763.72119/3132: Telegram

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp ) to the Acting Secretary of State

6414. Following from Saloniki from Sofia with request to repeat to Department:

“Number 5, December 15, 10 a.m. Had audience of hour and half with King yesterday most of it spent in general conversation. He was very cordial and expressed pleasure that United States had sent a diplomatic representative at present critical time. He inquired anxiously as have all persons I have met here what I found the attitude of France towards Bulgaria. It is clearly believed here that while [Page 258] United States, England and Italy will be favorable to Bulgaria or at least not hostile, France will be very decided and favor Yougo-Slavs at Bulgaria’s expense.

His Majesty inquired whether I believed the reports were true that the enemy countries would not be represented Peace Conference but merely called in to ratify decisions concerning themselves arrived at by the allies. He remarked that this hardly seemed in accord with previous statements of the allies and the policy of justice declared by President Wilson; and that decisions reached in this way would never be accepted as final by the states who were not allowed to be represented at conference. Like all others I have met here he referred to the unfair treatment Bulgaria in not being allowed to send agents to Paris to ruin [present?] her case and refute some of the calumnies repeated against her by Greeks, Roumanians and Servians. His Majesty spoke with admiration of President Wilson and the United States and concluded by saying that Bulgaria placed her whole reliance of receiving just treatment in the United States whose attitude has been expressed so fully and clearly by President Wilson. The King expressed some apprehension in regard to Bolshevism but said that he did not especially fear an outbreak in Bulgaria unless it should become epidemic in Europe generally in which case Bulgaria would be attacked like all other countries. He said that he felt the break up of Austria was unfortunate and dangerous and increased the likelihood of dispute and war among the numerous newly created nations. The King struck me as young and boyish, but intelligent and very frank and honest in expression of his views. It is generally understood that he has always been pro-Allied in his sentiments and opposed to the pro-German policy his father the ex-King, by whom however he was entirely cowed. Wilson, Chargé d’Affaires. Horton.”
