119. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1

9. Subj: SC Meeting in Africa. Ref: State 225987;2 USUN 5242;3 USUN 5254.;4

USUN has received informal note from SC Pres Farah (Somalia) informing us that he intends to begin consultations on issue of request of OAU re holding of meetings of SC in an African capital beginning January 6 am.
Department will recall that Farah had raised question of SC meeting in Africa during SC debate on SR and had at one point insisted on early SC decision. No decision, however, had been taken in waning hours of 1971. In addition, Department will recall that Crowe (UK) has suggested possibility of recommending that SC create subcomite to study question in detail. Understand that once consultations begun UKUN will formally make suggestion to SC Pres.
Understand that Secretariat has prepared two estimates relating specifically to SC meeting in Senegal. Estimates based on fact that Secretariat has sent a team to Dakar to study situation for approximately a week. Estimates, however, will not surface unless somebody specifically requests detailed estimates. Understand that one estimate is for about $100,000, which would include absence of summary records and other services normally provided for when SC meets; and other totalling $250,000, which would take into account having verbatim or at least summary records.
USUN considers that UK suggestion for subcomite to study proposed trip is valid. Believe therefore we should support this move if it proposed. In addition, assume instructions contained Deptel still valid for purposes of consultations with Farah. Would appreciate any additional guidance Department may have.5
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 3 SC. Limited Official Use; Priority. Repeated to Addis Ababa.
  2. Dated December 15, 1971. (Ibid.)
  3. Dated December 29, 1971. (Ibid., POL 16 RHOD/UN)
  4. Dated December 30, 1971. (Ibid., UN 3 SC)
  5. On January 5 the Department advised Bush that proponents of a Security Council meeting in Africa should carefully study the financial and logistical problems as well as timing. The OAU headquarters in Addis Ababa seemed to be the most appropriate site for a meeting. The Mission should support formation of a subcommittee to study the meeting unless the idea would isolate the United States. (Telegram 2022 to USUN, January 5; ibid.)