77. Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between President Nixon and the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1

P: Hello.

K: Mr. President.

P: Hi, Henry.

K: I just want you to know we have heard from Saigon and they have caved about 2/3 of the way. So now we need another 24 hours to make them come the rest of the way. Whitehouse thinks I should go over tonight as long as we told them that I am going to sign tomorrow and then they will have to yield by the time I get there.

P: Well, that sounds all right. In other words, just launch it out.

K: They have already given in on most of the way. Another possibility is to ask for 24 hours, but I am afraid Hanoi will break off.

P: You can ask for that when you are over there better than here.

[Page 326]

K: We would have to ask for the 24 hour delay today.

P: Oh, I meant—well, you know the situation better than I. But I think going over is a good idea, then if the darn thing doesn’t come through just handle it from there.

K: There is an 80%–90% chance that it will come through. I just talked to Charlie Whitehouse and he thinks it is as good as done.

[Omitted here is discussion unrelated to Vietnam.]

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Henry A. Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts, Box 20, Chronological File. No classification marking.