763.72119/2890: Telegram

The Minister in Greece ( Droppers ) to the Acting Secretary of State

623. I have received lately and especially on Thanksgiving Day innumerable petitions from Greeks for the redemption of their fellow countrymen from foreign governments, especially the Greeks in northern Epirus and the Dodecanese, from the Bulgarian in Thrace, and from Turkish in especially the Smyrna district. Most of these petitions in the original Greek, but regard the first two requests as wholly justified, inasmuch as population is largely Greek, and almost solidly so in the Dodecanese. As to Turkey, I see no solution to this question as France, Italy, England will all have a slice if Greece takes hers, so I much prefer to see the country remain as a unit giving to non-Turkish population every guarantee, and removing police and finance from native hands. For some years we shall have the worst passions let loose in Asia Minor unless we settle question with a single eye to resident population. Colonel House informed.
