65. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations 1

209450. Subj: Withdrawal From Committee of 24. Ref: USUN 3537.2

Dept concurs in recommendation ref tel. Believes suggestion of letter to Pres of GA in early January more consistent with objectives not have repercussions on important issues and allow time prepare detailed guidance to field on announcement.
Mission may discuss with UKUN and Australian Mission this decision immediately with appropriate cautions as to intended timing of announcement. As for other Comite members, Dept believes selected ASAF’s and others should be “informed” rather than consulted so as avoid problems which arose 1967/68 when nature US presentation of decision had appearance of consultations and allowed others talk us into giving Comite another chance. In all cases, except for UK and Australia, Dept believes notification or discussion should not take place until just prior date public announcement. Dept will also inform Puerto Rico.
Dept would appreciate Mission recommendations as to delegations, in addition to non-bloc members of Comite, which should be informed in advance. Dept also would appreciate Mission recommendations as to exact timing with particular view to presence in New York after end of GA of reps to whom info might be given.
Dept will wish coordinate further with Mission on nature of presentation to ASAF’s and others both at UN and in field.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 19 UN. Confidential. Drafted by Samuel R. Peale; cleared by Morris Rothenberg, Daniel Goott, Margaret J. Tibbetts, Walker, Peter C, Assistant Secretary Newsom, Robert T. Curran, George N. Monsma, Louise McNutt, Heller (Interior), Assistant Secretary De Palma, and Alexander Haig; and approved by the Under Secretary. A December 24 memorandum from Winston Lord of the National Security Council Staff to Haig noted that “if our UN Mission and State both believe that withdrawing from the committee would have no serious adverse effect in the UN or elsewhere, it should not be an outlandishly hawkish action. Also, the cable has high level clearance—Irwin, De Palma, and Newsom—and we were prepared to take this step two years ago.” Lord expressed concern about whether withdrawing from a UN committee might set an unfavorable precedent should another nation, such as the Soviet Union, withdraw from a committee considered important by the United States. (Ibid., Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Agency Files, Box 299, USUN, Vol. V)
  2. Document 63.