
Prince Gortchacou to Mr. de Stoeckl

Sir: The mission intrusted by the Congress of the United States of America to Mr. Fox, Under-Secretary, of State, has met a reception by the imperial court, the public, and I may say, the Russian nation, which you have already been able to appreciate, from the notices in the public journals.

I need not dwell on these manifestations of the mutual sympathy between the two countries. It reveals itself in full light; it is one of the most interesting facts of our time, a consolatory fact in face of the recent complications which have just awakened in old Europe sentiments of hate, of ambition, of rivalry, bloody struggles, appeals to force, so little in harmony with the progress of humanity—a fact which sows between two great people, almost between two continents, the seeds of mutual good-will and friendship which will bear fruit, become traditional, and inaugurate between them relations founded on a real spirit of Christian civilization.

In a letter which our august master addresses to the President of the United States—and which I request you to transmit to its destination—his Imperial Majesty begs Mr. Johnson to convey to Congress the assurance of the sentiments which he has already expressed to Mr. Fox, I annex hereto a copy* of the letter for your information.

[Page 384]

You will, sir, express yourself to the same effect, both to the President and to the members of the federal government, as well as to other influential personages.

In face of a movement of national sympathy so spontaneous on both sides, the task of the governments is simply to fall in with the current, to promote it, and to direct it in actual practice to the good of both countries. In this aim we count upon the co-operation of the federal government, as it may count upon ours.

The Emperor has been most favorably impressed by Mr. Fox. The tact with which he. has acquitted himself of his mission has been highly appreciated in our official circles, as well as by the public of all classes with which he has come in contact, and he has been ably seconded by the distinguished personnel who accompanied’ him. It would have been difficult to commit to better hands the measure of cordial courtesy prescribed by Congress.

You are directed to bear witness to this sentiment.

Receive, &c, &c,


Mr. De Stoeckl, &c., &c., &c.

  1. For this endosare see Diplomatic Correspondence. 1866, vol. 1, page 416.