No. 270
Mr. Nelson
to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, September 30, 1872. (Received October 17.)
Sir: The pacification of the republic, which, in former dispatches, I have represented as almost complete, has been recently delayed by grave occurrences in the States of Sinaloa and Chihuahua. In the former, the scattered bands of insurgents, under Colonels Cañedo, Doroteo Lopez, and Fortino Vizcaino, effected a junction and appeared suddenly before Mazatlan, obliging General Mores to capitulate with his small garrison.
Porfirio Diaz, after his unsuccessful attempt to impose conditions upon President Lerdo, made his way to Chihuahua, joining General Donato Guerra, in the capital of that State, which has been held by the insurgents since June last. General Guerra was inclined to accept the amnesty, and had sent General Marquez to treat with the government to that end, but the arrival of Porfirio Diaz prevented his carrying out that intention.
Under date of the 23d instant, General Diaz sent to the government his ultimatum, of which the principal points are the promulgation of a more liberal amnesty, the initiation of a constitutional amendment [Page 635] prohibiting the re-election of a President, and further guarantees (not specified) of the freedom of suffrage. President Lerdo telegraphed in reply that the only concession he could make would be to consider Diaz and his forces comprehended in the amnesty of the 27th of July last, which expired more than a month since.
In anticipation of the refusal of Diaz, General Rocha has been ordered to march from Monterey against Chihuahua, and General Caballos has moved from Durango against Mazatlan.
I have, &c.,