745A.5/12–1352: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Bowles) to the Department of State
2433. During conversation with Mills and Wilkins yesterday Ind Foreign Sec R. K. Nehru stated for info of Emb that Ind Amb in Wash had been instructed by mail Dec 3 to approach Dept re extension military assistance to SoAfr by US.
Nehru said GOI was deeply concerned to learn from SoAfr Union Govt Gazette of Oct 17, 1952 that US and SAG had concluded agmt [Page 981] providing for 40 million pounds sterling in procurement of milit equipment in US. Nehru said GOI understood agreement contained two undertakings: (1) asst furnished wld be used to further intl peace and security under UN Charter; (2) milit equipment supplied by US “will be used solely to maintain internal security”.
Nehru recalled GOI approached USG 9 months ago on racial question in South Africa to which USG replied in effect that USG did not consider it desirable to make démarche to SAG.1 After that UN considered matter and recently passed res that South Africa racial policy was likely to endanger world peace.
GOI was deeply concerned that milit asst to SoAfr (might be used) against groups opposed to SAG’s racial policies and wld thus intensify racial conflict. In that sense US-SAG agmt and UN action wld seem to be at odds with each other.
Mills told Nehru he wld inform Dept of his remarks and that Ind Amb planned approach Dept along foregoing lines.