258. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations0

1761. Eyes only Stevenson and McCloy. Confirming McCloy-Johnson telcon,1 following is text of proposed US letter to SYG which you are authorized to discuss with Kuznetsov:

“In the period since the last meeting of the Security Council on the Cuban crisis, I am pleased to report that considerable progress has been made in relieving the tension which arose between the Soviet Union and the United States in connection with the introduction of certain offensive weapons in the island of Cuba.

In this connection, for the Council’s record, I am transmitting true copies of the President’s letters of October 27 and October 28. Other statements relating to the United States position in this matter are contained in a White House press statement dated October 27, and in the President’s opening remarks at his press conference on November 20, 1962.

The President of the United States has asked me to express to you his hope that the steps taken by the two governments in this matter may lead to further constructive efforts on the part of the United States and the Soviet Union to adjust the differences between them.

My Government is also grateful to you for your own part in assisting both parties to find the means to avert the serious threat to the peace which the Cuban situation then entailed.

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In view of the present situation, my Government, which originally requested the Cuban item to be placed on the Security Council agenda, believes it need not further occupy the Council’s attention at this time.”

If Kuznetsov rejects foregoing formulation, you are authorized subsequently to propose to Kuznetsov the following text of a proposed joint letter to the SYG:

“On behalf of our respective Governments, we desire to express to you our appreciation for your efforts in assisting the Soviet and United States Governments to avert the serious threat to the peace which arose in connection with the Cuban situation.

While our Governments regret that it has not been possible fully to resolve all of the problems that have arisen in connection with this affair, they believe that, in view of the considerable progress that has been made, it is no longer necessary for this item to be retained upon the agenda of the Security Council.”

Alternatively, the substance of the foregoing joint letter could be incorporated into separate letters by US and Soviet representatives.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.56361/12-2862. Confidential; Priority. Drafted and approved by U. Alexis Johnson, cleared by Martin, Cleveland, Thompson, Rusk, and in substance with President Kennedy.
  2. No other record of this telephone conversation has been found.