277. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands1

139182. Subject: Chirep and Korea at 24th UNGA. Ref: A. The Hague 3107;2 B. CA–10681, 9/6/68.3

Chirep: At moment we assume Chirep issue will follow traditional pattern, i.e. Important Question and Albanian-type resolutions (with or without Study Committee proposal). While we do not rule out possible new initiatives or some shifts in attitudes as result developments since last year—such as Canadian and Italian moves toward recognition of Peking and intensification Sino-Soviet conflict—we have no evidence anyone planning anything new. Since Netherlands was once co-sponsor (1967) of unsuccessful study committee proposal, you [Page 487] might discreetly sound out intentions this year as well as any word they may have received from Belgians or Italians. We would of course appreciate continuing Netherlands support for IQ Res and at minimum another abstention on Albanian Res. US position on all three reses remains unchanged. (See Ref B.)
Korea: Since supporters of North Korea have inscribed usual item calling for withdrawal of UN forces from Korea, we will wish UNCURK to submit its report early Sept to UNGA, rather than SYG, so that it will be inscribed on agenda. Although our preference was to avoid debate (and 1968 UNCURK Res was designed to make it possible) inscription of hostile item has made usual debate inevitable. Our position on this issue also remains unchanged. We expect debate and outcome similar to last year.
You will receive shortly annual circular airgram outlining US position on issues likely to arise in GA, including Chirep and Korea.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, UN 3 GA. Confidential. Drafted by Long; cleared by McNutt, Thomas E. McNamara, Shoesmith, and Brynhild C. Rowberg; and approved by Gleysteen. Repeated to USUN, Seoul, and Taipei.
  2. Not printed. (Ibid.)
  3. This airgram described issues expected to be considered by the 23rd regular session of the UN General Assembly. (Ibid., UN 22–2 GA)