161. Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Johnson1


  • DR Situation

Ellsworth Bunker reports that Garcia Godoy is making slow but continuing progress in persuading the Army and Air Force Chiefs to step down. In talks yesterday, Army Chief Martinez Arana indicated his willingness to retire rather than to accept a post on the Armed Forces General Staff, as Garcia Godoy had offered. Air Chief de los Santos is still holding out, but his confidence may have been shaken. Behind Garcia Godoyʼs progress has been his success in winning the support of an important group of ranking officers who are far-sighted enough to see that the interest of the Armed Forces are better served by meeting Garcia Godoyʼs wishes rather than by risking a clash.

Talks with the two Chiefs are continuing this morning. Ellsworth, as of noon, did not have a reading on how they had gone. Garcia Godoy cancelled his radio-TV speech last night in the hopes that he can go on [Page 374] the air tonight and announce that the problem of the Chiefs has been resolved. Ellsworth is not at all sure that he will be able to do this.

Garcia Godoy told Ellsworth last night that he will shortly be taking additional measures to improve the electoral climate. He mentioned:

A request to the Supreme Court to replace extremist judges.
Removal of some governmental legal functionaries, including prosecuting attorneys.
A request to the OAS Electoral Commission to return to the DR and remain during the electoral period (March 1–June 1).

As we approach the start of electoral period, our [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] FBI sources in Santo Domingo are picking up an increasing number of reports that Bosch would like to see the elections postponed for several months because of what he describes as the existing state of political insecurity. We have also received several reports that Garcia Godoy would be interested in a plebiscite to extend the life of the Provisional Government for a couple of years, believing that neither Bosch nor Balaguer could provide stability. It is very likely that Bosch would like to have more time in which to recoup some of his losses. We have nothing directly from Garcia Godoy, but as he sees his term drawing to a close, he may be thinking that the taste of power is not so bad after all.

McG. B. 2
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Dominican Republic, Vol. XIV, 1/66–4/66. Secret.
  2. Printed from a copy that bears these typed initials.