Mr. Seward to Mr. de Geofroy
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 27th ultimo, in regard to the arrangements made by the imperial government for opening at Paris, in the year 1867, a universal exhibition of the productions of agriculture, manufactures, and the fine arts.
I have the honor to inform you that I have conveyed to the minister for foreign affairs of his Imperial Majesty, through Mr. Bigelow, the minister of the United States at Parise the reply of this government to the very courteous invitation contained in your note.
A copy of my instruction to Mr. Bigelow, which bears the date of the 5th [Page 358] instant,* is enclosed for your information; and I have the honor to acquaint you that the correspondence which has taken place on the subject will be immediately made public.
Accept, sir, a renewed assurance of my highest consideration.
Mr. L. de Geofroy, &c., &c., &c.
- See instructions No. 105 to Mr. Bigelow, current series.↩