. Including 2 Chinese.
  3. Indian.
  4. Indian.
  5. Indian.
  6. Indian.