282. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

210875. 1. FYI. Following oil meeting Kuwait June 11, both Aramco and Gulf have separately brought to Dept’s attention producing countries’ appeal that USG take strong position to keep Israelis from gaining any territory in the present situation.2 Company reps were told Dept would give full consideration producing countries’ views. Company reps indicated they would inform host governments of their approaches to us.

2. Dept believes direct USG response to host governments as result this approach through oil companies would be inappropriate. However, if you believe would be useful you may give host governments following oral comments re USG position without in any way indicating statement prompted by oil companies’ approach. End FYI.

3. In connection problems growing out of recent Arab-Israel hostilities, you may call attention addressee governments to long-standing USG support for territorial integrity and political independence of all states of the Near East. This position was re-stated by President Johnson today.3 The USG desires the maintenance of friendly ties with all the countries of the region. In our view it is of the first importance for all to take steps now to assure that there is an end to the periodic hostilities and the state of belligerency which have marked Near Eastern history in the last two decades. The USG is fully prepared to join the other states to work for lasting arrangements which will serve permanently to reduce tensions in this region.

4. For Dhahran. Please inform Brougham of foregoing.

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5. For Kuwait. Gulf representative Law reports that Lee will shortly inform GOK of companies’ approach to us. Your discretionary use of foregoing applies after Lee has informed Kuwaitis.

6. In addition foregoing, addressees may, of course, draw on President Johnson’s comment at his press conference June 13.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27 ARAB–ISR. Secret. Drafted by Brewer on June 12; cleared by Battle, Solomon, and Director of the Office of Fuels and Energy John G. Oliver; and approved by Eugene Rostow. Also sent to Kuwait and repeated to Dhahran and London.
  2. Concerning these approaches, see Foreign Relations, 1964–1968, vol. XXXIV, Document 240.
  3. At President Johnson’s June 13 news conference, a reporter referred to his May 23 statement reaffirming the U.S. commitment to the territorial and political integrity of every nation in the Middle East (see Document 49) and asked how he was going to honor that commitment. He replied: “That is our policy. It will continue to be our policy. How it will be effectuated will be determined by the events of the days ahead. It will depend a good deal upon the nations themselves, what they have to say and what their views are, what their proposals are after they have expressed them.” (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1967, Book I, p. 612)