
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Secretary of State


820. Re Marshallese petition. USUN has received copy second AP story on effect H-bomb Marshall Islanders, which quotes Dwight Heine, as spokesman and as one of authors of petition, as regretting failure US to put Marshall Islander on TCDel this year when presence NY particularly important. While USUN appreciates reasons for decision on composition TCDel this year, AP story written in way which will evoke public sympathy with Heine’s position. New York Times story criticizing US on this point killed temporarily.

Under these circumstances USUN and TCDel Strongly urge that Department’s concerned reconsider inclusion Marshall Islander on Del. Suggest that competent person from among signers of petition, such as Heine, be added to delegation with understanding that when petition [Page 1500] considered he would be released from delegation to speak for petitioners.

Recognize that no request for oral hearing yet made but this could be precipitated.

In view absence budgetary provisions for indigenous member TCDel this year, suggest AEC financing be requested if funds not otherwise available.1

  1. Dwight Heine, Marshallese petitioner, was subsequently appointed to the U.S. Delegation.